Khainai & Dride

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Well qq post I guess, but after seeing your playstyle (one chain grapple and the other shoot) I find myself wondering how Mythic can justify an ability as powerful (when used in this manner) af grapple?

Not really sure why I bother posting this, but just wanna know if chaingrappeling is ever gonna be fixed :X


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
I can tell you why. Khainai is crap. ;) tried the same on me(RR1 reaver in rogs) and they did kill me, but khainai went down in health pretty fast, without his buddy he would have gone down.

So you see if he has probs with that, he has to duo or he would die all the time. :)


Part of the furniture
Jun 24, 2004
Think baldrian been beaten one to many time by khai and took a chance to cry some.

Khai is a melee ranger and melee rangers are great every 15 mins when their timers are up.. take away IP,som,battler,WH and they are kinda crap. especially if you have invested most of your realm points in active RA's which khai has.

Is it wrong for him to duo when I usally see grps of 3-4 stealthers out killing solo stealthers?

Concerning grapple i agree that you shouldnt be able to chain it or imo shouldnt be able to get shoot while being grappled but its there and neither mythic or goa has stated this as a bug so everyone that has access to it can use it as they want.
Ill duo khai some tomorrow on my ns and ill let him chain grapple you while I nuke you down with my uber ns magic see if it makes you feel any better..kk pumpkin :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2005
melee ranger are not great every 15 mins, but more then that if u play em correctly:)

would suck if u can only make 9xx rp's every 15 mins:p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
Shar_Reloaded_Ranger said:
melee ranger are not great every 15 mins, but more then that if u play em correctly:)

would suck if u can only make 9xx rp's every 15 mins:p

haha would be rather fun :p means on 1 hour u earned roughly 3800 rp :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
MrBic said:
Think baldrian been beaten one to many time by khai and took a chance to cry some.

Khai is a melee ranger and melee rangers are great every 15 mins when their timers are up.. take away IP,som,battler,WH and they are kinda crap. especially if you have invested most of your realm points in active RA's which khai has.

Is it wrong for him to duo when I usally see grps of 3-4 stealthers out killing solo stealthers?

Concerning grapple i agree that you shouldnt be able to chain it or imo shouldnt be able to get shoot while being grappled but its there and neither mythic or goa has stated this as a bug so everyone that has access to it can use it as they want.
Ill duo khai some tomorrow on my ns and ill let him chain grapple you while I nuke you down with my uber ns magic see if it makes you feel any better..kk pumpkin :drink:

There is nothing wrong with duoing, but as most of the stealthers say. they wanna have good fights ect ect. but when you have stealth you can pick your fights and ganking low RR soloers with a skill(chain grabble) he read about on FH and using the area some peeps tried to make a solo non gank area(that he also read on fh) is kinda lame.
and no his buddy only killed me once. just a bad day when I got run over by 4 different duos all evening and never met a solo.

If you wanna zerg, then zerg.
If you wanna fg vs fg then do
if you want 1 vs 1 go look.
But ganging up with only 1 purpose to kill all soloers easy and leaving duos ect alone is lame.
There is a big difference on killing a soloer sometimes while being in a group and Duoing with 1 pupose to kill soloers only. thats just wimpy.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Shar_Reloaded_Ranger said:
would suck if u can only make 9xx rp's every 15 mins:p

really? 2 hours, 7 deaths, 0 rps ;) then I went hibland.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
Funny funny...

I'm wondering who said our sole purpose was to kill solo'ers?
Maybe the overwhelming odds of a 2on1 is just too much when your used to alb I dunno...

Funny thing a reaver is mentioning good fights... The funny ones emplies 1k instant feedbacks + a handy slam/twf. So much for overpowerred abilities.

If you think you can take me 1on1 with your reaver baldrian feel free to look me up I'll be around. Don't think it could occur to you that when running on item charges without abilities up you will most likely have a hard time against a class that on paper should beat you. Anyways I'll be around.

