kemor or goa ?



Ello this aint a whine or moaning thread . im just curious as to wether Goa has talked or thought about when euro will have a pvp server . the reason i ask is because usa servers have them and seem to be going v well . and with a LOT of euopean people leaving euro daoc to goto play those pvp servers . im just wondering if they willbe implemented here any time soon . before we lose so many english players to american servers that there wont be enough people on pvp server for you to bother with ,
the way i see it is we have ALL the zones needed for a pvp server now we have df . so hopefully we can have a pvp server here soon before to many euro's leave , the reason i posted this thread on main board instead of pm'ing you is becaus im sure everybody else interested in pvp server will want to know if there are any soon to be plans for pvp server .

p.s please answer if they do/dont have any plans for near future .


Thought I read the answer was that not until 1.51 (PvP patch)... but it will probably be a german server


GOA have answered this question here and on the official site many, many times, but here's the short recap of what we have been told so far :

There will be one (1) European PvP server.
It will be in English.
It will not be up until the regular servers are patched to 1.51.
The last "official" timeline they gave for this was in the news they posted at the beginning of July: "the opening of a European PvP server will not happen before the patching to 1.51, which is planned (this could change a lot) for October."

With 1.50 ready for testing now, this could come sooner, if everything goes well (crosses fingers).

They will probably fix the date after 1.50 is rolled out.


i wonder how many skalds there'll be on the pvp server... :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Argh.. another "Gimme PvP or at least a date or all the players will leave for the US servers."

<... don't need the makings of another flame thread, ta ... >

and do not freaking assume that you speak for the whole community - not everyone wants that bloody PvP server.. kkthxbye


I think it more of a priority to keep patching as fast as possible, not to get a PvP server. If we near the US version maybe just one version behind or so (hmm...) then maybe they should setup that server.
Sickofit is correct in the sense that the usual whining will begin even after we have had the server... because the americans got some new patch that fixes PvP server elements, I'd tell all to just chill and be patient. Whining will never cease, that is a fact.


Once a pvp server is set up, it can be patched at the same moment as the american once, since nothing has to be translated etc...

and yes, i am looking forward to the opening of the pvp servers.



No it can't, GOA have already said they will not set up and run another patcher :(

so the patches that go on the PvP server will be the same as standard servers, so u will still have to wait for them :(


read my post again i didnt say put a pvp server OR we will all leave . i said will we be having one soon because a lot of people have ALREADY left for american servers for the pvp . hence if people keep leaving , goa might not think it worth the bother to give us a pvp server due to lack of people..

<... see above ... >


only a PvP server and too much players who wants to test it....

wolvon fury

Hmmm, we might hopefully get more people in euro DAoC,

1)We get a PvP server, We might get more people
2)I seen a DAoC poster in GAME today, i was over-joyed with the first advertisement for this game i eva seen in England

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