Lack of Clerics!



Anyonelse notice the kinda sudden return of clerics into rvr? :p

Yesterday I was stood at apk, 10 people were lfg, 5 of which were clerics.
Today, got in a group, it had 4 clerics. :eek6:

Is my mind playing tricks on me or is this for real? :eek7:


Hmm, so you think this is good or bad ?
Having a hard time understanding how you feel.


I do agree that we clerics do seem to have spawned in rvr but i still find myself sat on the cold floor outside APK yelling for a grp. while the other 50% of clerics who are buffbots cast thier buffs then get left to stand at the side of the keep.


I find the cleric population fluctuates greatly in RVR, which becomes a bit of a problem.

Even in guild, we either tend to have 6 clerics online or 1. This proves a problem when we try and field a few teams, especially as I have another level 50 char which I'd like to play once in a while.

Quite a few people left/sold/traded accounts after the so called "nerf" a few patches back. Personally, I think 16% reisist buffs, 2000 range on heals, great RAs and a whole host of other features, means the nerf was over-rated. The worst part was the mez timer imo.

Oh well, hopefully we'll see a lot of up-and-coming clerics in the passing weeks.


LOL so true Kirennia, i nearly wet myself when all the clerics gathered round APK started yelling lfg lfg, instead of standing there facing the wall like good little buff bots should ;)

There has been loads of clerics come back, but im sure its the same for many classes when a new patch hits the server. Ive given up trying to get a group and ive started leveling my alt`s again, until the new influx of people/zerg get bored of thier new toys in RvR and maybe i can get out there and have some fun.

Ambulance<First Cohort>


I agree, but …

Well, I have a lvl 41.5 cleric, who was smite and fun to play. However, since the “nerf” he is pretty tedious to play. I know it would be a lot more fun in RvR and it would be nice to get him to 50, but serious Xping again sends me into a cold sweat.

Also, people are still a little levelist. My cleric is fine in a tree group as he his is full rejuv/enhance, but as soon as I say I am lvl 41.5 I get generally get the “too low” response.

As clerics will know, healing has a lot to do with timing and not wasting mana, it’s not all about levels and lvl 45 does not suddenly mean you are “uber”. Admittedly, fighter classes are different, and 45 is generally required for trees, which I understood with my Armsman.

So my response is, look at the bigger picture, give us clerics a chance, and maybe there will be more coming through for RvR.

Levels 40 to 45 is easier I am told now, so with a bit of understanding I should be able to get my cleric to 45 pretty quick, and so give the realm an option of a tank or a healer.


Levels 40 to 45 is easier I am told now, so with a bit of understanding I should be able to get my cleric to 45 pretty quick, and so give the realm an option of a tank or a healer.

Don't get your hopes up too high, levels 40-45 are only 10% easier.


It has nothing to do with the patch, even before it the number of clerics had risen somewhat. There are deffo more active clerics then about a month ago.

Like Eggy said it can fluctuate greatly, I still can have nights everyone seems to want me in Emain, but on other nights it can be really hard to get a decent group ...


Go to bed Kir, take a pill - make it go away :)


Let's face it, levelling a cleric ain't that hard :)

40-45 made easier just makes it simple x

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