Kiarra's quitting



Just came looking into the enemy's forum for a while and suddenly noticed people were asking weaponcrafters again. So I looked up Kiarra's goodbye thread and found 4 pages of light reading material ;) Was kind of disappointed by some of the things I read there and have a few beans to spill on the subject.

First let me introduce myself to clear things up. I'm Jimli Farquaad, 50th Season Warrior and Legendary Smith (1073). I was the first in excalibur/Midgard to reach 1000+ so that makes me one of the 5 people on the english servers that know exactly what Kiarra has gone through.

The comparison with the 3 other highlevel crafters in Albion, Armour/Tailor/Fletching, doesn't hold. Armour and Tailor are as good as dead thanks to epic armour. Fletching is pretty much alive but how many classes need stuff made by a fletcher? Only 1 in Midgard. How many classes need stuff made by a weaponcrafter? 8 in Midgard. See the difference in customer group size?

Now remember that Excalibur Albion has the largest population on all realms.

Having no experience with albion players I can't say anything about the general attitude of kiarra's customers but with the bigger population I can imagine she has had more annoying customers then I have had (uber polearm Karam Gruul springs to mind here).

I can't say anything about the accusation of Kiarra's demands of powerleveling but knowing the general attitude of highlevel crafters I am inclined to believe she is being misinterpreted.

The rewards of crafting are very slim. Occasionally there is the very happy customer that spams you for a week thanking you :) The money you earn with it is pretty useless atm. All you can use it on is keepdoors and siege equipment. Hope those guildhouses Mythic keeps promising get in soon. My guild will get the best then ;)

My opinion is that you all should be very gratefull to Kiarra for sticking it out for so long and be nice and polite to her replacement(s).

Kiarra, best of luck to lvling and rvring and hope you can get to enjoy the rest of the game now.


i think we all have great respect for kiarra for her good deeds crafting for our relam . just we didnt like the way she said "no more" because everybody is p/l there alts and she doesnt get time to play her alts or p/l'd .

ive heard many people say they have asked kiarra for a weapon and she said yes "only if you p/l me though" which to me is lame . if she said no time for crafting due to myself wanting some time to play then im sure everybody would of said ok thnx i'll be sure to order from you when u back in business . but the whines in her thread hit a lot of nerves . so they gave her a hard time . some people prolly did go overboard . but many of said threads were right on the spot .

p.s i repsect anybody who has 500+ craft skill . i got just under 500 on a char i play in weapons crafting and tbh i cant be assed cos i havent the patience to do so . nor the time cos i find it boring .so hence its stopped there .


Well put and agreed with, but this subject has been talked to death already and I fear bringing it up again will only make things harder for Kiarra who is trying to ignore it all and level in peace.

lets not turn this into a huge thread like the other one people.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Well put and agreed with, but this subject has been talked to death already and I fear bringing it up again will only make things harder for Kiarra who is trying to ignore it all and level in peace.

lets not turn this into a huge thread like the other one people.

I realised that when I typed this but really felt i had to say this as I am one of the few people that has experienced (and is experiencing) what Kiarra has gone through and none of those had replied in afore mentioned thread.

Above are my personal experiences and views on DaoC. This was meant as an attempt to let you see what the first highly skilled weaponcrafters have gone or are going through. If it has send Kiarra a big thank you. If it hasn't don't bother to reply to this because all non-first-to-reach-highly-skilled-weaponcrafters opinions are already taking up 4 pages and yours will be without a doubt between them (really sorry if this sounds a bit arrogant :()


She helped you for almost a year, the least you could have done was repayed her instead of lvling infis.


Originally posted by old.Akirai
She helped you for almost a year, the least you could have done was repayed her instead of lvling infis.

she doesnt give her items away for free you know :) she does charge people . and if everybdys making infils that means more cash for kiarra cos they duel wield and thus require 2 weapons :)


She did make alot of those weapons at cost or near to cost price though.


Originally posted by -yoda-

ive heard many people say they have asked kiarra for a weapon and she said yes "only if you p/l me though" which to me is lame .

I agree... it is lame and I have never asked such a thing. HOWEVER people have tried to bribe me with "Ill Powerlevel you if you will make me a 99% Jambiya". On one occaision I made the weapon and turned down the offer of a PL. Please DONT twist things.

But anyhow, Kiarra is on ice and she might come out on odd occaisions to play with freinds or perhaps craft for them.

And Jimli, thanks, its nice to know thats somebody else realises how difficult and stressfull it has been.

I am now enjoying peace and fun with an alt and best of all, making new friends who know nothing about Kiarra being attached to these other alts. How pleasant it is to play DAOC without being pestered, hounded and continuously spammed.

And PLEASE..... NO MORE on this subject. Lock the thread now

Kiarra is now :sleeping:

wolvon fury

Wish i was a Weapon Crafter, Love Crafted Weapons,

But then again, Took me Ages to find out how to weapon a Bronze Dagger, Never Mind these Super weapons,

And makeing them over and Over to Raise Points,

Then again, i still would Craft,

If I had Money,

Ah Crafters, More Ya Love Em, Better Quality Weapons they Provide :D


Too Many Capitals there wolvon :)

Glad to hear yer enjoying yourself Kiarra :) can't be nice to login to 1000 /sends .. there's still probably people that have a macro of "/send Kiarra hello, you there?" to spam every minute...

I've still not managed to get past 472 weaponcrafting.... just not had the inclination since all those levels ago.


Hiya Jimli :)

Originally posted by Jimli
The comparison with the 3 other highlevel crafters in Albion, Armour/Tailor/Fletching, doesn't hold. Armour and Tailor are as good as dead thanks to epic armour.

Well, that's not true :). You are overlooking a number of things... not in the least that spellcrafted AF102 stuff will be better than epic armor. I am already getting orders for 99% AF102 plate armor... and those people are the smart people, cos they will have a set waiting for them when SC is in... unlike the people that will start asking too late and end up on the waiting list.

But to get back on-topic... :)

What i mentioned to Kiarra and i will mention again here... I, among others, am 1100-ish armorcraft....that means 1100 metalworking and 1100 leatherworking.. this in turn means i can craft ALL weaponparts, i just can't glue them together. However, this can take the heat off some of the weaponcrafters out there.

There are a few up and coming weaponcrafters.... next patch will give a huge boost to all crafters... busy times ahead :)



Unfortunatly, you cannot craft EVRY weapon, as it appears you have no woodworking....

Leather will make sword hilts, and the like, but you need wood for polearms, axes, hammers etc...

And with leatherworking at 1100, you should be able to glue the blade and hilt together, so long as you used leatherworking to create the hilt in the first place...


Stopped sending her friendly-messenges, cos it's 50% chance u get a "hi" back :(

I guess ppl are still spamming her.

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