KEMOR?? mods??? wtf is responsible for that



Ok, you are right my topic name is a bit negative ... well that is prolly b/c im very pissed at the f**king support of EU - GOA etc etc ...
Here comes my problem, since i started this game the EU online payment system is REJECTING my CC - Transaction refused pls contact your bank <--- ???!!! i assume thats a j/k - my CC is perfectly working for ALL other internet payment systems etc and even for Daoc US!!!
So what is the problem with this?
I m tired of borrowing the CCs of friends i want the problem fixed afap. I heard im not the only one who has problems with his MC.
I posted my problem about 7 months ago on right now but yes you guessed right - i never received an answer therefore im going this way ...
First of all dont tell me to go to my bank - i m just returning from there - i had a speak with the director for more than 1 hour and he called Mastercard etc etc - they say no conflict with the MC it has NEVER EVER been rejected (says their achieve) so what? then i have to blame your system.
Now im asking you KEMOR, who is responsible for this and how can it be fixed asap ??

no offence but

:puke: :puke: :puke:


#1 This is not an official GOA Communication medium, it is a public forum run by Barrysworld

#2 See #1, I feel it deserved double mention :D

#3 Send another RightNow? if you dont get a reply in 7 months, does that mean you dont chase and nag them?


hmmmmmm ...

I got a nice advice for you aswell mr smart ass

STFU and dont click the button named "post reply" when you are not a Mod or Kemor himself



Originally posted by jaz01
hmmmmmm ...
STFU and dont click the button named "post reply" when you are not a Mod or Kemor himself

You dont come off as too bright mate. A little less stupid abbreviations and a little more tact would probably help you a long way. If you dont want responses then I suggest that you send a private message next time.



I have some nice advice for you.

Stop swearing.

If you treat everyone like complete shite, they will treat you back that way.

Kemor will not waste his time responding to someone who just rants. Formulate a nice rational post and it might be given the time of day.

Solid spoke the truth - this is a discussion forum. We can give advice (this point is negated by you being an arsehole to anyone who does).

Contact Rightnow. Maybe they didn't respond and deal with it because you were over bearingly rude and hostile?


Hi, Well, even though I am a Moderator..
I'm not a GOA employee, I'm a gamer like yourself.

Anyway, my personal view is, If I were you I would make another Right now post about it and again in a week or so if there's no response.
It seems to me, waiting for 7 months and not doing anything is just causing frustration for yourself.
Mistakes happen, but if a mistake has happened, and you have spoken to your bank etc...then the next logical step is to go back to chasing GOA, via Right Now.


Guys am I allowed to call him a dipshit now?

Pwease? Pweety Pwease? !! :D
2nd thoughts better get Kemor or GOA to give me the all clear, cant have them being upset at me eh?


and as for k+z being mods, from what i remember they were made ops because the first time kemor posted here when the old forums went down half the thread was taken up with people saying it was an imposter, so that was done to prevent people from crying imposter again :p


Originally posted by Solid
Guys am I allowed to call him a dipshit now?

Pwease? Pweety Pwease? !! :D
2nd thoughts better get Kemor or GOA to give me the all clear, cant have them being upset at me eh?
No. I'll call him a twat on your behalf though.
Honestly, coming here and ranting gets you nowhere. Also what sort of moron waits 7 months without following up a complaint?!


As has been said, try RightNow again using the e-mail address, putting the problem in the e-mail subject (something like "Subscription Payment not being accepted" might catch their eye :) ) and you should receive an auto-reply within a few minutes.

Also, if you don't hear back from RightNow in a few days (average response time I have found is under 24 hours) then you can try mailing

Posting here on the Barrysworld Forum is not going to be much use. Kemor and Zargar are very busy people, since not onle are they the ones us English players are used to seeing out and about, but there are also script tests, meetings, wine drinking sessions and the occasional dragon duels that go on.

Besides, no-one in any official position (like DAoC GOD), by simple logic, speaks to anyone who is flaming/annoyed/down-right abusive until they calm down, as things are sometimes taken wrong and matters can get worse.

