kobold runey in need of wise advice



Vivienne is a sweet little kobold of 24seasons who could not play for a bit as GOA/Mythic decided to test some bugs on her account :( :( :(

What is worse, they managed successfully :flame: :flame: :flame:

now i got my account back to play him, got a runey without any speccing as they reset all specc points to 1. So befroe I head of to spend my 275 hardly earned skill points I would like u all where should they be placed?

this also considering a possible respeccing later on (in one of the next patches as it seems, can be in 2004 though ;)

thanks for a friendly advice on this one...


Speccing a runie? It depends on what you want from the game ....

There are three or four popular ways to spec the best runies - full suppression (with either of the other spell lines in support), runecarving with 26 levels in suppression, or darkness with either 20 or 26 levells in suppression. All three spell lines are viable when soloing, but runecarving has the edge IMHO.

Getting 26 levels in suppression helps a lot with grouping in PvE, as you have the 10 second pulsing bladeturn spell - every 10 seconds, it will absorb one blow aimed at each member of the party. Particularly handy against BAF mobs or when you are a little light on healers, it's really once you get to Spindy at 30+ that other players start to appreciate it.

Runecarving has two spells - the long-ranged bolt (which almost never hits if ANYONE else in your group has targetted the same mob/player) and the AoE nuke. Great for soloing PvE, and keep/MG defence. Other than that, pretty poor really, because of the way your best spell is always blocked if you try to use it when in a group. The last decent spell in the runecarving line is at level 47, which convieniently leaves 26 levels' worth of suppression points available at 50th level. If you were starting from scratch (and I know you are not), I'd be tempted to advise you to go full runecarving 'til about level 18-20, and then either respec if it's available to suppression or start spending points on suppression, as that makes grouping easier in the slow levels around 30+. Or go full carving till into the early 40s to be a soloing beast.

Darkness has the fastest casting time and biggest nuke - its range isn't the greatest, and it has no AoE spell. As the level 50 spell is desireable, many players go for 50 Dark with 20 Supp. Which means you miss out on the PBT spell. OTOH, you can deal more damage faster than any other spec.

Suppression runies are best known for the PBT spell (which refreshes quicker if you spend more than 26 levels on it); they have an AoE nuke, and both that and their base nuke reduces enemy movement speed to 65%. Their best spells are often not fully appreciated - a blinding spell that outranges any other cast spell is great for negating enemy casters in RvR (once blinded, they have to get so close to you in order to cast anything that they might as well have a "Hit Me Quick" hat on). And confusion is, well, interesting. Two runies, stood far enough apart, will have a mob running backwards and forwards between them - hitting neither - if the mob is successfully confused. Also handy for getting aggro off healers when the tanks go out of end or the insta has been used, and in RvR a confuse spell stops theurgist pets dead in their tracks. But TBH, both these spells have a limited application and are baseline anyway.

So, go carving if you like keep defence and enjoy having healers yell "No AoE!" at you. Go suppression if you want to be group-friendly (and have bugger all to do in a fight, cos a 6 second PBT spell will eat all your power). Go Darkness if you just want to nuke. All three are viable; all three are arguably one-dimensional.


Darkness has the fastest casting time and biggest nuke - its range isn't the greatest, and it has no AoE spell

AE DD w. Cold Resist Debuff Type: Cold Range: 1500
9 Raven Drove 28 5% 3 sec. 8P Enemy 350 60 sec. 20 sec.
14 Raven Flock 40 5% 3 sec. 11P Enemy 350 60 sec. 20 sec.
19 Raven Horde 56 5% 3 sec. 15P Enemy 350 60 sec. 20 sec.
25 Raven Throng 72 5% 3 sec. 20P Enemy 350 60 sec. 20 sec.
32 Raven Host 90 5% 3 sec. 26P Enemy 350 60 sec. 20 sec.
40 Raven Cloud 112 5% 3 sec. 34P Enemy 350 60 sec. 20 sec.
50 Raven Legion 140 5% 3 sec. 43P Enemy 350 60 sec. 20 sec.

from classesofcamelot.com

then cookie-cutters templates for runies

full darkness : high damage nukes, damage add
26 supp/47 darkness : gives last darkness dd and pbt
26 supp/47 rc : gives last bolt/ae and pbt

Sigurd Volsung

I heard some runies can solo reds... which spec is that? (I might start a runemaster sometime, epic armour looks great and they have a nice speed spell :))


No spec I've ever tried!

FWIW my full-runecarving runie could *sometimes* take down an orange by kiting (bolt-bolt-root-retreat-bolt-bolt-nuke til death), but a resisted root or two failed bolts and it was run for your life time - as well as eating power. Better to bolt-bolt-nuke-nuke yellows.

I tried a dark runie with less satisfactory results - yellows were OK, oranges less so - but that may just have been the way I was trying to do things. I think taking down a red is beyond them.

And suppression runies can also deal with yellows, but not much more.

Of course, if you find a mob that is 30% vulnerable to your attack type, yellows drop easy, oranges become viable to XP on, and you *may* drop a red.

