


Can BW change anything which might cause my connection to deteriorate.
I used to have a ping of around 130 now it never goes below 180+ and the game is unplayable even with no one else on.
Now I use a different server to play but would like to use BW.
Anyone out there got any suggestions.


old.The Chojin

I can give you tips on how to improve your ping, but thats all my friend.

When in-game, bring down the console an type in the following commands:

cl_maxfps 30
fov 120

The game might be a bit disorienting at first, but once you get used to it the game will be rewarding and it should give you that extra speed.

Also in the options screen go to the Video sub-options and put the texture details to the lowest. I know you might think that the graphics may look a bit crap afterwards, but it will give you that extra speed. Besides after a while you won't even notice or even care.

If you tried all this, then sorry, but thats all I can say for now. Good luck.

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