Keeps, relics, BG's etc...please explain...



Help, I'm really confused...
Please, someone explain how this all hangs together..
and preferably from an Alb point of view, but any explanation would help.

I know there's the following...

Battle grounds: for lvl 25-29 and 30-35
It's my understanding this is just practice for RvR and has no real impact on the game at all.
And I did goto the BG once, but there was noone there..
This is at Castle Sauvage isn't it? or is it Snowdonia

I don't know anything about this?
What is is?
Where is it?
What impact does it have on the game?
How do I get there from Alb?

It's my understanding that this is the main RvR thing.
I think I've been there, but I had to get either a Alb, hib or Mid pendant..
So I don't understand what the difference is.
Will I get sent somewhere else depending on what pendant I put on?
Am I completely confused and got this all wrong?
Is it at all worth going there with my main (33rd lvl Cleric)
Or will he get swatted like a fly?

I have spent a lot of time here and know what's going on here.
Whoever has the most keeps get s the open gate to here.
For alb it's in the demon tower near Prydwen bridge..

Have I missed anything?
Can someone point me in the direction of a comprehensive FAQ detailing how all these multi realm things work or, if they have the time, explain it here?

Help, I wanna play the multi realm stuff, but it's really confusing...


Battle Ground's

The Battle Ground's are just for practice and from what I can see the first two have some population (20 - 30) but the last one is dead most of the time due to most of the elegible population (< Lvl 35) being in RvR.
Also you can XP there as well (the same as in RvR) but beware of being ganked by the enemy,
Access is via the Teleport pad with a Battle Ground medalion.


Each realm has two relics that give a bonust to melae and magic.
They are base in the Relic keeps of each land (e.g. Excalibur)
The realm that has these relics in it's relic keeps get a bonus to the relevant skill.
These have no impact on access to Darkness Falls.


This is border warfare. To acess by a medal for the realm that you want to be dead in :) put it on and wait for bloody ages on the pad.
From Albion you can get to Hib and Mid (most of the action seems to be in Hib).
Lvl 30 + is Ok for RvR but the close to 50 the better. 33 will be Ok for a few point providing you get in a good group and stick with the main force.

Hope this helps and I have not made too much of an idiot of my self.


Great thanks for the info...just a few more questions tho...

Originally posted by Elvewen
Battle Ground's

The Battle Ground's are just for practice and from what I can see the first two have some population (20 - 30) but the last one is dead most of the time due to most of the elegible population (< Lvl 35) being in RvR.
Also you can XP there as well (the same as in RvR) but beware of being ganked by the enemy,
Access is via the Teleport pad with a Battle Ground medalion.

Where is the entrance for the BG's in Alb?


Each realm has two relics that give a bonust to melae and magic.
They are base in the Relic keeps of each land (e.g. Excalibur)
The realm that has these relics in it's relic keeps get a bonus to the relevant skill.
These have no impact on access to Darkness Falls.

Are the Relic keeps in the same place (I.E. accessible from the as the RvR?

Where is the entrance to the relic keep portal in Alb?
Can you only be transported near or in you r own relic keep (I.E. , there's only one type of medallion avaialbe in any one realm)..


This is border warfare. To acess by a medal for the realm that you want to be dead in :) put it on and wait for bloody ages on the pad.
From Albion you can get to Hib and Mid (most of the action seems to be in Hib).
Lvl 30 + is Ok for RvR but the close to 50 the better. 33 will be Ok for a few point providing you get in a good group and stick with the main force.

Where is the entrance to the RvR then in Alb?
So, if you goto Hib for example, there wil only be you guys there and Hib? or wll there possibly be Mids there raiding as well?

Hope this helps and I have not made too much of an idiot of my self.

Thank you, very helpful.
I'm gonna gather as much information here as possible and create a faq and put it on my Web page, As I'm sure I'm not the only person confused by all this.


Originally posted by danskmacabre
Help, I'm really confused...

Battle grounds: for lvl 25-29 and 30-35
It's my understanding this is just practice for RvR and has no real impact on the game at all.
And I did goto the BG once, but there was noone there..
This is at Castle Sauvage isn't it? or is it Snowdonia

edit: correct no impact on normal RvR.. BGs was made for lowbies who hardly get any action in normal front zones.

