Kteams development?



Is there going to be much more development of Kteams or is it going to be abandoned "because qw is dying"?

I'd like to eventually see kteams merged with the quake/qw source (if it's ever released) to produce a non-proxy qwcl.exe with all the nice bits of %l and f_modified (possibly compression too?) built in and a blocking of all proxies. A level playing field would then be assured as you'd have to use the approved qwcl and nothing else to connect.

Also, does the current kteams generate new spawn points in the way the old clanring mod did? Playing e4m3 in the UKPL with kteams it didn't seem like it. That would be a good feature to add.



You can't block proxies in QW, the code isn't low-level enough.

Proxies also provide the ability to stop people hacking their clients which is a huge plus.

KTeams doesn't generate dynamic spawn points. It'd be interesting if it did to see how it would affect maps where camping them for spawn frags is a key tactic to winning. Always spawning people on one a point which isn't the closest to enemies would be interesting too.

[This message has been edited by Maverick (edited 13 November 1999).]


It would certainly make games more interesting in my opinion, so dumb-ass levels like dm2 at least last more than 60 seconds, as there seems little chance of larger levels being chosen.

If proxies stop people hacking their clients, how come the proxies themselves haven't been hacked?



What I'm trying to say is:

Either proxies are written so they are unhackable, in which case why can't the new qwcl be

Or they are hackable in which case whats the benefit of them if all their features are in the new qwcl.



Proxies use their executable to generate check values which are mirrored to the server (all those numbers you see after f_modified etc).

They are not unhackable, but if they are hacked it is easily noticeable because that person will generate a different check value.

QW could easily employ such a method, why they don't is beyond me.

// mav


Yeh kteam is still in development with the probable last version just having been finished. Expect it on a server near you soon

http://www.barrysworld.com/kteam/ for more details on all the features.

Oh and it doesnt generate custom spawn points like marmot's mod. It would 'spawn you at a health box' and it sucks ass
. This would not stop spawn fragging since it would need to have all the spawn points full before it would kick in and put you somewhere else.

And i would *never* code in random spawn points since this would totally spoil the game imo.

[This message has been edited by Cenobite (edited 16 November 1999).]


Oh and can anyone think of anything else to add into kteam?

atm admin election is the major new thing and I hope to sort out bw bookables so noone has admin and you can elect your own admins. They can then kick people so it avoids any problems that existed previously with one stubborn person staying.

Random pickup as well as Team Picker mode should be fun to use too. Random is totally random and it may become based on ping at some point although not too sure of that.


Well I actually think random spawn points would be good if they didn't spawn you in walls and so on because that way tactics are based around fighting players, and teaming up with players to move round the map in search of the opposition, instead of killing the opposition as they spawn with no armour and no weapon with no hope of getting into a locked out game. Larger maps of course would also achieve this.

Extra spawn points are useful in multiplayer games on maps with a woeful shortage of spawns, in particular e4m3.

Would it be possible to hard code a couple of spawns on a per map basis if you're against doing it for every map? One in the graveyard on e4m3 and one at the end of the lava bridge would improve the level no-end I think.



can't you just add things like that to the server's map?

Seems easier than doing it in the mod.


Cenoooo, is development frozen on Kteams now?

If not, would it be difficult to add a clan arena style rounds system, but without getting all weapons when you spawn (maybe get bigger guns when you kill a few ppl, lose guns when you die).

Could be much more fun for a public team game style environment.


I am presuming that you checked the KTteam page and saw that the new mod is in testing?? If not you should.

IF you have then you will know that this will be the last version, barring bugs, of KTeam for QW(heh q3a version?).

Clan arena/Rocket Arena was always a request since the mod they use at the moment is an appaling piece of utter shite. Worst piece of code over and is a utter lag fest.

No wonder RA2 is such a resource hog
Though i am hoping they sorted out the coding method they used for RA.

So no plans for ra/ca since IMO qw is pretty much dead. But who knows it is always a possibility.


This is a wish which is prolly gonna die a death anyway...

FFA mod is very cool, it rocks etc etc. Wooooould it be possible to amend the map voting functionality to allow people to pick a map not in the cycle?


Well atm the mod on Barrysworld is the wrong version (you can tell by all the overflowing).

Anything can be added in to the mod i guess
TBH i did not do the code but i can have a look at it and sort that out and then figure out how to handle the map cycles. Probably just go to the first map in the cycle i guess.

This really needs another thread . . .

Kteam Suggestions
KTeam FFA suggestions

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