KEMOR- u Rok



Keep up the hard - Work it baby. Work it baby.

No Lunch till i have my password :D


I really think Kemor deserves a huge amount of respect, According to the news on patch day, they were at the office at 3.00am (i was still asleep then)

During patch day noticed Kemor popping into IRC now and then for some updates, then the servers came back up at 23.00 he was still on IRC.

Played with the new emotes and stuff for about one hour until I went to bed, and yup he was still in IRC and logged in the game in TNN.



Truly dedicated poor bloke must be knackered


after speaking to him for a bit on wednesday he has my respect, i can now see that GOA do acctually do a lot of work behind the scenes.
just think it could be worse.
and hay they made their launch deadline ;)



ne hard work they do is undermined by their lack of communications to their customers.... GOA can get away with crap customer service cuz ultimetly people dont have to deal with them much to play DAOC... Peeps like to moan about things in general, but the the feeling most people have to GOA goes beyond moaning more towards hatred... This is because ontop of their shite customer service they have a tendency to balls things up....

and while u are here wtf the feck is up with this registration server, I have been trying to get onto it for about 6 hours with no luck... Getting this SI to run has been a major pain and I still cant play it....

"The registration page is momentarily unavailable, please try again in a few minutes. We are sorry for the inconvenience"

been getting this message since 0800 this morning (1300 now) and not a dicky bird of info on there web site. I will give it tonight and ill be taking SI back to the shops for a refund if it still dont work.


yeah right censi u wont take it back because theres loads more uber items for u to farm rofl

Old Nicodemus

Aye, keep up the hard work Kemor.. we all know it's hard work keeping the Tech Trolls and Accounts Goblins in line! ;) Give 'em an extra whipping if they start complaining!

A lot of peeps like to moan but a lot of us appreciate what you guys do in the background.:clap:

Spiritgimp :m00:


All post here to give kemor a day off.....


Give Kemor Day OFF


Aye, not just Kemore tho, all the GOA staff.
we all sing Kemors praise since he's the most visible member, but Zargar was there too, and a bunch of otehr GOA blokes, not to forget the techies who where too busy working to chat on IRC :)p)


heh Lawrence said '5 pizzas left, going cold' in IRC at about 9pm

the server admins were locked in the server room till they got it running ;)

poor sods.



they doen't want A day of

Let them take over the dragons or something and let them go wild on the servers

"haha thier is the annoying bugger who kept PM'ing me, eat fire and claw"

Seriously yeah give them a day off or a very nice overtime bonus


they did a good job on the servers, ill give them that, but, why o why has right now been down for 2 days? i cant even ask for my bloody subs password:(

This service is temporarily unreachable due to a maintenance.


Originally posted by censi

and while u are here wtf the feck is up with this registration server, I have been trying to get onto it for about 6 hours with no luck... Getting this SI to run has been a major pain and I still cant play it....

"The registration page is momentarily unavailable, please try again in a few minutes. We are sorry for the inconvenience"

been getting this message since 0800 this morning (1300 now) and not a dicky bird of info on there web site. I will give it tonight and ill be taking SI back to the shops for a refund if it still dont work.

wtf is up with this? getting onto the registration page is no problemo, have been on there a couple of times since patch day... no problems, ofcourse you will get the unavailable message some because they have limited it to 80 peeps at a time... just try to enter the page constantly for 5 mins and it's NO PROBLEM... maybe you lazy pants check 1 time an hour... then it's not so strange you never get on lol... whine will get you nowhere, try using some common sense...


i dont care about the registration, i just wanna know wtf is up with right now, they havt said they taking it down for mantience or nothing, or even when its gonna be up, and it gives this stupid msg

This service is temporarily unreachable due to a maintenance.
We are sorry for the inconvenience

they need to sort it, as i want my damn subs password:(


Originally posted by healer_mcheal
i dont care about the registration, i just wanna know wtf is up with right now, they havt said they taking it down for mantience or nothing, or even when its gonna be up, and it gives this stupid msg

This service is temporarily unreachable due to a maintenance.
We are sorry for the inconvenience

they need to sort it, as i want my damn subs password:(

I think its down to free up resources for SI registration pages.

If you want your subs password email them, the address has been posted often here (dont know it off hand)


Originally posted by healer_mcheal
i dont care about the registration, i just wanna know wtf is up with right now, they havt said they taking it down for mantience or nothing, or even when its gonna be up, and it gives this stupid msg

This service is temporarily unreachable due to a maintenance.
We are sorry for the inconvenience

they need to sort it, as i want my damn subs password:(

<SIGH> it's posts like THIS that should be moderated.

There is a STICKY thread on here called information - or did that just SKIP your attention??? It states in there quite clearly that they have taken down RightNow to free up registration resources - and there's also an email address I think for account queries.

To much information?

Thought not.


Why do so many people lose their password????

How hard can it be to store your important information safely?


Now would be a good time to post an update us on develotments.

Or shall i make other plans for the weekend ?

^^ As u can tell from my grammar.....Im not very happy about all this:eek:


Originally posted by [CT]Clone1

<SIGH> it's posts like THIS that should be moderated.

There is a STICKY thread on here called information - or did that just SKIP your attention??? It states in there quite clearly that they have taken down RightNow to free up registration resources - and there's also an email address I think for account queries.

To much information?

Thought not.

ive sent them a email, ages ago, i didnt get any thing back, im just pissed off:rolleyes: and that info thing, i read it yeh, but when u pissed off u dont care about anything.

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