Krossa & Nossa


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
Apart from being in-capable of 1on1 duels please don't add & try running unbuffed if your duo'ing stealthers. or at least give me a fair 1on1 because whats the point in chain-killing an unbuffed alb that would like fair duels?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
Siesta said:
Apart from being in-capable of 1on1 duels please don't add & try running unbuffed if your duo'ing stealthers. or at least give me a fair 1on1 because whats the point in chain-killing an unbuffed alb that would like fair duels?

As Zdeath said I can feel your pain, though making a thread about it will only;

- Boost their ego's
- Feed the admins from FH ( I believe they have a hard time at keeping this forum nice and clean already )
- Attract people that can spam here that you should cry rivers, lakes and so on.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
yeah well knowe I shouldnt do it first thread about something like this, but was getting really pissed off hehe. sorry admins :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Let's just use it to discuss the effect of 1.82 on Thidranki then, so this thread has some use. Yes, this is an attempted hijack.

It is some kind of on-topic though, since you're a friar ;). I personally am unsure about the figure eight chain effect in Thidranki. That's a 0.9, 0.85 growth rate frontal positional chain with 75 hp healed over 2 hits. Might be a bit over the top, but we'll see what happens.

Thane changes: I don't think it will affect my playstyle much, bit increased range, but I mostly melee anyway. Sounds a bit silly that thanes now have longer range nukes than casters, but then again a decent thane should win against a caster anyway (if both unbuffed). Energy debuff won't have that much effect either, I think. Only thing which really changes for me would be that now it's worth it to strafe after the off-block stun to get my side positional off :).

Assassin changes: PA with mourning rage will hurt even more, glad i'm a Mid.

Blokkie, Thane

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