Lack of co-op. No this is not about a damn coop server.



So we are a realm, whatever realm tickles your fancy, and we are fighting against other similar realms. We should be organised and fight the good fight for everyone. Now, instead of being one great nation under over and over dunn(a movie joke..won't get it...don't try) we are a nation that quite frankly(steve, sorry, but it just doesn't sound good) stares at it's own bellybutton like it was the third coming of Martha Stewart. We have millions of little guilds who help eachother and look down at the rest. Certainly there are those guilds who help others as well but let's face it, we are bitchy self loving hogs all of us if we're considered as one. A whole realm guild would be out of the question, no way in hades this would bode well with the masses and it would be rather a spamfest in the guildchat anyway. So what can we do? We could form guilds of similar classes. One for each class and one that everyone could look into and call out heroes of the nation to help in the daily bashing. Picture this, you're hunting with a group you formed and are in need of a healer class. You contact one of the known leaders of the guild "Healers", the name might be different but it's clear in an example. He then looks through his ranks, finds a suitable healer that isn't afk or busy otherwise and sends it for you. The group gets a fast reply to their needs and the people grow stronger and higher in levels faster, this way benefitting the whole realm as more and more people come to RvR to help in the good fight. This could be put under "i have a dream" and i can't even imagine, with the so called "n00bs" and "über" players, that this would be easily done. Even support crafting guilds that are funded by the whole realm could be made, guilds with used stuff the higher levels don't need anymore. Basicly a whole realm wide support system is what i'm talking about. It would be a long and difficult thing to accomplish but i believe that with hard work it could be done.

Thanks for the time and have a good fight out there. *bows and steps of the soapbox*


this, Tohorti, is a big load of bullshit if you ask me.

forgive me for the harsh reply. don't take it personal. please..

let me explain.

people play first and foremost for themselves, they bought the game, they pay the monthly fee and they play with whom and how they want to play. and that's the very reason why there are so many guilds.

I traveled quite a bit in both Albion and Midgard and I always meet a far larger percentage of idiots then I meet people I like so much I want to talk to them daily on /GU.
and although using myself as an example, I think this goes for (nearly) everybody that's playing.
if you wanna play Hero of the Realm. by all means do so, and drag as much people with you. but what you're describing is a kind of utopia that's impossible with humans
(just imagine yourself having to talk to Novamir, Karram, or heavens forbit, Sigurd every day)

tho the idea sounds nice, impossible doesn't even begin to discribe it (to you might wanna change your name to Old.King :p )


did you accidentally post this here instead of VN? TEH SEEL etc :D


Oh not at all personally taken. It was just an idea that i had to get out of my head and yes, truly impossible. :p

It's just a rant on the boards, i know people disagree and even if i said "free money is good" people would still disagree.

Just something, well, semi-Seel :D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Oh not at all personally taken. It was just an idea that i had to get out of my head and yes, truly impossible. :p

yes, I expected that it was just a rant. still, very little people like to see their rant attacked.

to try and stay on topic.

I once thought about something like that for crafters. just 1 crafters only guild people could contact in case they needed anything.
besides making crafters (that wanted to join) more clearly visible, it would be an excelent way tro get orders as well (and get padding for Chain and plate :D )


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
"free money is good"

