Large scale rvr



what a joke....

What are the server crashes telling you ?

Well, it's kinda clear don't even try take relics primetime.....servers aren't up to that :/


haha ... but albs has done it 1 time allrdy ...

this is not a RR .... this is an angry mob ....

dont try to make the alarm clock raid look good


I wonder what happens if ToA hits the shelves as it requires even larger scale warfare...


Originally posted by old.Filip
haha ... but albs has done it 1 time allrdy ...

this is not a RR .... this is an angry mob ....

dont try to make the alarm clock raid look good

yup u did when u fought NPC's all the way. At primetime yes.


To be honest the large scale rvr for whatever reason is a lot of fun :p



why should I try to make them look good when I can make them look as great as they are ?

1, They are doable
2, They gets the job done
3, Makes a change in the gama
4, Reading the flames where ppl take the raid personal is fun


Originally posted by Madkobold

4, Reading the flames where ppl take the raid personal is fun
as if mids would be chill if servers get rerolled due crash? :p
or if albs managed somehow to take relics back today?

tbh think mid population would have dropped by 20% :p


The big difference is ......

there is NO CHANCE AT ALL to defend vs a alarm clock raid...

vs a loggout raid there is little chance ... BUT a chance ..


ahh but it was a log in at alarm clock time raid wasnt it? ;x


Originally posted by phule_gubben
yup u did when u fought NPC's all the way. At primetime yes.

Next time don't wait for perfect groups in order to move up to defend. Oh, and that was said by a mid not me...


Originally posted by old.Filip
haha ... but albs has done it 1 time allrdy ...

this is not a RR .... this is an angry mob ....

dont try to make the alarm clock raid look good

yeah, and an angry mob with an attitude.. an attitude against french ppl imo :p

Some days ago i did a right now thing to goa/mythic bleh.. to ask em a few questions about how come the servers they got for EU are teh worst ever in any kinda game available etc.. whine stuff ya know..

This is their reply:


What is the question please? I cannot give an answer if no questions are asked.

As for the information you listed, I suggest you take more time to gather accurate facts.
- DAoC is the only MMORPG to date able to handle the kind of battles you can see nearly every day in the frontiers with such stability.
- I remind you that we are not only distributing the game in UK but also in France and Germany. We are not only offering very simple servers but complete translation of the game as well as customer support in French, English and German.
- The up time of the European servers is probably among the highest you can find currently. Apart from a few problems, they are nearly always up. However, we are not in control of how the internet is going and you may experience connection problems but this is beyond our control, we never ever came close to filling our bandwidth, by far.
- Should you ask questions or report problems properly, you will receive an answer within 48hours most of the time as announced. Of course, various factors can shorten or lengthen this.

So here again, I ask, what was the question?

Yours sincerely,

- DAoC is the only MMORPG to date able to handle the kind of battles you can see nearly every day in the frontiers with such stability.
And the only game to guarantee an instant ld when it happens in the frontiers...

- I remind you that we are not only distributing the game in UK but also in France and Germany. We are not only offering very simple servers but complete translation of the game as well as customer support in French, English and German.
May I remind them that i frankly dont give a shit about 6months long translations into german etc, cuz them ppl never tried to learn english.... and customer suppert ?! where???? cuz i missed it :p

- The up time of the European servers is probably among the highest you can find currently. Apart from a few problems, they are nearly always up. However, we are not in control of how the internet is going and you may experience connection problems but this is beyond our control, we never ever came close to filling our bandwidth, by far.
You bet.....

- Should you ask questions or report problems properly, you will receive an answer within 48hours most of the time as announced. Of course, various factors can shorten or lengthen this.

Ieeeks, help me im stuck in game and i cant get /stuck or anything to work for me!*voice says*ur petition is noted, plz w8 48hrs*

If you check in all the things that goa offically has said to us they WANT us to group, and they WANT us to "zerg" when doing keeptakes etc, since u cant really take a fkn relic with 1fg :p blalba etc... so.... i ask em ... why cant they buy some genuine gear when all other games can ? ... wtf am i paying for ?? Champagne ??

Well, ehmm......... nice reply.. etc.. blabla.. uhmm...

