Been playing it for a week or so on and off, good enough for me to buy I think, they have done some very nice visual things and it plays well apart from being a bit too much stop and pop. I prefer my shooters to be run and gun but playing from cover seems to be all the rage these days, personally I just think it makes for a slower game and therefore less content to produce.
ive stopped paying attention to reviews, preety much get my games going by what folk say on these and other forums. and seems i am currsed or something yet another disc that came off the holder and is dammaged:/
What's the multiplayer like? I quite liked KZ2 MP for a while when it first came out. Not so bothered about single player as for the past few years i've always felt like i've been grinding through FPS single player rather than enjoying them.
have you got the gun? I can't imagine pointing that controller at the screen would be better than a normal controller. Maybe i'll get the gun since i've had Move for months and barely touched it.
the controller on its own works well aye i have the gun as well shame its a redish colour, personal i think the pistal one would have been better for me with the navi controler in my free hand . wish i coulda have taken the game into Game store and gett it swapped but posted it back today
Funny you mention it, was at friends yesterday and his copy had just arrived, hooked everything up to his LG 3D and in some places it looked stunning, especially outdoor areas with light shafts and heavily detailed horizons etc. That said, in some places it just didn't work or at least not very well, also it seemed a bit framey in places but I think that may be a streaming issue and have advised him to upgrade his internal hard drive to a 7200rpm model because the default 5400rpm's Sony ship are fucking rotten.
Not sure I would buy a 3D screen still btw, sitting playing with sunglasses on all day feels a bit weird and just 30 mins of it made my eyes feel a bit strained.
in 3d there are frame drops think lowest it goes is 20fps and no higer than 30fps. tho read diff tings about bout some slim useres reporting smotther play and some phat users as well
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