Kemor... please read...




The lagg problems on Excalibur are getting worse and worse each day.. im often just standing about at lyoness with 1-2 red squares...

People are continusly moaning about the lagg... Whole Party wipe outs due to 6 second lagg outs but all people...

Can u please give us some indication that this is being looked into.. cos it is getting worse and worse...

Please tell us what u plan to do about it and some indication to the cause??



Last night (sunday) there was a router problem somewhere between Stockholm and Copenhagen in Opentransit backbone. This caused 1000-1500ms ping to Wanadoo for many players who live in Scandinavia.

1 minute ago I checked the ping to Prydwen, and Wanadoo gateway was down for a few seconds (lag spike).


Hmmm . .as suspected .. all of DAoC went down.

Bitney Spears

Linkdead 19 times since 2pm this afternoon. After logging back in after about 7th time i recieved a small patch.

Maybe theyre playing with the servers, you know, one of those "transparent to already logged in players" patches HAHAHAH.

Please Kemor, give us some info on what youre doing to Excalibur!


3 LD's in 5 minutes i might just stop paying for this......

Brannor McThife

Ok...I've just done the ping thing...and am going via NEW FRIGGIN' YORK!!! :puke:



Last night's lag was affecting players in Germany, Sweden, Russia, and other countries in that general direction, and had nothing to do with GOA.

Right now, it looks like it's GOA's connection to the backbone that is croaked, and everybody is cut off. This time, at least, it's everything to do with GOA. Flame on!


I can only say that Prydwen is suffering from the same problem,but i guess u know that already :(


Must be coz ppl in europe heard bout u by now brannor ;)

Thee Mooh will get thee

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Trollbait
Right now, it looks like it's GOA's connection to the backbone that is croaked, and everybody is cut off. This time, at least, it's everything to do with GOA. Flame on!

Looks like...flame on...Gee, I wish you wrote all our laws...circumstancial evidence... HANG HIM!... :rolleyes:



Yeesssss finally lets all hang

err well u know what i mean =P



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Ok...I've just done the ping thing...and am going via NEW FRIGGIN' YORK!!! :puke:


Im getting routed via stockholm then new york then back to an opentransit bt router in bletchly which is my 6th hop out usually. Now its 6th and 26th. 100%PL on hitting wanadoo im afraid


My point is only that when a router belonging to god-knows-who goes dead in Stockholm and ruins the latency for DAOC players in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Russia, there's not really very much GOA can do about it and complaining about it with GOA SUCKS posts is the high limit of stupid.

But a failure like this - even though it is probably not GOA's fault as such - is still well within their domain of responsibility, and they need to fix it or see that it is fixed as soon as possible. Flaming GOA over this will not actually get the problem sorted any faster but at least the flames are pointed in kind of the right direction, and it passes the time until the connection is restored.

As to those who might seize things like this and say, "GOA SUCKS, ALL TO THE US SERVERS," well, with WorldCom filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy today, we'll just see how reliable your transatlantic IP traffic is over the next six months. :(

This is not a good time to be an online gamer, to be honest. To play our MMORPGs we require above all else stable servers and reliable connections, and that second part is going to be a rare commodity over the next little while.


Just done a trace on my route to GOA and I've found I'm going via portland and sunnyvale on the west coast of US.....

Hmm, no wonder i'm getting a little bit of lag then.


Originally posted by Trollbait
My point is only that when a router belonging to god-knows-who goes dead in Stockholm and ruins the latency for DAOC players in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Russia, there's not really very much GOA can do about it and complaining about it with GOA SUCKS posts is the high limit of stupid

Problem being m8,

It is thier responsiblity...

I pay for a taxi to somewhere.. and they say i cant sorry the M3 is close due to a crash.. i say well take me another way around...

If GOA are having problems with routers somewhere... unless it is an non Bypassable router (ISP problem etc)... then they should implement solutions in which the fault components in the cloud can be bypassed...

But genrally the problems i have found are located at Wanadoo, and i know that flaming GOA and saying we will move to US etc will not sort out the problem... But more and more people are getting pissed of.. and your avrage customer dosnt care if its GOAs fault or BTs fault, if the problem continues to happen, the bottom line is they/I are not getting to play our game... and that is what will move people to the US servers

WorldCom may be going down the tube... but it wont take to long to replace them cos it opens up a whole market for other large corprates to take advantage of.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Paranoid

Problem being m8,

It is thier responsiblity...

I pay for a taxi to somewhere.. and they say i cant sorry the M3 is close due to a crash.. i say well take me another way around...

If GOA are having problems with routers somewhere... unless it is an non Bypassable router (ISP problem etc)... then they should implement solutions in which the fault components in the cloud can be bypassed...

LOL... gotta love the taxi/car/fridge examples.
What about you compare apples with pears?
Do you honestly think they can plan how the traffic is directed?

"Lets use Stockholm tonight, Kemor."
"Yeah, good idea... then New York?"
"Sounds fine to me."

Give me a break....


Paranoid, you don't seem to understand how the Internet works. Just how far do you think GOA's responsibility extends? They are responsible for their servers, yes. They are responsible for their connection to the Internet backbone, yes. But after that, it's completely out of their hands. Do you think GOA is responsible for routing and peering between France and the UK? Is GOA responsible for maintaining your ISP's backbone connection, or their cable/ADSL connections, or their modem banks? If you dial your ISP number and there is no answer, is that GOA's problem because you paid your six pounds a month? If your mom accidentally unplugs your modem or you spill a pepsi into it and it explodes, are you going to go to an internet cafe and tell Kemor to bloody well get it sorted mate?

