Kemor: Could we clamp down... ?



Could we clamp down on people with excessively long stupid names?

I've seen several lately, but the ones that spring to mind are...

(Numbers of characters I'm not sure)

In fact I can tell you, that the Pffft chap has actually got a similar last name as well. The moo guy has got a lastname in reference to being milked. He also said that he specifically asked you if this name was ok and you said it was?


Clearly these people are just taking the biscuit. Can't anything be done?


Best to use Rightnow to tell them about the person with the name and then they can correct it or make it look more appealing


imo that name ISNT offensive , i know it says in coc that names should be in line with the era of the game . but if Goa clamped down on the above guy "onl reason they could have is cos it aint inline with the era" then Goa would have to clamp down on thousands of people spread accross there servers who also havent got a name thats in context with the games era and time frame sorta thing . cos im sure you will agre there is a ton more people who also hvent got names that would be suitable in the times of medieval times .

p.s although i do agree above name is a bit silly . but i dont mind he has to live with it :p . if u dont like his name shift+n works nicely :p


Neither names are offensive. But there is no doubting they are silly and are purely made to annoy other players.

His name was getting in the way all the time. so I did SHIFT-N to remove all names. Bit of a pain tho as I like to see who is who around me. It's also handy to see enemy players. Saracen Guardian/ Elf Savant etc.

I've not thought of it like you. You are right he'll have to use that name for a long time if he intends to level the character. That seems punishment enough, everyone looking at him as an idiot.


Who cares ffs... it's not offensive, and Mythic decided that that's how many characters should be allowed in a name, so he can't be punished for it.

If all you have to worry about in life is peoples name in an online game you're very lucky..


Please Perplexed!!

I hate answers like that, someone makes a perfectly reasonable
complaint about someone having a stupidly long name and you answer with the
'if that's all you've got to worry about ,get a life'
routine, that is such a lame thing to say.

What's you cutoff point for that one mate?
'If all you've got to worry about is your terminal cancer'

If all you've got to worry about is moaning about people making complaints then you really need to get a life :)


when you group with them, and i have grouped with moooooooooooooo a few times, whenever he says something in chat then his name takes up half of his writing which is annoying. he also will be very offensive to people who tell him his name is stupid


Originally posted by Perplexed
If all you have to worry about in life is peoples name in an online game you're very lucky..

1. I'm not worried by it. I said it was annoying and forces me to turn off names when around these *people*.

2. If it was a worry to me. It certainly wouldn't be my only worry in life and I never said it would be.

3. :m00:


Iniquity isn't a name either- can we rename your char too please? It breaks the CoC, being called Iniquity isn't exactly fitting within the era of the game. But then 99% of player names aren't; if they renamed people other than on grounds of obscenity or prejudice, I am prepared to bet that over 95% of the Europe DAOC population would get at least one of their chars renamed.
this kind of complaint is nonsense. I can't believe it bothers you enough to actually try and get these guys renamed; major case of "notice me!" going down over here...

Uncle Sick(tm)

What old.job said.......

*hates retarded names....*


Stupid names

I will gank people with stupid names on the PvPserver..


So will I

lvl 1 Caster ready for PVP


Iniquity isn't a name either- can we rename your char too please? It breaks the CoC, being called Iniquity isn't exactly fitting within the era of the game. But then 99% of player names aren't; if they renamed people other than on grounds of obscenity or prejudice, I am prepared to bet that over 95% of the Europe DAOC population would get at least one of their chars renamed.
I never said his name was against the CoC. in fact his name isn't breaking the CoC if I've read it right and neither are any of mine. names don't have to be authentic to the era etc. we are encouraged to think up funky authentic names but not forced to.

so by all rights, everybody can wander around with their 30character names (and last names too!). perhaps not, perhaps some common sense was assumed from players and they thought it not necessary to add to the CoC such an idiotic thing.

Oh and can't you see I did actually make an effort to make a name. It's not a smart name like DeathAxe or BloodBane. It's not stupid either like Sexylegs or LoveMonkey. It's just a name. Perhaps I should have closed my eyes and pressed down a key until it hit the limit. That'd be smart. Sheesh!

this kind of complaint is nonsense. I can't believe it bothers you enough to actually try and get these guys renamed; major case of "notice me!" going down over here...
yes notice me! wtf are you on?


how could you gank my soon to be Suzie Quattro the sexy norse? you MURDERS.

ahem, get over yourself :)

moooooooooooooooo lotsofmilk or whatever he is used to be in the BG and i thought it was ok, we just used to look for him.

is armitage shanks gonna get into trouble now? (a great theu)



ahem, my angry side is coming out.


To be fair the poster of this thread has a point. Why do some people want to name their characters Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa or other such ridiculous names? Just use the name generator when rolling your character if you have such a pathetic imagination.

But it's more likely they named their characters just to annoy others. Well done lads, it worked. I like to help most people out, but people like Aaaaaaaaaaa and Pfffffffff etc. will get nothing from me.

Suzanne Charlton is a proper name, but repeated presses of a key does not a name make.


The mythic coders set the string value for char names high.

so names like


are acceptable... and basically a server admin cant do shit about it?


once in beta we typed in a VERY long name (took two of the long name it generates) those two put together plus "dia" was the max char name, funny thing is when we pressed continue, it said "dublicate name entered please choose another" I mean what are the chances for a 30 char? name to actually happen twice :)


yes they can, they can change names whether you want them too or not, BUT, even though i'd agree to getting pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft renamed to something else just to be a bitch (he laugh spammed me once :D) you really have to consider where it would end?

it may end up in a situation where because my eldritch is an elf yet not called "endilarioieiel" or something :) would he get renamed?

personally i allways liked seing lesbian lover running around emain, allways brought out a chuckle :)


You have just killed Sirfartybartybloodbusterpinkunderpantskettle
You get 1 guildpoint

The Excrucio Family:


don't be ridiculous Inqy... it's hardly spoiling your game experience is it? im sure that it would cause more distress to the person ahving to change their name, than to you haveing to see it once in a while (oh your poor eyes :rolleyes: )


Personally, I'm more annoyed by the endless "brightblade" "nightblade" "lightblade" blah etc dodgy cliche RPG names, than I am by non-serious names...

Inqy: wtf am I on? What does that mean? I'm not the one making a huge fuss out of nothing to get a bit of attention, you self-important bastard... :p


Originally posted by Novamir
don't be ridiculous Inqy... it's hardly spoiling your game experience is it? im sure that it would cause more distress to the person ahving to change their name, than to you haveing to see it once in a while (oh your poor eyes :rolleyes: )

oh being renamed from mooooooooooooooo to moo would really be distressing. :m00:


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Inqy: wtf am I on? What does that mean? I'm not the one making a huge fuss out of nothing to get a bit of attention, you self-important bastard... :p

No-ones seeking attention and no-ones making a fuss. Well maybe you are. And keep your insults to yourself.


I usually just laugh when I see a guy with a name like that (moooo pfffftt or any of the other hundred similar names), but if I had the power I would ban them the second I saw them :)

But as one said above... They are the ones who'll have to live with their names, and I'm sure it won't be easy. I would never do any favours for a guy like this - no coins, no res, no help at all and preferably no grouping with him either. Of course he would never get accepted into our guild either but thats quite obvious. We're not a DAoC-kindergarden...

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