Kemor...perhaps you know...?



When we get SI in Europe, will we also be getting a PvE or Co-Op server as well like Gaheris in the US?



Would be cool to try out, an XPing group of all the classes in the game, with no fear that ewul looking lil luri mana bomb is going to go postal at any moment.

I can't be the only one here who thinks Mythic got the server type right first time round? :)

I love the RvR setting :)


Don't forget the magic word :


You can have all I have on me now Kemor ... being 2 text markers (working), a screwdriver, my phone ... drats forgot my wallet but you can have my ultra cool pinguin coffee mug.

Now be honest, you can't resist to that :p


Yeah, I love my RvR as well and I know the idea of a Co-op server isnt everyones idea of game nirvana but I think it would be a very interesting diversion. Especially with the new races/classes, zones and turbo charged monster AI. No need to constantly have an "RvR" specc in the back of your mind and you can get to wear robes in Midgard :)

Co-op server...not a permanent home for me but certainly a place I'd return to regularly.

Toodle Pip :)


isn't it plzkkthxbye?

Too common, everybody is using it :p
'Please' is something completely new .... and it looks less like the result of a random alphabet character generator most are using these days.


I love the idea of a cooperative server, and would definitely make it my home. Am waiting to hear from GOA before deciding whether or not to move to the US servers and adopt Gaheris.

ps. I hope we get one and I hope it's called Tintagel :)


Let me explain as to what ive heard of apparent RvR in the co-op server....

The keeps have been taken over by hostile lords, these drop certain items which can be traded for a kind of RP so to speak.

these mobs are super AI and can re-take the keep at any time, these act as a kind of "enemy race"

that is how RvR will work in Co-op, at least that how i heard it.

so that is how RvR works in Geahris.


I really like the idea in the same way Noita commented on it, great server to play around with and level slowly, or level lots of different character types :)

can't see that being great fun at level 50. However good the AI on the keep lords is, I don't see it carrying the unpredictability of player enemies :)

edit: those new SI areas could be some real, real fun with a big zerg of different realm's classes working together :) the only worry for me is that realms XPing classes are kinda balanced as they are now. Why would anyone want to play an archer in a PvE server?

Also, I think it'll see some realms class types being totally dumped in favour of the "better" version from another realm. I won't name any specific examples here as I don't want to turn the thread into flamebait :) but is it not a worry?


Yeah, the attacking forces have some kind of seals that they drop and they are worth 3000 RPs at level 50 and on a sliding scale downwards from that level on.

It would be interesting to know whether this "enemy" force also includes enemy stealthers or is just a big bunch of axe weilding maniacs with rams.

I think you are also awarded 1 RP per level from level 20 to either 30 or 40, cant remember.

I agree partly with the post 50 interest bit, thats the only thing that worries me about a Co-op server, but, many people dont enjoy RvR all that much or are a bit bored with it and are looking for different challenges. Here you have a world full of them, 3 Dragons to kill, perma access to DF, Legion, Beliathan, etc, the frontier dungeon and all the new monsters in all the new zones to pitch your skills at. Eg... theres one mob with an amazing amount of HPs that gains resistance to attack the more its used, so use any one type too much and you are goosed. Mobs who bring allies to fight for them for each of your comrades who it kills o_O and then the 4 Horsemen and Big Bad Apocalypse himself.


Archers will be pullers o_O

and keep defenders

and also who knows, mebe GOA will control the enemy forces, so i imagine, we will be up against a formidable enemy,

hehe, "Kemor performs Perforate Artery, Kemor hits you for 1000 Damage!" o_O


From what I have read about the US experience, Im not sure if any classes will become "redundant" as such. Sure there will be classes which will be harder to level as now and will perhaps offer a little less to an XP group than others, but, with no RvR specc to worry about it may allow people to view the speccs for chars in a different way.

An XP grp with a
2x shield warriors
2x Supp/Summ SMs


The other thing you've missed out is, you will be able to talk to players from each realm, so you can actually have a chat with the more "famous" (vocal more like :p) people from each realm (should they choose to play on the co-op server), instead of having to resort to things like irc etc, and as people have said, since you won't have to worry so much about your spec, things will be more relaxed and quite probably more fun, which is after all, why we play games. ;)


We don't have any information about a co-operative server yet. First and foremost we will focus on releasing SI, so it will be a good while before we have news about this.


i can say from experience that rogues are very rare on gheris.. when i logged on there this morning to mess around there was guess how many ?

