lan party in southampton (hants)




just dropping by to give you all the heads up on a lan i'm running in southampton.

the event is called the BIG GAME, the website can be found here and its on the 20th-22nd of December (thats friday right through til sunday).

expected attendance is at least 60, although the location and the network can go right upto 100 gamers (we arn't going to cap the event :)).

at the event we are going to be running 2 cs tourneys, a 3v3 and a 5v5 wwcl ranking tourney. there will also be a q3a duel and q3 3v3 tdm tourney going on.

its worth noting that this lan isn't just for clans, or all about cs, there will be loads of other games being played (anything goes) and we're exepecting a larger repeat of the battlefield 1942 madness that occoured at the last event (can you say 30v30? :D)

anyway, if you've got any questions, post them in this thread, visit the website or ask any op in #thebiggame on quakenet.

cheers :)


we just hit 41 signups, best book places while they're still available :)

ok, there are quite afew left (we can go all the way upto 100) but its going to be a great event, so signup anyway :D

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