@ Khalen



Well, well, well

I'm tempted to ask, "how old are you Khalen ?"

I'm so sorry to hear this. It's not the first time Khalen is embarresing himself in this manner. We had a very similar experience with Khalen about 14 days ago.

Like in Spoo's case, we've been the only group at Celts/Wights for some time, when Khalen and a cleric came running with 1 or 2 wights on their ass. Khalen freaking out because one from our group came to hit his target, thinking it was ours, as we were the only group there for a long time before Khalen popped by.

Khalen, cool down and type a "np" as almost everyone do when someone's come to hit your target (not on purpose). It isn't like anyone was leeching you by purpose.

The only ppl acting like a n00b in these situations is Khalen, not having any respect for other ppl hunting somewhere, just rushing in to their camp zone while fighting and then freaking out when someone target his mob by accident.
Grow up Khalen and stop acting like a 12 years old. You're embarressng yourself m8. You sounds smart enough in your posts here on forum so act smart too..


Maybe I was in a bit moody day (fucking hot btw yesterday).

In Spoo's case:

Sure you were there waiting. But it takes a single look to see who is in your team and to see that it isn't your mob. Sure ok sorry if I was a bit harsh on yah. But I expect (at least I think that) of some higher lvlers to know how to play and to pay attention (I've had a couple of times players who weren't paying attention to the chat and did stupid things which got a whole group killed. So I'm a bit eager on people to pay attention and don't watch TV or watch a movie when the action is on the monitor... if you get my point). The 2nd time one of your teammates was standing there watching your m8s entering the room and suddenly (standing there for like 10 secs already) starts hitting the mob which was attacking (not in group etc.) Sure ok the XP is crap what you get. But the point I wanted to make out was that when another group attacks a mob of a smaller group you can get an occaissonal aggro pull. And that was exactly what we got.. I pulled 1 single wight and guess what I got instead? Yes 6 ass Wights... K I made it out alive but my m8 which I wanted to lvl was dead... This just pissed me off especially that you said you weren't leeching (ok not purposed leeching maybe I should call it not carefull hitting targets...) So sorry to have being harsh on yah. But I had an earlier encounter with you at the dragon walk in DM and then ask who was the critic there... (sending me messages about how I can't lead etc. and get people killed there, I said in the beginning and later on that I DID NOT choose to be the leader there (and for so ARE NOT responsable for deaths), I was just the person who knew my way around there and so everyone said follow Khalen).

Next issue, Chenuba:

Same goes for your team. You attacked my mobs when I entered the room before the Celts at the moment you guys were having a break. Some of your team starts hitting my mobs which CLEARLY showed it was attacking me (entering room with mob and stayed on the opening to the bridge (and you guys at the Celt doorway)). I asked 2 times politely to stop leeching (hitting or whatever) my mob. All you said I ain't leeching it was my mob. Yeah right me entering room with a mob on my back and you telling me it was your mob... Sorry that made a wrong impression in my eyes. And you kept saying it was your mob over and over again while you were resting. Later on your team got killed and your friendly scout asked us to ress. So I wanted but my cleric was just AFk for having some food. And for calling me a little kid is a bit lame to say for someone who thinks he's so great. Wrong impression made again Chenuba... Even your scout friend admitted he was hitting my mob...

The point I wanna make clear is that ain't about the leeching. It's about the aggro pull I can get after that (for me being with a smaller team and get overwhelmed if they come with many resulting in team death...) And furthermore people don't own spots. Everyone can go everywhere and kill anything.

All the things you see on boards are things people do wrong.. I bet I have a large list of people who DO like me and know how I really am. Sure I can get moody sometimes don't we all..

(the 2 times in Barrows I was a bit moody and I get judged by people who don't know me, I bet a lot of other people had more encounters... I can remember one with a sorceror with some sort of AE debuff spell or something who de-rooted our trees and worms all the time, just to annoy us (have the name and am really curious if that person has been banned... because some m8s would report it))


Khalen is cool, we all have off days and Forums seem to be a place where things are exaggerated or fabricated!

Just let bygones be bygones and let it slide man

Just my 2p


Roger will do Spoo :) I'm glad we cleared this :)

Maybe we can hunt those wights / celts together one day... I mostly go there now for the drops (for my guildm8s or for my alts)

And I was indeed a bit harsh.. Don't know where you live but we had just a warm day for this time of year (or at least for this week) and in the beginning of the night it was still hot (doors even open). I always get a bit moody when it's hot..

Matje died because he couldn't spot the "secret" escape in barrows.. ah well gonna do a guild hunt tonight so he will have his xp pretty fast gained again anyway. Ah heck where are we even arguing about... just some dum xp you can get everywhere..

Hmmm what I still wonder is where that so called sister of one dude was... didn't get a send from someone last night... probably been ripped of..


hehe, I know khalen pretty well now and it's a very funny guy, likes to help other people etc, but he can be in a bad mood and sometime say things he doesn't really mean and regrets it later on..

khalen, khalen, khalen ... :rolleyes:


Cool, I remember when I was killing ridiculous numbers of goblins up north of Humberton with Spoo (and some other brotherhood).

Back when I was a baby (well lvl 8 or so) and before the discovery of 'crowd control'. Having 3 goblins attack at once was a shock :)

Hrm I need to gain some levels - it's depressing seeing all these people I once grouped with at lvl 40+ ;)


To Khalen.
I know we don't own a spot and we didn't say we did that night either. What happened was this, that our puller was ready to pull when he hear combat from behind, he then rush back and target and fight. Thinking it was aggro on our group. He hadn't seen you enter the room.
I'm okay about people having a bad day. I got mine too.
So ok Khalen, hope it was a 1 timer caused by bad mood day.
Let's forget about it...


Really nice to see some people's reply :) Yeah Chenuba let's just drop it and have fun playing the game :)

Yesterday I gained a whole bubble again thanks to some dudes who invited me to do some trees :) Getting closer to the 50 by the day... Hope I can join my m8s who are 50 already soon in RvR and kick some Mids and Hibs asses (no offense) ;)

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