Think, for heaven's sake.

If a DAOC player in Sweden can't connect because his ISP is stuffed, I feel sorry for him, I do, and I understand that he's angry. But shouting at GOA to fix it just makes him look stupid.


FFS, yes u can direct ur trafic... its quite possible to by pass routers that are contiusly causing problems


Originally posted by Trollbait
... If you dial your ISP number and there is no answer, is that GOA's problem because you paid your six pounds a month? If your mom accidentally unplugs your modem or you spill a pepsi into it and it explodes, are you going to go to an internet cafe and tell Kemor to bloody well get it sorted mate?

/giggles emote that should be introduced to DAoC by the way!

/em nods agreeably at Trollbait



Aye yes you can direct the traffic, your ISP can not GOA !!

old.jon kemper

Ok just done a visual ping on Excaliber


Oh and BTW we are routed through USA coz France Telecom has some sort of pipe to america. and we all know how crap France Telecom are, just shows where GOA were trained :p


quote from a networking book ive got handy

IP is an Unreliable protocol

Because it is connectionless and because it does not check to see wheather packets arrive at thier destination and because it does not care wheather they arrive out of order, IP is considered an unreliable protocol. Or, to put it another way, its a best effort delivery service. Because IP doesnt perform routing functions, it cant guarantee what route a datagram will take though the network.

So basicly GOA cant control how the data gets from your computer to thiers - so its not thier problem. unless of course its there servers ;)

Catnip Lightpaw

Also going through us links, not good:

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 * * * Request timed out.

2 12 ms 8 ms 7 ms []

3 11 ms 9 ms 8 ms []

4 10 ms 12 ms 31 ms []

5 12 ms 32 ms 14 ms []

6 13 ms 14 ms 12 ms []

7 18 ms 16 ms 50 ms []

8 19 ms 70 ms 25 ms []

9 23 ms 21 ms 22 ms

10 18 ms 21 ms 18 ms []

11 128 ms 84 ms 84 ms []

12 154 ms 155 ms 154 ms []

13 157 ms 154 ms 166 ms []

14 157 ms 153 ms 155 ms POS2-2.BR1.SEA1.ALTER.NET []

15 154 ms 154 ms 163 ms []

16 166 ms 160 ms 162 ms []

17 166 ms 169 ms 165 ms []

18 167 ms 170 ms 182 ms []

19 167 ms 181 ms 168 ms POS1-0.XR1.PAO1.ALTER.NET []

20 167 ms 168 ms 167 ms 189.ATM6-0.GW10.PAO1.ALTER.NET []

21 163 ms 184 ms 164 ms opentransit2-gw.customer.ALTER.NET []

22 163 ms 165 ms 185 ms []

23 220 ms 178 ms 176 ms []

24 182 ms 201 ms 176 ms []

25 177 ms 179 ms 176 ms []

26 180 ms 177 ms 184 ms []

27 188 ms 179 ms 180 ms []

28 185 ms 197 ms 185 ms

29 2124 ms 415 ms 285 ms

Trace complete.


I am just upset that I cant rely on a game service I pay for to be working when I want to play it.


Their ISP seems terrible, whenever I have problems and traceroute its always Wanadoo, francetelecom or opentransit that comes up as the problem servers :(

I aint happy and unfortunately dont think the connection to GOA servers will ever be satisfactory anymore, I have completely lost faith in the servers :(

Will continue to play the game cos I love it and am a sucker for punishment, but IMO they have had plenty of time to sort it all out and havent.

Cya in game sometime.. hopefully lol


HOLY SH*T 29 hops!!!!

Glad ive got a good ISP :D


old.jon kemper

Their ISP is GOA's Parent company France Telecom !!!!!!!

this should come as no surprise


Weeeee, not going via the states anymore but I couldn't connect.

Service is unavailable.


Here's an idea instead of getting re-routed by the US why not just get routed their and stay their ffs ie play on the US servers.

France is fine for women, wine and some food even Kronie's and Stella aint bad but their engineering and IT technologies are a laughing stock.

I am so close to termintaing my account it aint funny, I play an archer anyway's so getting from 43 to 50 is gonna be bloody painful anyway.

Besides how many times do the french go on strike so how long is it gonna be before french telecom actually take part in this. NOT LONG.

I am sooo hacked off.

I had such a shite day today and I come home thinking what shall I get up to tonight on daoc but noooooo I can't.


S'alright for me, down to london, then over to france :) 16 hops.


Pity I'm not playing atm :(

It's NOT a problem with goa, and I doubt it's a problem with Wanadoo to be honest. It's just that somewhere in the internet ether something broke, now switch your flamethrowers out for gods sake.

Before someone says I wouldn't be acting like this if I'd got connection problems, I would be the same. Yes, it's annoying, but for gods sake, things break in the computing world. You have to be patient.

If you're going to cancel you account, do it, and bugger off. There's no point bitching goa or wanadoo out.

I've worked for several ISPs and I understand how things can go wrong - it's a fact of life I'm afraid. Put up with it.

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