Killstealing and pointlessness



2 things

1 : Killstealing

why has it suddenly sprung up again? for months i went without getting anyone killstealing, and then i get ppl killstealing from me 5 times within 10 mins ffs, heres a nice little list of the incidents

1 - i pull and fight, halfway through someone does a dd shout
2 - same again, same person [insert having a word with that someone]
3 - i pull again, this time a whole group ganks my pookha
4 - i pull again, this time i do my pulling method as normal and a druid (greens) sets his pet (gray) on the pookha (yellow) and pulls the aggro while his group (4ish green-gray) gets aggrod by an alp luachra, and would have winded up in 4 dead bodys had i not repulled the aggro
5 - this time i pull, and get the pook down to 3/4 in 3 shots, adn then the druid sets his bloody pet on it again


now the second point

2 : Chainkilling popular gray spawns

in particular the lough derg parth farm, i have seen it twice happen now, once with my level 15 hero when a level 31 bm cleared the field and wonderd why i asked him to stop. and earlier i rode past parth farm and saw a level 33 doing the same thing to try and get hte big one to spawn. FFS if you want to get the parth to spawn or if you want to go kill grays go to a spot thats not camped, killing the grays from a very popular exp spot such as the parth farm just annoys lower levels who cannot then exp there

well there it is, rant over for now


On prydwen at least you're almost guaranteed that the amal parth is up at the Innis parth farms (don't know why people go there more, two farms no campers).

As for killstealing, i don't see it happen often. Last night I started a new alt and there was some red con magician blasting at my driftwood, but after I told him politely where he could stick it, he stopped.

Brannor McThife

Just for info's sake. The Amalgamated Parthanon does NOT spawn when there are few/no paths. It is formed when there are too many/ a lot. This comes from endless experimenting, and logical deduction that the northern farm gets it a lot...



Hmm, I have noticed this KS crap pop-up in Keltoi, Prydwen, lately. I really must say that what is the point.... both counterparts get little exp in this case. Sometimes some jack-off in a group decides to KS, sigh...
Problem sometimes, with archer classes, is that people don't notice you are setting up your shot and or they don't see you way behind them and think the mob is coming for them. But in this case people say sorry, after all this is usually an accident.
The other annoying thing is when people don't say a word after they have KS'd. I'd rather have them say "Fuck off" than shut-up since then at least I'd know that they are simply dumb idiots.


I think the amalg parth is on a timer actually - last time I saw it spawn there were a grand total of 4 parths on the field...

All I ever do to the parths nowadays is dance with them and blow them kisses ;) Well, and kill them if a group has too many incoming.

Back to kill stealing though... haven't seen any going on with the groups I've been with, but then I suppose most people have got it out of their system by the high thirties.


Originally posted by Veritreus
Back to kill stealing though... haven't seen any going on with the groups I've been with, but then I suppose most people have got it out of their system by the high thirties.
But then again some of us never had this tendancy at any level... even as a newbie because we just knew it was not correct and any sensible person would realise this.
But is true also that the higher level people are the less it happens. I just hope that after Keltoi in Cats for example this will be almost non-existant.
Of course there will always be the odd total idiot who will never get it...


Doesnt anyone do anything but complain? ;)

Brannor McThife

As for killing lots of Parths...well. I go there to help the lowbies. Heal,rezz, cure. And pull. I use AE root and grab a bunch, and then the group can pick one off me at a time, as I just stand there blocking and dodging the parth's.

I know my group always had a policy that if we got an AP death message from the northern farm, we'd run off and kill it quick to free up the farm again.



Is there more than one parth place?

Where is the second one?


I agree that KS is bad but rememer that sometimes it is hard to know if something is being attacked.

For instance there is a bunch of mobs that are yellow to level 4 but are also part of a quest. So I'm playing an alt and know the quest and want to do it. I arrive to see a group of four people killing all the yellows. I assume they are doing the quest and wait - they kill 13 in a row. So I'm assuming that they arent doing the quest so I move in to try and take three of the new spawns. They pull 3 onto there group and I see another spawn - quick check - they all seem busy to I prepare to attack - I have my back to the other party. I let loose with a DD shout but I notice just as I press the button that the mob has also been hit by a spell. The mob runs towards me and through me towrds the other group and I spin arond to see that their mage has pulled it. Fair enough I thought he was quicker so I don't attack it any more. Then from nowhere all there shouts of "KILLSTEALER!!!!" So l say "What?" and the mage replies again with "KILLSTEALER!!!". So I remain calm and explain thet I thought I had pulled it and that I didn't see his attack until too late, to which he replies "NO I PULLED IT!" "YOU STOLE XP!". At this point I got to angry to argue so I left.

The point I'm trying to make is remember that sometime accidents happen and don't be too quick to accuse as this is as annoying a KSing itself. Oh and this guy wasn't a newb - he was in a very large guild and I suspect this was an alt. His accusations really made me angry as I would never knowingly KS but he had decided that I must have done it on purpose and I had robbed him of xp just to be evil (as a separate issue remember he was only level 4 so the xp I "stole" could not have been too much as he was already in a group of 4)

/rant off
/relax on



Originally posted by Kendrik
I agree that KS is bad but rememer that sometimes it is hard to know if something is being attacked.

For instance there is a bunch of mobs that are yellow to level 4 but are also part of a quest. So I'm playing an alt and know the quest and want to do it. I arrive to see a group of four people killing all the yellows. I assume they are doing the quest and wait - they kill 13 in a row. So I'm assuming that they arent doing the quest so I move in to try and take three of the new spawns. They pull 3 onto there group and I see another spawn - quick check - they all seem busy to I prepare to attack - I have my back to the other party. I let loose with a DD shout but I notice just as I press the button that the mob has also been hit by a spell. The mob runs towards me and through me towrds the other group and I spin arond to see that their mage has pulled it. Fair enough I thought he was quicker so I don't attack it any more. Then from nowhere all there shouts of "KILLSTEALER!!!!" So l say "What?" and the mage replies again with "KILLSTEALER!!!". So I remain calm and explain thet I thought I had pulled it and that I didn't see his attack until too late, to which he replies "NO I PULLED IT!" "YOU STOLE XP!". At this point I got to angry to argue so I left.

The point I'm trying to make is remember that sometime accidents happen and don't be too quick to accuse as this is as annoying a KSing itself. Oh and this guy wasn't a newb - he was in a very large guild and I suspect this was an alt. His accusations really made me angry as I would never knowingly KS but he had decided that I must have done it on purpose and I had robbed him of xp just to be evil (as a separate issue remember he was only level 4 so the xp I "stole" could not have been too much as he was already in a group of 4)

/rant off
/relax on

Especially with scouts these accidents tend to be done on your pulls. Then again some have obviously not been accidents since you are already in melee with the target and have not asked for help but some d00d just finds it fun to attack it. Plus some don't say a word afterwards.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Iunliten
Is there more than one parth place?

Where is the second one?
The first, and most popular one is by the lake.

The second is in the North, west of Druim Ligen. Follow the river (with the river on your right) all the way north, the head west when you get to the hills/map border. ;)



And the third and fourth are just outside Innis on the hill back towards the forest you ride through. They are always empty... when we were saving for our emblem, we had two groups of 3 emptying one field, then moving to the next and emptying that, and by the time we finished that the first field was full again. :)

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