Spiritmasters, in common with most pet classes, can take on oranges fairly reliably, and I've killed the occasional red - but then, I've also ran from the occasional orange too ...

If you want to solo reds, go to Alb and play a Theurge. But IMHO the XP isn't any greater than an orange (as you hit the XP cap), and blows most of your power, so in the long run it's not worthwhile unless you need to clear a red out to encourage a fresh spawn of (hopefully) yellows.


Well first of all you should get the pbt spell, it helps you getting parties at lvl 30+ for sure. Cause what parties want you mostly for then is pbt and not for being able to nuke. In other words 26 suppresion is almost a must. Once you got that you can either specc dark, rc or max out suppresion.

RC most people goes this for either powerfull bolts or spear aoe. Bolts bugs a lot now though and are only good for sniping casters/archers. The spear AoE is the most powerfull runie aoe though, but how often do you get to use aoe in combat now days without the healers wanting to spank you. AoE is only good for keep raiding sort of.
This specc will get better next patch though when they get GTAoE and the bolt bugg get a little fix.

Darkness got the most powerfull dds which both do huge damage and casts quick. The specc also got a fairly competent aoe. The backside is that you got only one halfeffektive bolt, but as i said bolts just bug and you need loads of luck to get in 2 bolts in a row.
I would say the darkness specc is prolly the most competent damage dealing specc in midgard at the moment and prolly the better runie specc´at the moment.

Suppresion got the best pbt, dd snare, diminish sight and confusion. The dd snare do more damage then the rc dd and it adds a snare, which is really good if you want to keep the alb/hib from runing or help you runing away, however it only got 1350 range at the moment which is a small backside. Next patch they raise the range to 1500 as all the other dds.
Another down is that the aoe is the weakest, it´s usefull though since it got a snare as the dd.
Other ups with the specc is diminish sight, i heard a lot of alb/hib casters cursing for having there range close to nothing after a 65% range debuff. Then there´s 6 sec pbt no better archer/melee protection and it sure helps you get groups later on.
Just as darkness though you give up having two good bolts for the dd damage though. And suppression drains a lot of mana so see to get serenity if you do this specc.

Personal i think 50 darkness 20 sup is a pretty useless specc, since getting the last aoe isn´t really worth giving up pbt.


Considering you have a respec later on, Spec full sup, you will be invite dinto groups of players 4-5 levels above you for the omg lovely PBT, and it only gets better, higher you et and more u spec in Supp, the faster your teammates can kill thanks to you amazing debuffs and the safer they feel thanks to your eventual 6 sec PBT. Grante dyou wont be nuking too much as you have chosen the Groyup Friendly option.

But use the respec to your advantage, make a Supp runie (the only one on Prydwen I know is Gro who went 50 supp but doesnt play atm)


There's one in the Dentists, Scrote, level 38. He's levelled bloomin' fast, too, from what I have seen of his progress.

It took a while for the news about how wonderful PBT is to spread, but I guess everyone's heard about it now.

I suppose if I had my time again, and was doing it all under patch 1.53 with the respec option, I'd runecarve to 20th and killtask - the combination of long range bolts and a run buff would make this a breeze. At 20th I'd respecc to all suppression, and tart myself around bubbling for groups. Then at 40+ I'd respec to whatever I felt was going to make RvR the most fun.


Well i´m a suppresion and i´m not respeccing since i think it kicks as in rvr also. Just have to play a little diffrent then a sniping rc runie :p


There is no baseline nuke in suppression. Both the AEDD and DD are spec line, which makes them hit very nicely.

The AE has best DPS in realm as it's 3s casting time. However AE has limited use in RvR because of it's habit of breaking mezzes. The DD is also good (180DD base) because of the snare, you get more spells off before the enemy gets away or is on your skin. It's not as good as the darkness DD though. Currently both of these spells are 1350 range but it's increased to 1500 in 1.52.

If you go full suppression, nearsighting will reduce range of any enemy ranged attack by 65% which is A LOT. a runie who realizes to use NS instead of just trying to nuke can deal a lot more damage to the enemy as their ranged damage will be gimped for 2 minutes.

IMO, any spec without BT is a useless runie as you also need to think about the others, not just you. But not that many people bother to do that.

You can nuke with 6s pulse when grouping. Not nearly as much as a darkness or RC runie, but you'll do good damage even at 30s and low 40s when the other runies with PBT are just starting to spec their other lines. I'd strongly recommend getting the RA serenity if you go full suppression, as this with purity of contemplation will allow you to nuke a bit while running the pulse fend and pulling with nearsight.

You can also solo yellows easily, even oranges with suppression, but usually it's not worth the trouble to go for oranges.

Once I ding 50 and start doing more RvR with my runie, I'll probably run the 10 pulse because the 6s pulse eats too much power. Use the nearsight a lot to cripple enemy mezzers and nukers and nuke them once they can't nuke me.


Diminish sight is really good, since if you´re smart you put a near sight on the bard/sorceres to keep em from thoose nasty mezzes.

Well the first things to get as a suppresion runie is Serenity and MCL. :)

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