One of Freddy's beloved
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- Feb 12, 2004
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It seams very strange to me that after 3+ years of Daoc i still find people that only play with Keyboard and use mouse only to target in rare ocations. For my experiance i belive that the keyboard+mouse combination is the best way to play for any kind of game , except those that require joystick or steering wheel. I understand tho that if you get use to one way of play style is hard to change it, but i belive that people sould spent a litle time and effort to learn play with a good mouse+keyboard combo and not only keyboard. It realy save time and gives you great advantage on controling your character when you use both and have arranged your keys in a confortable position for you. Default keys suck change them to something better that fits you, i cant stand seeing people that turn left and right with arrows and not use of mouse+right mouse button.
I want to suggest here few tips about how people sould try to arange their keys mouse setings. I dont say my play style is perfect and i belive that the most players do it my way, at least those i know irl.
I took the chance to right this thread by a post here, that some guys asks how he can run away of his oponets fast, Morch said mouse and is the correct answer for me too.
The general idea on my setting is to be able to do everything without the need to lift any of my hands of their position. That save time and reduce the chance to press a wrong button.
My right hand is always on mouse and i never have to lift it, i target everything with mouse, except of some ocations that nearst enemy button will obviously give the correct target.
Left Mouse button for targeting/open
Right Mouse button for turning my character or moving the camera only while is pressed down and my left hand presses tilde.
Midle Mouse button for repositioning the camera on the /setcamera position.
So my right hand is responcible for targeteting, turning left/right and camera view.
My left hand is responsible for the main movement and most actions of the characher.
W forward
S backward
A strafe left
D strafe right
Q combat mode
E nearest enemy
Z Run Lock
F Stick
Ctrl Sprint
Alt Face or jump
Space Face or jump
depenting on what char i play, for example casters/archers need face more
so i put it on Space for faster access.
X Down
C Use1
V Use2
B sit/stand
N walk
G Last Attacker
H Consider
As for the quick bars i mostly press the buttons 1 to 5 with Left hand and the rest 6 to 0 by clicking on the qb with the mouse. That why i have abilities/RAs after the 6th button. If you make good quickbars then you will be able to move and fight by only useing your left hand, and with right hand you can either turn the figure or turn the camera to have a better aspect of the fight and friends/enemies position.
This is the basic structure and i often make adgustments according to the class i play. I belive is one of the best ways to control the character and actualy be able to make what you want at anytime and be sure it will work.
Just give it some time to practice it and you will find it very comforable what ever you play. You will have fast and correct targeting all time, fast movement of the camera which is very important in this game, easy way to move in all directions, fast Runlock+Sprint, Fast way to reposition the camera to /setcamera potition, easy use1/use2 and more or less you will be able to press half of the quickbar with one hand while moving turning or fighting.
I dont say it will fit everyone but i cant stand people that have to lift their hand from the mouse, put in on arrow in order to be able just to turn around a bit, then put it back on mouse to target, and again and again.
"Wait m8, i'm turning!!"
I would like to read your opinions about keybord+mouse combo in general or some better way to use them in daoc.
I want to suggest here few tips about how people sould try to arange their keys mouse setings. I dont say my play style is perfect and i belive that the most players do it my way, at least those i know irl.
I took the chance to right this thread by a post here, that some guys asks how he can run away of his oponets fast, Morch said mouse and is the correct answer for me too.
The general idea on my setting is to be able to do everything without the need to lift any of my hands of their position. That save time and reduce the chance to press a wrong button.
My right hand is always on mouse and i never have to lift it, i target everything with mouse, except of some ocations that nearst enemy button will obviously give the correct target.
Left Mouse button for targeting/open
Right Mouse button for turning my character or moving the camera only while is pressed down and my left hand presses tilde.
Midle Mouse button for repositioning the camera on the /setcamera position.
So my right hand is responcible for targeteting, turning left/right and camera view.
My left hand is responsible for the main movement and most actions of the characher.
W forward
S backward
A strafe left
D strafe right
Q combat mode
E nearest enemy
Z Run Lock
F Stick
Ctrl Sprint
Alt Face or jump
Space Face or jump
depenting on what char i play, for example casters/archers need face more
so i put it on Space for faster access.
X Down
C Use1
V Use2
B sit/stand
N walk
G Last Attacker
H Consider
As for the quick bars i mostly press the buttons 1 to 5 with Left hand and the rest 6 to 0 by clicking on the qb with the mouse. That why i have abilities/RAs after the 6th button. If you make good quickbars then you will be able to move and fight by only useing your left hand, and with right hand you can either turn the figure or turn the camera to have a better aspect of the fight and friends/enemies position.
This is the basic structure and i often make adgustments according to the class i play. I belive is one of the best ways to control the character and actualy be able to make what you want at anytime and be sure it will work.
Just give it some time to practice it and you will find it very comforable what ever you play. You will have fast and correct targeting all time, fast movement of the camera which is very important in this game, easy way to move in all directions, fast Runlock+Sprint, Fast way to reposition the camera to /setcamera potition, easy use1/use2 and more or less you will be able to press half of the quickbar with one hand while moving turning or fighting.
I dont say it will fit everyone but i cant stand people that have to lift their hand from the mouse, put in on arrow in order to be able just to turn around a bit, then put it back on mouse to target, and again and again.
"Wait m8, i'm turning!!"
I would like to read your opinions about keybord+mouse combo in general or some better way to use them in daoc.