No frikkin way! That would desttoy the economy, which would destroy tony blair, causing his wig to fall off and the masses to puke, after which puke cleaners would skyrocket in earnings, putting the economy out of whack even more, meaning that even more politicians' wigs would fall off, to the, by now, amused publics amusement, and since everybody is now happy clowns and circuses woud go out of business and they would have to get rid of their caravans so mr. I-Work-For-A-Caravan-Company-And-Have-Many-Children would become unemployed and his children would starve and then they would steal to get food, harming OAPs and other weak people who can only defend them selves when holding a fully automatic sub machine gun with a large clip - which would happen very, very rarely since all fully automatic sub-machine gun companies are out of business due to the strange economy and the alignment of the stars, which is very strange tonight - Some say that the hippies wil dance around stonehenge tonight so i will camp out there with a camera and photograph them and point and laugh and things like that, which are extremely mean, but are forced upon me, due to the whole free money thing which is absolutely proposterous as it would set the whole ecomomy out of whack, as already mentioned, which is a very bad thing, considering that many people would have to steal from sub-machine gun less OAPs and winged monkeys would roam the streets in search of fresh blood and beer - which is in short supply due to all the good beer companies going bankrupt about the same time puke-cleaner-uppers hit the bigtime, due to people not wanting to puke any more because of large puke-cleaner-upper bills, hence they did not buy beer, but anyway, these winged monkeys would then bite people while searching for beer and eventually everyone would die and we would all go to hell because the Bible says that people who die due to monkey-bites go to hell, at least thats what i think it says because i havent exactly combed every last page, to be honest i havent read any of it and then when in hell we would smoke cuban cigars and look at pr0n magazines and now im nearing the character limit in posts so i better stop

All that and not one full-stop :)


Originally posted by old.tRoG

No frikkin way! That would desttoy the economy, which would destroy tony blair, causing his wig to fall off and the masses to puke, after which puke cleaners would skyrocket in earnings, putting the economy out of whack even more, meaning that even more politicians' wigs would fall off, to the, by now, amused publics amusement, and since everybody is now happy clowns and circuses woud go out of business and they would have to get rid of their caravans so mr. I-Work-For-A-Caravan-Company-And-Have-Many-Children would become unemployed and his children would starve and then they would steal to get food, harming OAPs and other weak people who can only defend them selves when holding a fully automatic sub machine gun with a large clip - which would happen very, very rarely since all fully automatic sub-machine gun companies are out of business due to the strange economy and the alignment of the stars, which is very strange tonight - Some say that the hippies wil dance around stonehenge tonight so i will camp out there with a camera and photograph them and point and laugh and things like that, which are extremely mean, but are forced upon me, due to the whole free money thing which is absolutely proposterous as it would set the whole ecomomy out of whack, as already mentioned, which is a very bad thing, considering that many people would have to steal from sub-machine gun less OAPs and winged monkeys would roam the streets in search of fresh blood and beer - which is in short supply due to all the good beer companies going bankrupt about the same time puke-cleaner-uppers hit the bigtime, due to people not wanting to puke any more because of large puke-cleaner-upper bills, hence they did not buy beer, but anyway, these winged monkeys would then bite people while searching for beer and eventually everyone would die and we would all go to hell because the Bible says that people who die due to monkey-bites go to hell, at least thats what i think it says because i havent exactly combed every last page, to be honest i havent read any of it and then when in hell we would smoke cuban cigars and look at pr0n magazines and now im nearing the character limit in posts so i better stop

All that and not one full-stop :)



wtf is


supposed to mean?

I need a lesson in the youth of today. Come, oh hip and groovy ones, and show me the way of the DUH?!


Originally posted by old.tRoG
wtf is


supposed to mean?

I need a lesson in the youth of today. Come, oh hip and groovy ones, and show me the way of the DUH?!

I think it's off the M6, aka Birmingham...

:uhoh: oh soz just realised weren't askign the way TO duh :m00:


I think I must be truly pissed coz no-ones posts here have made any sense. I'll come back in the morning.


Hmm.. still no better...

<whistles as he wanders off to another post>


One word is all I have to say......



They tried to make a guild called <Healers> on Andred with only rezzers and healer types allowed in the guild. The point of all this was that the guild would then be protected by all the other big über guilds in exchange for their services. I made a friar and joined them in the start-up phase, but couldn't stay with them for reasons unknown to man.

I wonder what happened to those guys... :)


Originally posted by [Cerebus]
One word is all I have to say......


Vanilla be quiet :p

I know it should have but heck i was in a rant mode. Blame TEH Seel.

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