.... well.... nerf savages tbfh :p


Originally posted by rangerone

May I remind them that i frankly dont give a shit about 6months long translations into german etc, cuz them ppl never tried to learn english....

That attitude is shocking. People should be not allowed to play a game in thier native language or first langauge because it might cause a minor delay for you? I know many people on this server who speak very good English as a second language. Nowhere on the DAOC box or CD case does it say " English language a requirement". To be honest it makes me feel ashamed, so many foreigners speak my language so well, yet I know so little of languages other than my own.

One last point:-
Before you complain about people learning english, I suggest you reread what you have posted.
cuz is not an english word.
u is not an english word.
ur is not an english word.
them people is grammatically incorrect.
Ill stop there.


Originally posted by rangerone

You sent a whine, they blew you out of the water with a sensible reply to something which less tolerant people would have simply ignored, and you post it here not realising how pathetic they make you look. Nice work. Stop whining, play the game, or go away.


I think the whine at GOA is shat tbh, however I woudl take to task the fob off of internet reliablility, they are solely responsible for thier CHOICE of carrier, in this case its Open transit and its sucks gonads.

As for up time, my feckin pecker has more up time than their servers.


Originally posted by quinthar

As for up time, my feckin pecker has more up time than their servers.

either youv got some problem where your glands secrete vast doses of viagra or you dont know what your talking about. US servers are down all teh fukin time, once a week easy. If i could be arsed to find out im willing to bet the uptime is in teh region of 99.5%+ And tbh, compared to trains, buses, hell - HOSPITALS in the UK i think its DAMNED fucking good.

GOA do a fine job imho, they solve (most) of my problems pretty quick and keep teh servers rolling, sure they have problems, but everyone does. They CANT control when some stupid german decides its time to hack a server or whatever it was, they cant POSSIBLY know every security hold in their server software - not that it IS their software mind, thats mythic. GOA just making the best of a worse situatio i rekon.

Think about what you say before you flame GOA mindlessly. And on the subject of servers crashing, ok that sucks donkey ball but there was proably 6-700 people in one pretty small zone when the server went down, i saw over 350 albs there aloen and i dont doubt mids an hibs were there in similar numbers to harm/defend etc...Knowing nothing about the server sw personally i cant say wot rescources theyd need but im imagining its pretty fuckign huge....

anyway, time for bed.


Originally posted by old.Filip
haha ... but albs has done it 1 time allrdy ...

this is not a RR .... this is an angry mob ....

dont try to make the alarm clock raid look good

well a mass zerg logoutraid, doesnt really count as a prime time raid does it.
No other realm on excal can mass 400+ ppl for a relicraid.

The fact is Albion can pop the relic WHENEVER they want, primetime or not by doing what they do best.. ZERG.

The current state is terrible unbalanced population wise.

The only realm as far as i now that has done a really nice raid, is Hibernia.

Also the SPY situation is horrible indeed.

A few weeks ago we massed for a relicraid primetime, 2000 CET 1900 GMT.
A logout raid.

I logged in with my shadowblade, 45minutes ahead of schedule.
And sneaked around every 10 minutes a Avalonian logged in close to the logoutpoint. then logged out again, this continued for 45mins til ppl had started logging in, then the avalonian dissapeared when one careless fella yelled out lfg.

The relic keep har 2-3Fg albs in it even before we even had moved out.
And fg after fg ran towards relic keep. and by the time we got there 5-6 fg´s were there.

This is a known fact, and it sickens me.

I have and am activly reporting people who do anything that resembles cross realming.

Several times has this occured.

Why do you think relic attempts have been so scarse.
because of albions uber alertness or super tactics?

hehe oh dear no.

PPL simply dont feel much for spending hours and hours planning a relicraid getting rams etc just to have it ratted out.

Me included.

I can whole heartedly say i am not very much for morning raids myself.
Nor am i for logout raids.

The latter however may due to the ingame spying be the only way..


Originally posted by ChillyDawg
either youv got some problem where your glands secrete vast doses of viagra or you dont know what your talking about. US servers are down all teh fukin time, once a week easy. If i could be arsed to find out im willing to bet the uptime is in teh region of 99.5%+ And tbh, compared to trains, buses, hell - HOSPITALS in the UK i think its DAMNED fucking good.

