well its nothing big really, Kunning killed me in DF while xping, no xpdeath or anything, I got rezzed and went on xping. A while after Kunning runs by and says something, didnt touch me at all, a moment later, pops out from stealth and waves
Just aint a very common not to be killed by an assassin that have the chanse to do it these days, even when one is a greycon and in my book, that qualifies for nice behaviour, not to kill someone over and over again
I have nothing against beeing killed in DF, just nice to see some people can be satisfied with the victim knowing, "I would have been dead if he/she wanted me to be".
I very raely kill greys, only 2 reasons why I do, 1 is when we are charging through clearing out and the other is if one is silly enough to attack me when I am clearly making myself known that I will lwave ya alone. like those 2 pally's that ran round after me for about 1.5 hours. despite waving and trying to pursuade them that I was only messing round, and as fer that reaver well he was just funny.
You calling the Prince of the Shadowed Night Funny??
Right. That does it my lad
Shaeffer is out of retirement, until such time as vengeance has been taken. Hell hath no fury like the Peoples Limericker scorned.
My poor Caessa, freshly logged in for a rare foray out into the world, turns around in DF to see you right beside her....taking advantage of the moment where she cant be attacked, she turns, and in a heart rending display of cowardice, begs. <cmon, she's only 25>
A pause...I can see the cogs turning in the lovely young norse...and then THWAP! two hits, and before my vision fades to black, i see you shaking your head no at me.
You hurt my sister, you hurt me. By god, you have no idea of the <mostly verbal > hell youve unleashed on yourself.
I'm back baby, and that limerickin fire has been stoked and had a half gallon of petrol thrown on it.
I'll find out your haunts, DF will not be safe for you anymore. But I will not jump you like some little n00blet. Oh no. Youre going to be well aware of who it is thats going to send you back to that icy crap hole you came from. We settle this like men. When I find you, be ready for a war. <flexes mightily>
<just dont be a sad lamer and have a buffbot, and if you do, turn the goddamn thing off when i find you...no point >
heh well at least I did think about it, you wouldnt have lasted more than another 5 seconds anyway due to the other 4 sb just around the corner so I figured I may as well take the rp myself. hell they sure as hell wouldnt show any mercy.
I dont remember who it was but there was a reaver decided to try to take me on even though I made myseelf known to him so I had to kill him, he then came back again so I decided to prove a point.
and in answer to your question no I dont have a buffbot, which is probably why I get the kak kiucked outta me on a regular basis. but I am still learning and (hopefully) getting better.
hehe swords how on earth you plan to make it to 50 with a SB if you havent even manages to get that nasty alb thing of yours there after all this time. you been going at it for the time its taken me to get 4 x lvl 50 chrs, 1 40 and a whole host of others.
anyways we miss ya in middy, its always fun to have someone to laugh at.
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