I don't know anything about this?
What is is?
Where is it?
What impact does it have on the game?
How do I get there from Alb?

edit: There are 6 relics = 3 power relics and 3 strength relics. Relics are held at relic keeps and each relic has some kind of bonus (ie +10% damage . 10% magic da,age etc etc etc), apart from that relics <allagedly> lower damage output variance thus you hit your cap damage more often.
At the moment we <Albs> are holding 2 strength relics at Excalibur you can visit it and have a look at em. <Albs relic is Excaliburs scabbard if im correct>

It's my understanding that this is the main RvR thing.
I think I've been there, but I had to get either a Alb, hib or Mid pendant..
So I don't understand what the difference is.
Will I get sent somewhere else depending on what pendant I put on?
Am I completely confused and got this all wrong?
Is it at all worth going there with my main (33rd lvl Cleric)
Or will he get swatted like a fly?

edit: Yes its the main RvR, There are three frontiers Albion frontier <which we can access via Castle Sauvage and Snowdonia Fortress> , Midgard Frontier <Odins Gate, Yggdra , Uppland etc etc> and Hibernia Frontier <Emain macha, Cruachon gorge etc.> . Thus to get to Midgard frontier from Castle Sauvage <thats where the teleport is> you need to buy Midgard pendant then put it on and get on the teleport. <to get to hib do same but with Hib pendant>. One advice Print out the maps of the frontiers it will start making a lot more sence if you do.
As for going there alone as a cleric.... i dont see the point of RvRing alone at all unless you are designated loner.. even as an infil i tend to find groups.

I have spent a lot of time here and know what's going on here.
Whoever has the most keeps get s the open gate to here.
For alb it's in the demon tower near Prydwen bridge..

Have I missed anything?
Can someone point me in the direction of a comprehensive FAQ detailing how all these multi realm things work or, if they have the time, explain it here?

Help, I wanna play the multi realm stuff, but it's really confusing... [/B]


albion entrance to BG's is in Castle sauvage... you buy a "battle ground medallion" and when the MIB (men in blue) come, they port you to a keep in either thidranki, caledonia or mudsomething


Originally posted by danskmacabre

Where is the entrance for the BG's in Alb?

The telepad at Castle Savage

Are the Relic keeps in the same place (I.E. accessible from the as the RvR?
Where is the entrance to the relic keep portal in Alb?
Can you only be transported near or in you r own relic keep (I.E. , there's only one type of medallion avaialbe in any one realm)..

The relic keeps are in the frontiers. To get to your own relam's keeps you need to go out of the gates at Castle Savage or Snowdonia you cannot port to them.

I sense a bit of confusion

Portal - These are doors that you can use to be teleported. From memory they are only used to and from Darkness Falls and to return from the Battle Grounds. There is one is the protected realm land as well as in the Relic Keeps.

Teleport Pads - This is a pad on the ground which is use to teleport (once every 15 mins I think, some elementals come out, put on a light show and you get teleported) you to another relams frontier or the Battle Grounds. The abion one is in Castle Savage.

Where is the entrance to the RvR then in Alb?

Walk out the gates in Savage or Snowdonia, or use the Telport Pad to get to Enemy frontiers

So, if you goto Hib for example, there wil only be you guys there and Hib? or wll there possibly be Mids there raiding as well?

You will find all relams in RvR


heres some maps that will be of some use

albion inland
(i use it its nice and simple)

albion frontier (rvr zone)

both of the maps connect to each other (all one big map but the whole maps are shoddy) the frontier map goes where it says frontier zone on the inland map.

to get to the albion frontier where midgard/hibernia can get there just go thru the gates at sauvage or snowdonia.

to get to midgard/hibernia frontier get a medalion from a merchant in sauvage fortress and sit on the port pad

RvR means just fighting other people basicaly

heres a page full of maps if you need it


Wow, lots of great info here...
I THINK I'm pretty much cleared up on these subject now.

I'm gonna compile all the info here and put it all into one page and post the link here for ppl to check. (over the next couple of days)
So if there's any more stuff that's I need to know, pls write it here.

Thanx ppl for the replies.. :)


I have a question:

How can you have reached lvl 33, and not know any of this?