3 yes 3 rogues.. that includes scouts/rangers/hunters/shadowblades/infiltrators/nightshades... there is no need for a stealthing class on an RvR free server.. and i can say.. gimme now please... i love the idea of being able to xp only and with all 3 realms working togeather it will make it fun.. bored with malmo.. hehe go kill some tree`s in lyonesse.. bored with that go hibernia... bored with that.. try one of the 3 SI zones (if you have SI that is) if you wanna kill a realm m8 cos you have urges.. /duel :D


This sounds very interesting and I am watching the US server closely to see how things turn out over there. Should it be introduced to Europe at the same time as SI is released then I might be tempted to reactivate my account and play there provided a couple of things work out alright :

  • You would definitely need SI to be out and active because there is not enough content (even in all three realms) for people who could do nothing other than tackle PvE. Especially when you consider anything "new" will have been spoiled by people on the US servers.
  • The servers don't drop dead after one month like the PvP ones do because everyone quits and goes back to where they came from.
  • There is some content that is doable with intermediate numbers of people (currently we have Princes/Epic mobs with two groups max and Legion/Dragon which takes 8-10 groups or more). No one finds gigantic zergs skillful or fulfilling so if you have monsters that take upwards of 200 people to kill then there needs to be some process by which you can "gear up" for them and manage with 60-70 max. It will destroy the server if a guild has to have hundreds of members to do anything.
  • They look at raising the level cap on the PvE servers if only to aleviate the problem of stat caps and gear maxing too quickly as it stands. Or something anyway because there isn't enough progression for individual characters to make a PvE server compelling to play on for any length of time.
  • The server isn't introduced too late over here. If it arrives a couple of months before (or during) the release of the next gen mmporpgs you can forget it ever taking off.


lol, so no PvE server until at least after february 21st (providing GOA stick to that date) I think we're going to see a lot of people leaving...


PvE server doesnt interest me in the slighest, sure i enjoy leveling slightly, but what i really enjoy is RvR im sure i wouldnt mind hunting in the new SI epic dungeons with all three realms, but i could not level a character to 50 where there is little or no PvP content.

I was looking forward to PvP but it just seems like a huge gank fest, people will attack you without a second thought because they would rather get the first strike in. Ive been on many games where if someone were to attack another player without any reason then other players would assist the person being attacked. As it stands on Camlann people will either a) help kill the person being attacked or b) gank both of them.


Originally posted by Garian
I was looking forward to PvP but it just seems like a huge gank fest, people will attack you without a second thought because they would rather get the first strike in. Ive been on many games where if someone were to attack another player without any reason then other players would assist the person being attacked. As it stands on Camlann people will either a) help kill the person being attacked or b) gank both of them.

What you describe there is nature at its most basic, dog eat dog, kill or be killed, the law of the predator, just goes to show that man hasn't lost his caveman instincts, that or just rank cowardice. :p

Personally I wont touch PvP, went on the gorre test twice, rolled a highlander acolyte, watch people ganking in humberton so moved to pryd keep and logged, came back on later and found 3 people around me with drawn weapons, fortunately I hadn't switched off my protection, stunned em for others to play with ran out into the woods logged and haven't been back since. :p


An XP grp with a
2x shield warriors
2x Supp/Summ SMs

pbae setup

2 high shield, high chants paladin
1 warden for the obvious 6s pbt
1 healer for cc and heals
2 enchanter for pbae
2 berserker , combined with low aggro due to paladins, low damage taken due to pbt and plenty of other characters which are able to heal, and paladin endurance regen the best damage choice.

mezz and bash setup

2 high shield, high chants paladin
1 warden for the obvious 6s pbt
1 healer for cc and heals
1 bard for backup cc/buff/heal and speed-end-pow regen
1 menta-theurg-runie for nuking and some utility spells
2 berserker , combined with low aggro due to paladins, low damage taken due to pbt and plenty of other characters which are able to heal, and paladin/bard endurance regen the best damage choice.

Bleri McThrust

PvE server will give another type of game possibility, which cant be a bad thing. Coming out after SI should also mean it doesnt dilute the other servers to much. Providing.....................

Some decent advertising is done to introduce new people to DAoC in the first place.


Thanks Zargar, my question was really prompted by seeing that in the US the Co-op server and SI have kind of co-incided except that Gaheris is still on test, but more or less they popped up together.

Klav: Why 2x Chanters when Supp SMs have better debuffs, better mezzes and higher dmg pbae... top dmg being 331? For the single target stun? And both if pbae specc have similar dmg base line DD's, 1 heat 1 of each maybe as a compromise for those mobs who "learn" to resist dmg types used against them? :)

Kind of agree with zerkers for dmg dealing but with changes coming soon for "pure melee" classes Mid Warriors will have more HPs and do more dmg than any other "pure melee" class and can train shield high, so I think i would stick to 1 Pally and 2 Warriors simply for the extra defence they bring to the party.

Nice mezz n bash set up tho :)

Gideon: Agreed, you would need to have SI activated for a PvE server to work.
Legion can be taken by 40 people apparently o_O,
Dragon c.10FGs
and from what Ive read of SI.... Apocalypse = 200 people MINIMUM.
But theres plenty others there that can be taken with less. I guess one of the real challenges on a PvE server would be working out the tactics needed to defeat some of these bad boys and grrlz with as few people as possible.

Toodle Pip :)


i just can't understand why mythic wouldn't put a designated "RvR" area which can only be accessed via porting and has no XP mobs where people can fight it out multiplayer style..


this will put y'all off.. but if there's a PvE server ..
i'll deffo be on it:p


where would battlegrounds feature in a PvE server?


If they exist at all I am guessing that the BG keeps are taken over by this Horde of monsters that take regular Frontier Keeps.

Just a guess.

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