GOA do a fine job imho, they solve (most) of my problems pretty quick and keep teh servers rolling, sure they have problems, but everyone does. They CANT control when some stupid german decides its time to hack a server or whatever it was, they cant POSSIBLY know every security hold in their server software - not that it IS their software mind, thats mythic. GOA just making the best of a worse situatio i rekon.

Think about what you say before you flame GOA mindlessly. And on the subject of servers crashing, ok that sucks donkey ball but there was proably 6-700 people in one pretty small zone when the server went down, i saw over 350 albs there aloen and i dont doubt mids an hibs were there in similar numbers to harm/defend etc...Knowing nothing about the server sw personally i cant say wot rescources theyd need but im imagining its pretty fuckign huge....

anyway, time for bed.

Actually yes they should know every hole in the server, there should not be any...

They hold personal information on thier servers, they should be responsible, they are ungoverned, unmoderated and unreliable, unrepentant.

As for a "german" being responsible for server hacks I would not even dare to think who it might be, that would be mindlessly guessing unless you know more than the rest of us??.

We were already told after the last spate of server crashes that code had been changed to ensure it handled the numbers for large scale RVR properly.

Flaming GOA mindlessly?? I think not.

Hit ^_^

Originally posted by herjulf
well a mass zerg logoutraid, doesnt really count as a prime time raid does it.
No other realm on excal can mass 400+ ppl for a relicraid.

maybe you missed it but each time alb has tried a uba zerg raid (like today 300~ ppl in odin secs before crash) the zone has crashed.
the "prime time" raid alb did last time constisted by a far less amount of ppl. still loads but not more then any mid or maybe even hib chould come up whit. only thing this will leed to is more early 7am raids from both sides. and the only mids who's realy earn something out of this is the sb's/hunter's out there wich might bring the infil population down a bit(i hope) as most of the other mid guilds/groups are still to crappy to ever win vs any of the 1fg rvr guild groups. And the few (maybe even only) mid guild who manage to win a fight like that have no problem doing this w/o the relics :)

one thing that is good for all realms about the relics switching places is that maybe ppl start going to hadrians/pennines a bit more and maybe a bit less albs go to emain.


Originally posted by phule_gubben
yup u did when u fought NPC's all the way. At primetime yes.

If you'd have shifted your little asses faster instead of obsessively sitting at Svasud and waiting until you'd formed "perfect" groups, you might not have lost the relics in the first place.


Rangerone just nominated himself for a lifetime achievement award for amazing stupidity.


Originally posted by herjulf
loser talking

So full of shite you are.
Mids and Alb population was very similar (lvl 50) before duskwave went down, around 5% population difference. Albs simply play more characters than Mids cause of how varied our classes are. It explains why Albs need about 5 players for the same utility as 2 Mids.
Those logout raids were all promoted by Ardarmels.
You guys can keep repeating it is a cheap tactic, but your own little clueless failing relic raid leader used them in his plans...
Now some even bigger clueless mid noob leader stands up and all rvr guilds like NP and JH follow.
Anyway, Hibs could do a primte time RR, with a lot lower numbers than Mids, so why can't Mids do it?
Lower starting int?
Regards, Glottis


A few weeks ago we massed for a relicraid primetime, 2000 CET 1900 GMT.

i have no clue what so ever about any spy's.........

never heard about it on the alb side...

BUT at some point mids was reportet to move into pennine and disapear for a whole good day ...

i went to MMG in HW ... doors was down .... repaired .. several SB's pass m, none attack.....

you think we didnt firgure that out with no spy's ??

i admit if the caster did what you say it sounds dodgy...

and stupid... because we had it under control, in those days we had excalibur and a few of the other keeps under guard the clock around...

MMG was camped by scout's to count numbers of mids going though ...

+ the fact ... YOU FRICKING GIVE UP AFTER 1 TRY !!

Álbs has failed due to spies,Server crach's,Fuckups,Sos Bug's, hibs reporting to mids ETC .... do we give up like nasty fat trolls ? nopes

To bad the server cant handle when the albion realm get's mad... at the first server crash, the whole fricking realm was coming at ya

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