Originally posted by Keri
I have a question:

How can you have reached lvl 33, and not know any of this?

Two suggestions :

1. Play offpeak hours, be unguilded and never ever reach Savauge ---> and that is very likely <cough>
2. We all know how you can become a level 33 in one hour dont we.


Originally posted by Keri
I have a question:

How can you have reached lvl 33, and not know any of this?


1: I'm married with 2 kids and I have a busy job and don't have time to spend ages on DAOC, except on the rare occasions when I have holidays and some evenings for a few hours.

2: I have only ever played PvE which I have thoroughly enjoyed and there's nothing wrong with that.

3: I have been told repeatedly that it's not really worth playing realm v realm stuff until you're pretty high lvl and since I've was having a good time in PvE I never bothered with RvR..


Originally posted by ivan_tribbiani

Two suggestions :

1. Play offpeak hours, be unguilded and never ever reach Savauge ---> and that is very likely <cough>

You're close..
I only joined a guild about just over a week..
Never really saw the point in a guild up until now, as I am not normally online at regular times and wouldn't be reliable to turn up for meetings and guild quests etc etc..
I joined redently coz yeah, I COULD ask these sort of questions in guild chat.
But it would be a lot of info in a little chat window.

2. We all know how you can become a level 33 in one hour dont we.

Not close here, took about 3 months to get this far.
Although partially coz I laos have a couple of alts, but I don't play them much.


Originally posted by danskmacabre

I only joined a guild about just over a week..
Never really saw the point in a guild up until now, as I am now online at regular times and wouldn't be reliable to turn up for meetings and guild quests etc etc..
I joined redently coz yeah, I COULD ask these sort of questions in guild chat.
But it would be a lot of info in a little chat window.


Ask a guildmate to show you around, (one with a speed song ;) ) and get them to guide you to the relic keeps.


Originally posted by Xandax

Ask a guildmate to show you around, (one with a speed song ;) ) and get them to guide you to the relic keeps.

Well, shouldn't be necessary anymore.
There's lots of info/maps here for me to use.
And I know my way around Albion quite well, just not in reference to how it relates to RvR stuff, but where the various castles and stuff I know how to get to.


I would just like to point out that the reason for taking keeps is not JUST for DF. Otherwise why did anyone bother before DF opened??

The number of keeps you own in your frontier also dictates the strength of the guards at each of the realms Relic Keeps. For each keep in the frontier the home realm holds, it gets one 'Uber' guard with the name of the said keep above his head i.e. Sursbrooke Knight. These are pretty nasty guards to deal with, I think if memory serves me correctly you also get an extra patrol (Knight, Archer, Knight Commander).

RvR centers around the Relics, although these days it seems to center more around RP's but nevermind. Its all good fun!


Interesting stuff Gef...I'll add this to my faq page...thanx :)


can we call them Elite Guard or something? (not l33t) rather than uber? :)

Really really detest the term 'uber' ;)


Elite guards are something different though, they are the guards at portal and border keeps that kill mobs for you. :)
How about Keep Knights or Named Knights?


Named Knights sounds good :) ties in with the named monsters being that much nastier than normal monsters....


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Named Knights sounds good :) ties in with the named monsters being that much nastier than normal monsters....

then from this day on you are Named Fingoniel, you nasty twat :p


eh? Named Knights? sounds a bit batty to me?

Uber is simple, and has an arcade (in a diabloesque way) feeling to it


Originally posted by danskmacabre
Help, I'm really confused...
Please, someone explain how this all hangs together..
and preferably from an Alb point of view, but any explanation would help.

Can someone point me in the direction of a comprehensive FAQ detailing how all these multi realm things work

The FAQ on the Classes of Camelot site is pretty comprehensive and well-written, and is useful as an introduction.


Originally posted by Troryn

then from this day on you are Named Fingoniel, you nasty twat :p

cool :)

"uber" smacks too much of quake three, and l33t d00ds to me ;)

Maybe with an umlaut ;)


Hey that's a great link Alrindel

, thanx...:)


*checks his ears*

Phew! not pointy...

Think it was that funny elven fellow that had the link :) not me :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
*checks his ears*

Phew! not pointy...

Think it was that funny elven fellow that had the link :) not me :)

Oh yeah.....Corrected...:)

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