Otherwise I'll use what I have optional to me, just like everyone does. Maybe you would prefer a zephyr ride next time :worthy: Whine threads are just at a laugh but keep it comming we all need something to cheer up on.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Solari said:
Maybe you would prefer a zephyr ride next time

To be quite honest I would prefer that over being chaingrappled and killed in an utterly skilless and honourless way... I have no problems with being killed in a fair fight where my adversary uses every ability given to him (only used in the way it was intended ofc)

That said, I realize that rvr nowadays is brutal and that ppl wil use any and all means neccesary to win a fight, so if you have no moral issues with using such an obviously overpowered tactic to kill honourable soloers, by all means continue to do so :)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Fellavader said:
To be quite honest I would prefer that over being chaingrappled and killed in an utterly skilless and honourless way... I have no problems with being killed in a fair fight where my adversary uses every ability given to him (only used in the way it was intended ofc)

That said, I realize that rvr nowadays is brutal and that ppl wil use any and all means neccesary to win a fight, so if you have no moral issues with using such an obviously overpowered tactic to kill honourable soloers, by all means continue to do so :)


I solo alot and always get ganked by fg's and duo's trio's. I know it's lame, but if people wanna play like that then you can't help it.

All i do is feel pitty for them since they probably feel that i wont be able to kill anyone on my own so i will go out in a duo/trio and farm all the soloers.

Like today i ended up dou'ing with a skald, and a fg hibs chased me, all the hibs were high RR btw, from the hibernian bridge to mmg. Im like wow you bunch of rp whores, you would chase me and another skalds for like 3 minutes just to earn probably 400 rp's, and in the end a fg mids came and they all ran off. But thats what people are like, there just fixated on wanting just rp's so will add and leech and kill anyone since they don't care and all they want is rp's.

Even if you show respect to hib/alb fg v fg fights, i still end up being killed afterwards. Even though they know i havent added on them, all they want is rp's so they kill you.:(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
I used to do that AGES ago.. did I get a whine thread? nope :(


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Well if I am that easy and yes I have never my abilities up, RR1 meaning I have none. So as you say you should take me easy, even with no abilities up. I guess you are also RR10, me being ML1.

I dont mind loosing to you 10 times in a row, but I mind that you feel you need 2 ppl to do it. Since I am easy you could have chosen just to kill me alone and let your arrow bot watch, we where alone, no one but us 3 around, you both stealth, I have no speed, But you did not. That can only mean that you do not enjoy 1 vs 1 but are only there to rpswhore so you can feel leet and are unsure of your own abilities. Good luck with that, I have now tasted soloing and found out there is no such thing. Back to normal grouping.

and thanks for the laugh today when your other high rr buddy Paed me and I naturally died. Should have been you trying but I guess you did not dare, so yes I did go looking for you at hibside, but you decided to stay stealthed and spam emotes instead. Brave soul. Maybe if you ask nicely he will poison your weapons for you too :)

you are a wimp and you know it, but at least you dont hide it :)

Goa might not have fixed the grabble/CB bug, but we all know it is one and not working as intended, but you are right, as a gimp you need all the tricks you can get :):puke:


Loyal Freddie
Nov 19, 2004
Uhm, Khai and Dride are both usually out there solo, perhaps they just thought of this wee idea and decided to run it? Methinks yer just a bit pissed because you got humped. It's only a game, get over it.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Golena said:
I used to do that AGES ago.. did I get a whine thread? nope :(

Time to spec one of our scouts back to Battlemaster then? Or maybe you could chain-grapple and I'll use my mincer to DD them to death? :)


Part of the furniture
Jun 24, 2004
Baldrian said:
and thanks for the laugh today when your other high rr buddy Paed me and I naturally died.

Woot my RR4 NS is high RR :eek7:
Saw you standing there while chasing stalky and you didnt move much so i couldnt really resist it. And Fyi Khai wasnt near us when I hit you If i had checked your name before killing you id let khai do it instead tbh :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
WullieTheRed said:
Uhm, Khai and Dride are both usually out there solo

Aye, I have seen Dride shooting soloers running to bold docks:p

WullieTheRed said:
perhaps they just thought of this wee idea and decided to run it?

