Kobold 2h?



I have a little question concering kobold 2handers

Since kobold warriors do still quiete some damage with their 2 handers do kobold 2h savages , let us say with the Ragnarok swordstyle still do some damage or are they just total gimps with not enough str ( let us say we have 150 str unbuffed with this fella )


hm? :p

EDIT: ah nevermind me, BW was bugged. saw that you had made this thread but it didnt contain any text :)


Originally posted by Gaisil
I have a little question concering kobold 2handers

Since kobold warriors do still quiete some damage with their 2 handers do kobold 2h savages , let us say with the Ragnarok swordstyle still do some damage or are they just total gimps with not enough str ( let us say we have 150 str unbuffed with this fella )

As far as I was aware Kobold Savages are gimped if they use 2H and should use H2H. If you want 2H go Troll or maybe Norse because your STR does not raise as you level like it would on a warrior. If you go H2H you get all the benefits to evades and such from being a high dex char just as a 2H would but that also effects your H2H weaponskill which it wouldn't for 2H and H2H has good styles off evades.


Re: Re: Kobold 2h?

Originally posted by Wij
As far as I was aware Kobold Savages are gimped if they use 2H and should use H2H. If you want 2H go Troll or maybe Norse because your STR does not raise as you level like it would on a warrior. If you go H2H you get all the benefits to evades and such from being a high dex char just as a 2H would but that also effects your H2H weaponskill which it wouldn't for 2H and H2H has good styles off evades.

Str raises 15 pts from 5 to 50. Misinformed at someplaces. dex raises 45 pts and qui 23 pts.

With race thing, im very happy with my troll. Norse or Troll for 2H. imo


/me jumps up and down
I am a kobby , specced h2h ( I like it tho ) but would 50 sword be good or not? :p


Originally posted by Gaisil
/me jumps up and down
I am a kobby , specced h2h ( I like it tho ) but would 50 sword be good or not? :p


And osrim

because your STR does not raise as you level like it would on a warrior

I didn't say it didn't raise, just that it won't raise as it would for a warrior. Badly worded maybe but hey ho :)


Originally posted by Wij

And osrim

I didn't say it didn't raise, just that it won't raise as it would for a warrior. Badly worded maybe but hey ho :)

Erhm, ye <agrees>. hehe.

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