Yes, Zargar and Kemor were both given Moderator status here in order to make anything they say in these forums more noticeable than the other posters, and also to make sure people here know that, if GOA want to say something to the community through these forums (as has happenned in the past when we had the little issue with the entire GOA network being taken offline and the Official GOA Forums were inaccessible) then the community knows that it is genuine, and not coming from a muppet like me :)

Remember, the only OFFICIAL GOA support will come from either the posts on the DAOC-Europe homepage or from the RightNow service. Yes, users of these forums can give opinions, advice, and share previous experience, whether technical, ingame, or otherworldly, but it should be taken as 3rd party support, and NOT as if it came directly from GOA.

Peace out :)


Originally posted by -jaz-
Ok, you are right my topic name is a bit negative ... well that is prolly b/c im very pissed at the f**king support of EU - GOA etc etc ...
Here comes my problem, since i started this game the EU online payment system is REJECTING my CC - Transaction refused pls contact your bank <--- ???!!! i assume thats a j/k - my CC is perfectly working for ALL other internet payment systems etc and even for Daoc US!!!
So what is the problem with this?
I m tired of borrowing the CCs of friends i want the problem fixed afap. I heard im not the only one who has problems with his MC.
I posted my problem about 7 months ago on right now but yes you guessed right - i never received an answer therefore im going this way ...
First of all dont tell me to go to my bank - i m just returning from there - i had a speak with the director for more than 1 hour and he called Mastercard etc etc - they say no conflict with the MC it has NEVER EVER been rejected (says their achieve) so what? then i have to blame your system.
Now im asking you KEMOR, who is responsible for this and how can it be fixed asap ??

no offence but

:puke: :puke: :puke:

Jaz, first, please stop swearing.

Second, Billing and Debt Management --> ie getting the money off of ya in this case :) is the most sensitive topic for many companies, so be patient. Since you decided to wait instead of filing another complaint, it is partially you who is responsible, they prolly lost it in the queue or something.

File another report via Rightnow saying this and that, such and so etc. Trust me they wont be the only company in the world to refuse taking money from a client hehe and the client insisting on it :)

So, as i far as i can understand the trend of this thread, be patient < i know its hard to keep it together >, consistency in report is the key to problems localisation, otherwise it will take much longer to sort it out mate. Via Rightnow you should list all the actions that you have taken to check why the payment wasnt approved <theres no need to be aggressive since you technically have no right to be so, just like they dont have any obligations before you due to contract termination >.

Uncle Sick(tm)

=Permission granted, TPT(tm)=
Call him whatever you like.

I bet it's Sigurd!!! Watch out - he's gonna slice and dice you with his MasturbatorCard *runs off, laughing*


I would post summin of intelligence and wit but it seems to be all spent by the other mods

Grab Rightnow by the neck and shake a couple more queries through and I am sure they will respond, GOA really have improved their customer service

And I do apologise you have had to wait so long

Good luck in getting it resolved, let us know how u get on


Two quick things:

You addressed this message to Kemor or Mods.

1. Kemor is the GM of the Prydwen server. He has nothing to do with billing. Even if he did, I doubt he'd reply to such an immature rant.

2. Mods? Forum mods? They're as closely tied to GOA as you are. They're BW forum mods and have nothing whatsoever to do with GOA.

If you use the correct channels to report issues and formulate them in a polite and rational way, I'm sure you'll get a better response than you will from posting an insulting, immature whine on a loosely affiliated forum.


I'm off to the SWG forums to rant about cheese prices being too high.

That'll work.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
I'm off to the SWG forums to rant about cheese prices being too high.

That'll work.

Can you mention that the Star Trek THG episodes suck as well please? ;)


Originally posted by sickofit...
=Permission granted, TPT(tm)=
Call him whatever you like.

I bet it's Sigurd!!! Watch out - he's gonna slice and dice you with his MasturbatorCard *runs off, laughing*
bahahhahahaha :clap:

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