Kemor, seems that RP farming is legal after all...


Teh Fonz!!1

GOA do not care.

Even if they called all of us twats and raped our grandads, we'd still play their game and still pay them money every month.

That's all that's important.

Sucks though. :(


Oh my. This response....

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to prevent such things to happen if the level 50 are agree to be killed. tragic. What kind of shite is that. Please GOA, no!!!!!!!


Kemor plz get you peopel's arse in gear , and do something about this , I will not pay to play a game who allows cheaters :mad:


personally i couldnt care less if others want to rp farm, i think it's pretty pathetic but it doesnt seriously bother me.

however, since you have the ability to police the frontier's yourself you could just hunt them down with a few groups and stop it dead, there and then.

why you'd care enough to bother i dont know, but hell, if you REALLY are bothered by it, take care of it yourself.

Generic Poster

Like Charonel says, you can stop it yourself, if you really care.

While it's true that one player, farming another is pathetic. It's not the same as someone with 2 accounts on one server, with one of his lv50 giving a lv10 alt some free RPs.

A lv10 with RR3 could benefit alot from the extra realmabilities he has and it's not much worse then using a buffbot... if only done to get your alt RAs.


Any lvl 20's want to farm off me:)

See you in Odins tonight, I'll be alone and won't fight back honest;)


Go read the CoC, then go read Rightnow and search for "duel".

You will see it is NOT illegal, just not encouraged, and players/staff are free to interrupt.

Duelling has never been "illegal" on euro servers, however unethical it is :rolleyes:


Duelling has been illegal on euro servers ever since GOA said it would be punishable with account suspension in one of their news posts :>


It´s hard to detect, coz that lvl 20 can simple arrange a meeting at certain strange and unexpected place, then farm lvl 50, imediatly after than log off, when lvl 50 come there without rez sick, log on again and kill. It´s REALLY hard to find since u must be extremly lucky coz if lvl 50 agreed with farming obviously he won´t tell u where or even worse telling u a wrong place. Find em in middle battle is hard this way :(


people dont care about buff bots, so why should we care about this?


Originally posted by old.job
Any lvl 20's want to farm off me:)

See you in Odins tonight, I'll be alone and won't fight back honest;)

Nah you will only bring 20 of your friend to kill the lvl 20. :p


Originally posted by old.Charonel

why you'd care enough to bother i dont know, but hell, if you REALLY are bothered by it, take care of it yourself.

If you cant see a problem with peopel farming rp's then you only half as clever as I thought you where , and that was not much to start with... And why should we have to run around the frontier to search for cheaters ??? I'm playing this game to have fun, not to act as cheat-police, its bloody well goa's problem..or it will be when peopel start leaving the game because of cheaters


Originally posted by Generic Poster
Like Charonel says, you can stop it yourself, if you really care.

While it's true that one player, farming another is pathetic. It's not the same as someone with 2 accounts on one server, with one of his lv50 giving a lv10 alt some free RPs.

A lv10 with RR3 could benefit alot from the extra realmabilities he has and it's not much worse then using a buffbot... if only done to get your alt RAs.

LOL..aye why dont they just give em for free anyways..You gotta be kiding m8..atleast I hope so


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
..or it will be when peopel start leaving the game because of cheaters

It amazes me how many mmorpg players STILL 'threaten' to cancel their accounts over anything, and think that it's actually a reliable way to get things changed. Whiners have been doing this for 6 years or so and it's never worked, give it up.


People have been saying they are going to cancel their account since release... yet they are still here

People wont leave DAOC because there is nothing else out there.

In 6 months time, we could have SWG, ShadowBane, PlanetSide, DragonEmpires, amongts the hordes of other MMORPG's being developed.

The minute people find something better than DAOC, the english servers are going to be ghost towns.... mark my words


I'm just telling it as it is , if cheating being it rp farming or what not is going to be the norm , I am gonna leave the game , I'll just play UO until something ell's come's along I like..its not like this is the ultimate game ever...

Ohh and yes I dont see this game as a mmorpg more as a mmo-xp or mmoRvR game..It has like 1/10000000 part of the roleplaying UO has..Thats a part of the game I would like improved.. that and cheaters publicly beaten with an electric eel


the point about why i dont see rp farming as anything worthy of my actually caring about is because you can do it for 5 hours straight, getting EXTREMELY board killing the same enemy who doesnt fight back, then yes your lvl 20 self will have some rp's and some ra's, then what? easier to xp of course, well what do i care? if someone wants an easier time xping them fine, not really bothered.

then they get to rvr, all their realm points are from farming in the non-duels with their high lvl enemy friend, they dont no shit all about the frontiers, know next to nothing about tactics, have all these ra's they barely know how to use properly, dont have the first idea about how to kill enemy realmers compared to how to kill mobs etc... now given time they'll learn, but then you already have enemy RR3's who know how to play and didnt get it from farming, does their existance REALLY bother you too much? no? well me niether.

point is that someone willing to bore themselves stupid for some ra's isnt gonna go and ruin the game for anyone, it only effects you if your only playing as some pointless "who's got the most rp's competition" and you dont want to get out scored by a farmer, whereas those who play it for fun will have absolutely no additional problems because of the existance of these people, and really wont care.

ever thought that the reason you dont think the games THAT good may be because you play it for realm points rather than actual fun? because i happen to enjoy rvr a lot, and dont much care about the realm points, i went through a small phase of actually being bothered about them, and i have to say it pretty much made it as boring as xping, glad i'm not bothered anymore really :)

Oldbone O

It could start with.. "my friend have a L50 in alb, and I just wanne get some easy rp from him".... and so on, it becomes crossrealimg in the end.

The line between simple rp-farming and exchange information about realms could get thin in the end. So it would be better to not allow any cooperation at all between players from diffrent realm, dosent matter if it just plain rp farming or exchange info about the realm.


So you think cheating is ok as long as its borring ????
Hmmm peopel who dont care , dont realy have anything to say in my book...why do you realy bother replying here then if you dont care ??? I do care about the game and the friends I have in the game , and thats why I dont like some feeking lamers ruining the game by cheating, but well I guesse you dont care....


Originally posted by old.Charonel
point is that someone willing to bore themselves stupid for some ra's isnt gonna go and ruin the game for anyone, it only effects you if your only playing as some pointless "who's got the most rp's competition" and you dont want to get out scored by a farmer, whereas those who play it for fun will have absolutely no additional problems because of the existance of these people, and really wont care.

The point is that RP in this game isn't just about who has got the most points. RP = RA, which means (because most RAs are dumb) chars with powers above and beyond those who havn't got those RA. You see, since Mythic linked superpowers with the amount of RP, this game IS all about RP, whether thats what you think or not. The player with the most/best RA will prevail, all other things being equal. If the game mechanics and those that run it, turn a blind eye to blatant cross realm RP farming, its a terrible decision.

You see, those that do play for fun, don't actually have much fun if they are steamrollered constantly by people who are willing to exploit, farm, dual account, etc..etc..etc..

Sort it out GOA, please.


<Trying to hide a bloody two-handed mace>
The CSR has been…dealt with :)

RP farming is NOT authorized as we said many times in the past and yes, we did, do, and will always do something about players repeatedly killing each other in order to “harvest” more realm points. We receive reports about this quite often and we always look into it and warn the players involved if they deserve it.


Originally posted by kemor
<Trying to hide a bloody two-handed mace>
The CSR has been…dealt with :)

Now thats personnel care to my liking. :)

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