


Please for the love of all things bright and beautiful give us a third server

So we can play all three realms

Pls I beg you pls its so depressing not having a third server

As for diluting the population....

I bought this game on the pretext I would be able to play all three realms, and I can't

Please you gave the French a bloody FOURTH server and that only has at peak 600 people on it

I am sure, NAY, POSITIVE that if you opened a third server the populations would nicely span out to 800+ a server in england which is nice and ZERG free

I play on the american servers to so I can play midgard

Go on make a Euro users day


Camlann's dead.

Make it a Co-op server, that way we get to play all 3 Realms and have chance to try Co-op fun with other Realms too.


Originally posted by svartmetall
Camlann's dead.

Make it a Co-op server, that way we get to play all 3 Realms and have chance to try Co-op fun with other Realms too.

Co-op is also dead in US.


Originally posted by ning
Co-op is also dead in US.

Always seemed to me it would be a lot of fun...I wanted to do the 3 Dragons Raid, where you get your mega-group together and do all 3 Dragons in one fell swoop...that would be a hell of a lot of fun IMO (and, yes, a hell of a lot of horse-riding).



Population isn't high enough..800 per server would be crap imo. Plus you can play characters from all 3 realms...if you are really really desperate to have 3 active characters on 3 different realms there is camlann. The fact that's dead is down to the attitude of people who rushed to pwn everything in sight on there, spoiling it for the majority. (Ironically some of those who helped spoil camlann are now among those who whine about the zerg on excalibur).


Why not just top one of the other 500 posts with exactly the same content and save us from having to go through this all over again?


Nah, make Cal a Home-Invasion server. Oh... and allow people to transfer their characters onto it. I think that would be a lot more fun than current servers, and would give people a reason to defend their realm other than to get DF access (looking at the albi's in a 'not looking at them' way ;) )

Co-Op sounds entertaining, but i don't think it would be any different from PvP, in that the majority of people would play it when it first comes out but then after 2-3 weeks most people go back to their original server and the server is left with maybe 500 odd people playing it prime-time.

As for a 3rd english server, its been stated loads of times that we don't have the player-base for it. I know it would be nice to have one, but i can't see it doing any good (i think i heard somthing about the yank's having loads of servers, but v. small populations on all but a handful of them?)


Can't remember ever seeing any ads for this game in the gaming press...may be a contributing factor.

Be interesting to know how much advertising the game got in France...


Its a bit hard to learn to play the 3rd realm on Camlann btw, when you continuously get ganked whilst trying to train, every time i've played Camlann this has happened and i end up logging out in frustration.

Would be nice to try Midgard by conventional means without having to delete any of my high level chars from the other realms.


Funny that half the time you lot are moaning about zergs and the other half about how underpopulated we are.

If we had a 3rd english speaking server you woiuld get a lot less zerging wouldn't you?


dont think a third english server would not help reduce the zergs. most people will only play alts on the new server and still play most of the time on excal/prydwen because thats where they've got their main chars, guild,friends.


Originally posted by Hargh
Funny that half the time you lot are moaning about zergs and the other half about how underpopulated we are.

If we had a 3rd english speaking server you woiuld get a lot less zerging wouldn't you?

Thankyou mate at least someone has some common sense and sees the hypocrisy most of the kids come out with on this forum

Oh and the most important thing you all don't realise is that:

I would like to have the choice of playing on the 3 realms instead of Camlann or buying a new account

Surely that is my right as a customer paying higher subs than the Americans?

Are u saying because we are english we don't get the choice of 3 servers?

But germans, French, Italians, Americans, Koreans do?

This is not about population this is about a choice to play on 3 servers so I can play 3 realms surely?

If it doesn't raise in population just do what the americans did to Andred kill the server it can't be that hard to do

Oh and the key point of all:

New potential customers may shy away from the fact that their are RR8 plus people banging all over Excalibur and Prydwen

A new refreshed environment can be appealing and GOA if they had an ounce of marketing skill in them could big it up attracting new customers boasting that a new server is up and new challenges await


not enough english ppl to make a 3rd server.



maybe not enough "English people " but there is more than enough english speaking people and as Lonewolf said its about choice

also the low amount of "english people" is only due to GOA's almost 0 advertising in the UK


Originally posted by Feac_
/also the low amount of "english people" is only due to GOA's almost 0 advertising in the UK

Get them to advertise more then, and the server will follow :)


Originally posted by Thorarin
Get them to advertise more then, and the server will follow :)

LOL and you know what they will say to that

GOA executive=:eek2:


Thanks for the link mate this may be VERY VERY Good things for English DAoC

:clap: :clap: :clap:


camlann is far from dead, started playing there a month or more ago, not only you can play 1 realm u havent played, u can play all 3 realms, and have 24 different chars there. and for those that whine about ppl killing them wherever they go, try going somewhere thats not a popular city, or dungeon oooh so u died, go back and try again, or just go somewhere else.
small tip: if you see someone youre afraid that will kill you, say "peace" and it'll all be ok.


and next time make a constructive post not just a flame


Originally posted by Validus
and next time make a constructive post not just a flame

You know what ur right

I apologise


Totaly agree i deletd a charecter to try out hib and when i want my old charecter restored they said they couldnt beacuse id deeletd too many chars since then, DUH i was trying out hibernia !

i replyed asking why there wasnt a 3rd server and why english players where only getting 2/3 of the game they pay extra money for the french and german translations who get to play all 3 realm

also asked why there backups weren't relyable

and guess what

they didnt reply


there is no argument against it, and if there is it would totaly condradict making the 4th french server which was completely unecessary

Tesla Monkor

People can whine and complain and suggest whatever the hell they want. As long as Prydwen remains underpopulated there will not be a third English server.

However, regardless of the complaining and End-of-the-World-bitching going on on BW, GOA is actually gaining more customers than before, so there's still hope.

Best you can hope for is a Gaheris-style Coop server and it to be English. But for that to happen, the PvP server will probably be taken down. (And that's a good thing. Take the poor thing out of it's misery. ;)


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Best you can hope for is a Gaheris-style Coop server and it to be English. But for that to happen, the PvP server will probably be taken down. (And that's a good thing. Take the poor thing out of it's misery. ;)

lol, you make it sound like a rabid dog... actually thats not too bad an annalagy :D

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