Thus my post about the utilizing of chaingrappeling ;)

WullieTheRed said:
Methinks yer just a bit pissed because you got humped. It's only a game, get over it.

Fellavader said:
I have no problems with being killed in a fair fight where my adversary uses every ability given to him (only used in the way it was intended ofc)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
MrBic said:
Woot my RR4 NS is high RR :eek7:
Saw you standing there while chasing stalky and you didnt move much so i couldnt really resist it. And Fyi Khai wasnt near us when I hit you If i had checked your name before killing you id let khai do it instead tbh :cheers:

When you are RR1, everyone is high RR. ;)

Naa, been to the bold area looking for solos, none there, been to albside of Agramon. None there, so figured I would go to the hib side. Was standing there out of the way hoping for some solo to run past. Happens its a solo from the behind instead, thats just how it is. Nothing wrong with that.

The annoying part is if you had felt you had to have help from a friend before attacking thats annoying. Well the Laugh spam is kinda annoying and childish too ofc.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
Whine threads :clap:

Beware of the high rr Grove Protectors out there buddy.

RR2 = 7125 rps - Not that hard to get, but of course it might be hard solo'ing as an alb.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Killswitch said:
Time to spec one of our scouts back to Battlemaster then? Or maybe you could chain-grapple and I'll use my mincer to DD them to death? :)

Inf x-bow 4tw!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Solari said:
Whine threads :clap:

Beware of the high rr Grove Protectors out there buddy.

RR2 = 7125 rps - Not that hard to get, but of course it might be hard solo'ing as an alb.

Another one that dont get the point


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Solari said:
RR2 = 7125 rps - Not that hard to get, but of course it might be hard solo'ing as an alb.

Hmm this comment can mean two things...

Either you are saying, that soloing is actually quite easy, but since we're albs we can't solo propperly, in which case you are actually claiming that players who have potential of becomming good soloers will roll hib/mid when buying the game..

OR you mean that all the rp horny people out there make it hard for the alb soloers... but if this was the case, I'm sure that it would be equally hard to solo in hib/mid as I'm quite positive that alb is full of adding and ganking bishes as well ;)

Either way, you are generalizing mate

And no, not really a whine post (I know those won't do anything else than make the thread starter look like an idiot), just wanted to know if chain grappeling had some sort of nerf inc... As you will notice, I'm not the one taking this thread in a whiney direction :p


Part of the furniture
Jun 24, 2004
Aye, I have seen Dride shooting soloers running to bold docks
Think thats kinda the thing with rangers... shooting ppl... with bow... from range... Alltho not many bow rangers out there anymroe :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Hehe couldn't find any smart comments for my other points, so you just pick that one? :D

Well, what I mean is, just because ppl say "I solo" doesn't neccesarily mean that they solo in a "fair" way... I, for instance, do not find it fair to wait at a dock for unprepaired people to come along so you can gank them, but then again, that's just my opinion =) And as there is no point in flaming each other over different opinions, pls don't go there ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2004
MrBic said:
Think thats kinda the thing with rangers... shooting ppl... with bow... from range... Alltho not many bow rangers out there anymroe :(

:clap: :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
MrBic said:
Woot my RR4 NS is high RR :eek7:
Saw you standing there while chasing stalky and you didnt move much so i couldnt really resist it. And Fyi Khai wasnt near us when I hit you If i had checked your name before killing you id let khai do it instead tbh :cheers:

chasing meh? with rr4 ns? thats so cute -)

brad said:
I solo alot and always get ganked by fg's and duo's trio's. I know it's lame, but if people wanna play like that then you can't help it.

yeah same. Duos kill me too, well try to. U remember? -p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
already got one thread on soloers and ganking I think this one's had a long enough life.
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