


Quite some time ago, I remember being in a group with my hunter, and talking to the other members - they mentioned they had just been killed by a Kraken, which invaded the beach from Fort Atla. I was dubious, having never seen this "Kraken" or any deathmessages... so I went exploring the sea with my warrior, confident that whatever level it was he could dispatch it. I found nothing, and dismissed it as a tall story... until today, on Camlann.

After wandering around hibernia looking lost, I died and released to midgard, where I roamed Atla beach looking for a yellow to level up on. Having done so, I headed to Nalliten to sell, and it was there I saw the Kraken - a little way to the side, between Nalliten and the river with the pooks. The thing was pretty damn big, and conned purple unsuprisingly to my little level 12 enchanter. I managed to get a screenshot off, then decided to test how purple it was - with an idea of luring it back to the guards, but alas it was faster than I expected and took me down in two hits :p

Judging from this I'd say it's around level 20, anyone know for sure? And is Mr. Kraken well known, or not so? As I said, this is the only time I've ever seen him...


Apologies for the poor quality of the picture - as you can see it's basically a giant river sprite, not very kraken-like at all, but oh well ;)


Hes a rare-ish spawn who likes to terrorise xp-ers on Nalliten beach and the surrounds from time to time. Theres also a red chap called vrede who wanders about near the ant spawns close to Mularn and some big silly rat thing.

Not sure about lev on him but 20-22 sounds about right.


he comes from the sea, and wolkes toward the horned bridge behind Naliten, I belief. he doesn't apear to be named tho, his name isn't capitalized as far as I remember.

now that you mention rare spawn tho...

back in the early days of DAoC. when my highest char was still 13 (no so much different from now, I guess :p ) I was hunting Rabit Wóves across from Haggerfell, when a mob called Enoga started walking around there.

as anybody ever seen him?
as I've been there quite a lot, but never saw him again.


kalgarn told me sommat about a cyclops near mularn

and what does that hopgoblin near svasud do (forgot his name)

Kerram Darktyde

Carr the hobgoblin by the stump near Mularn Gives you 2 quests in a chain. Nice studded helm from 2nd part.

Somewhere in the region of 10-20 the quests ... Cant check at Mo Warcry seems unavailable to me ....

Vrede seems just a intresting encounter from release
and there are new "challenging Encounters" introduced in recent patches... IE mobs of higher level or Linked mobs in lower level areas.

Neural Network

And now when we are talking about rare monster. Has anybody in Hibernia recently seen the blue bilk in Shannon Estuary or the nofier in Lugh Derg? I miss those guys.

Roo Stercogburn

There is an extremely rare spawn in Huginfell: Nico's Wallet Moth.

It was supposed to have been seen in the bar there last week but we don't have any screenies to back this up.

Old Nicodemus

At least I have a Wallet Moth Roo...... At least I have a Wallet!


that cyclops was called enoga.used to have a screenie of him but formatted my drive last week :(


Originally posted by Neural Network
And now when we are talking about rare monster. Has anybody in Hibernia recently seen the blue bilk in Shannon Estuary or the nofier in Lugh Derg? I miss those guys.

Yep seen em both since the last patch :)

Now, what I want to know is what the siabra escort drops / does!

About 4 times since I started this game I have seen a bunch of siabra and pooka escort heading from near the pook spawn at innis towards the bog. Last time I followed them and they walked all the way to the bog and headed off to siabra city via the land bridge near Siopia. (Couldnt follow them more due to purp aggro badness). Would love to pull them one day.


Originally posted by kalgarn
that cyclops was called enoga.used to have a screenie of him but formatted my drive last week :(

yup. anywa idea's when he spawns, or any otehr info on him?
I'm dying with curiousity...


nope,only saw him once near lake of idea what makes him spawn or where he goes


There is also that Giant Lemur/Lemming behind hugin (big rat surrounded by small rats)... rare spawn too.. got some pics of it somewhere


yeah! they're funny
got overrun by them once ;)

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