lame albs



Having spent 1 hour looking for a grp for the ogres might quest noticing the complete lack of interest of the many grps that were doing this quest showing no interest in the slightest to help all the ppl that asked for grps i finally got a grp for the quest. Having got the grp merily walking towards our destination and killing the first named mob not knowing what this quest curtailed in the slightest i would of hoped the fellow grpys would have been more forth coming but they grp kept spamming about catching up with the zerg.. repeatedly asking in grp chat what i had to do proved little to no use when getting so far i asked if the grp would go back and help me shows how lame alot of albs r! i wont say the guild name as that would be lame or the ppl that were there but i would expect more from lvl 50 players and not selfishness heh applies to how alb lost the relics as well. For not retaking keeps and more about lvling there necros or reavers :(



Another potential spy.
Why do you have to play on both Alb and Mid on the same server ?
I just hate it.


LoL funny post this :)

First off, i gave you a group to do Ogres Might quest in SI krondon.

You seen how hard it was to get close to chamber without dieing, then you all of a sudden tell us your only on STEP 5 while everyone else is on step 10.

Anyone who has ever tried this quest, knows how hard it is to get close to the chamber with 1fg. Now i ask them peeps. How many have got out alive ?

Either me or anyone else who was a member of that group. are not responsible for your so apparent lake of abilty to follow journal instruction.

Maybe reading the game manual might help there.

Ok as for guild theres was 4 members from Knight of Pendragon, 1 from humberton Guard and 1 shadowlords i think. Don't hold me to last 1, if its wrong sry :)

add them up Thats 7 peeps trying like hell to survive the climb to chambers to catch up with the zerg.

On a side note, I don't have necro or reaver alt and no matter how strong and mighty friars are. i can't take keeps or retake a relic on my own. Anbd i deffo can't do it when am not even logged in.

But as i was GL of the "lame" group. Am sry to all albs for losing a relic and letting mids take keeps when am not there.

erm yeah!!


Originally posted by bob007
LoL funny post this :)

First off, i gave you a group to do Ogres Might quest in SI krondon.

You seen how hard it was to get close to chamber without dieing, then you all of a sudden tell us your only on STEP 5 while everyone else is on step 10.

Anyone who has ever tried this quest, knows how hard it is to get close to the chamber with 1fg. Now i ask them peeps. How many have got out alive ?

Either me or anyone else who was a member of that group. are not responsible for your so apparent lake of abilty to follow journal instruction.

Maybe reading the game manual might help there.

Ok as for guild theres was 4 members from Knight of Pendragon, 1 from humberton Guard and 1 shadowlords i think. Don't hold me to last 1, if its wrong sry :)

add them up Thats 7 peeps trying like hell to survive the climb to chambers to catch up with the zerg.

On a side note, I don't have necro or reaver alt and no matter how strong and mighty friars are. i can't take keeps or retake a relic on my own. Anbd i deffo can't do it when am not even logged in.

But as i was GL of the "lame" group. Am sry to all albs for losing a relic and letting mids take keeps when am not there.

erm yeah!!

Shame on you. For this you should be cannonfodder on the next dragonraid !


hi Conchabar.

yer it was me organizing the ogre quest raid, we did the first 11 stepts yesterday but we wasnt enough for the final mob, so we got some ppl from outside alliance and ppl below lvl 50 to join up (for the xp), i started cg apprix 20 min before alliance quest event and i have spammed allaince chat all evening about getting to at least step 4. the rest of the steps shoud come in the labyrints then.

i also told in the cg that lvl 50's in groups for themselves and those below lvl 50 in groups for themselves, i cant sort each and every group, i got alot of pm's on this raid (you should try it) and its hard to respond to each and every pm you get, but i do my best.

sorry if you got lost, but its hard to stop, hmm what shall i guess on we were 60 ppl ?, try control a small zerg ;)

ppl were told to stop and go back, try organize such an event before you whine my friend, no hard feelings from me, but think before you whine.

we didnt succeed with 50 ppl yesterday, we got him down to 30 % health but then a orb respawned and you can begin from scratch again, and its not fun either that when you finally kill him then the quest is bugged, ive heard that the quest had been fixed, but apparently not :rolleyes:

well hope this explains abit for you

best regards, and hope i havent ruined ur opininion on Albs, were not as bad as we look ;)


and btw, if you were on the ogre quest raid, spam rightnow for quest reward and getting the quest solved, its only fair after all the trouble we had


really u shouldn't blame other people for you own mistakes Deadeyes, if you didn't read your journal you can't really fault them.

ps don't listen to drunk friars who recommend pulling nasty purple mobs either :(

Aule Valar

don't go on ogres might raids led by them, unless you have 10 hours free :p



I must be the only person to of been able to stroll up and walk into Krondor unchallenged*


but then thats cause EVERY SINGLE Ogre has chased Gandulf down the road and i just nipped in whilst they were gone

:cheers: Gandulf :cheers:

[Img has been brightened in photoshop]


Originally posted by Aule Valar
don't go on ogres might raids led by them, unless you have 10 hours free :p

Dude we killed the dude within 15-30 mins. We only had to do 1 orb.


Well, firstly it was 90% an alliance raid, and most people had advanced to step 11 the day before, but we failed due to lack of people at the final goal.

Everyone in my guild was being kept informed of exactly what they had to do if they were not on the previous night's attempt, and people who had not got past step 3 were told to be there ahead of time to progress to where the others were.

The raid leaders were broadcasting around Caer Diogel for anyone who wants to tag along to start the quest and progress to step 5 before the main zerg left.

The raid leaders were advertising the existence of a chat group, on which there were clear instructions of what you need to do.

I find it really hard to believe that someone can get to level 50 without knowing how to follow very simple instructions in your journal for what you have to do for each step of a quest.

Now, to see you coming on here and insulting the group of people that kindly let you join them after they went out of their way to help you catch up, which meant backtracking through the dungeon, and ultimately being late for the final event all because you were completely unable to follow simple instructions is quite unbelievable. And how you are able to draw any conclusions between your own utter incompetance and Albions lack of alarm clocks being set to wake them up for a well-executed relic raid by Midgard is quite frakly, laughable.

It is completely obvious what a complete moron you are, and well, errr... PLEASE RE-ROLL!!


Let me get this straight, you spent 1 hour looking for a group with no success, then when a group kindly let's you in, you come to the BW boards and flame them? Nice :rolleyes:

And why do you flame them? Because they wouldn't spoon feed you the quest! You wanted them to stop what they had been doing, lose the groups that they needed to complete the quest, to go back and help you with everything they had already done and you are calling THEM lame?

There IS an issue with consideration and helpfulness here, but I'm afraid the problem lies with you, not the ones who tried to help you.



Originally posted by Khalen

Dude we killed the dude within 15-30 mins. We only had to do 1 orb.

heh we went there with about 14 people the night before you all killed the fellow :) made it to the room OK...

we died of boredom whilst trying to kill the orbs ;)


For God's sake, please learn how to spell! My 6 year old daughter could compose a more understandable post...

I think BW should nerf all teenage idiots who cannot be bothered typing out well typed posts :(

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