


Well, looks like you managed to piss off your entire realm today, taking all the keep door wood and then logging is not the best way to win friends. :(

EDIT: okay, maybe I was a bit harsh, apparently there were connection problems involved - my apologies


I have been told that Kiarra went ld and wasnt able to lag back in (con problems) at least we have wood for the next attempt


Yeah relax bubbles, can happen to anyone..

Should be glad we have someone like Kiarra, 500+ of the wood came from her own vault.

If you want to release your anger, do it towards the people who did not notify anyone of the attack until it was too late..


Fair play I guess if there is a decent excuse.



poor kiarra, but yeh, it can happen to any1

but a big grats for dishing out of your own pocket :clap:


My wish...

I really wish some peoples gather facts before makin accusations on this forum, nearly all have suffered from ld, and other problem ingame. Factfind first then if you know your right post the accusation.


Re: My wish...

Originally posted by Fafnir
I really wish some peoples gather facts before makin accusations on this forum, nearly all have suffered from ld, and other problem ingame. Factfind first then if you know your right post the accusation.

Well these were the facts I had when I made the original post:

  1. Several groups including ours got told by several people to give all the wood we had bought to Kiarra.
  2. Kiarra then stood by the inner keep door as if to repair it.
  3. Herbal turned up to start repairing the outer door.
  4. For about 15 minutes Kiarra stood still ignoring all Herbal's tells to give the wood to her.
  5. Kiarra then sat down (after receiving several tells from several players telling her the Herbal needed the wood) and about 10 min after that left the game.
  6. 1 hour later she still had not returned.

    I'm sorry if I drew the wrong conclusion from that, but what conclusion would you have come to?

    I apologised in my first post and I will do so again. I'm sorry.


I was standing at the inner door, before Herbal was there, trying to repair the door, but since herbal had a higher woodworking skill he took over. I never saw Kiarra there, and I was there for quite some time. Where exactly did she stand? I might be wrong, but I didn't see her.

I also did a /send to her the moment Herbal arrived, and asked her if she could give the wood she had to Herbal, I got no answer.

Later I heard someone had spoken to her and that she had gone ld and couldn't get in. It would be nice if Kiarra could post here or get someone to post her version of it, cause that was wood for quite some g's.


Yeah coz being a crafter Kiarra needs to linkdead to steal the wood!

Or mibbe she's a midgard spy.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Linkdeath happens, RL stuff happens, if your house is burning down you're not going to be at your keyboard helping the relic raid. If you lose connection and can't reconnect it sucks.

I imagine Kiarra is as pissed off as anyone else that this happened. She was trying to help her realm with her crafting abilities, and connection gets in the way.

Take how frustrating it is to go linkdead when you're in a group who are relying on you.
Now change that to going linkdead on a lot more people relying on you......

It sucks, it happened, but it's not her fault.


OK this BS stops now

Kiarra had huge probs with logging in

She game back and gaved all wood to me, and we used them to doors, she didnt steal nothing, not her prob if she couldnt get in!!

Madonion Slicer

Must admit i first thought Kiarra had pulled a fast one, which suprised me as i have dealt with her many times, myself and Zlair of the Red Dragons gave her 500+ Wood.

I managed to catch up with her yesterday, and she explianed it all to me, but she also understood how it looked, but all is ok now.

Damn shame about the whole event really, guess it was to little to late.

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