keeping our fronteer clean



another suggestion,

maybe we , albs that is , should put more efford in keeping our fronteer clean.

instead of going on wild keeptaken in other fronteer we could maybe do more efford in maintaining our own keeps.

if a keep has been taken in our fronteer, maybe all should rush of in our fronteer and get it back asap. If we keep our keeps it is a lot easier to get one extra in an other realm so se keep DF.

At least those suicidal emain zergs will have some use then. and maybe they can achive something usefull like getting a keep instead of gaining RP, dieing , release, run back, port, charge, die, release....

just a suggestion.

i hate amg zegs during daytime :-(


the day most albs leave farming rps in emain to help reguler taking back our keeps and defending our frontier wil be the day hell freezes over :) sadly most high lvl albs only concerened in how many rps they can get and how there guilds image is forseen in across the realms.

only thing i can think of to defend our frontier is to get people who DO want to help defend our frontier to sign up on a post or summin . and those that sign up when online all group and patrol our frontier most of the time we are online . its not as if alb frontier is lacking in enemys . there ALWAYS seems to be mids/hibs in suavage or pennines . if at any time we have no enemy in frontier we can just go do some stuff like farm elyyls / raven clan's or cyareths for lootwhilst we wait for enemy to enter our realm .

if anybody decides to make such a post to start a full time frontier patrol ill sign up :)


Well if u read couple other posts, we who have been there last 10-12 weeks , everyday taking keeps back no matter what time, r fed up, keep taking with 4 peeps is possible, but really strange when 700 online and only 4 is taking those, or max 16.....

some1 others turn now, i dont give a shit.


well guys incase u aint noticed mids been takin our :/ your keeps and not doin owt with em they did this a while back and alb became complacent and we lost every relic just summat for u to chew on might not play on alb atm but id hate to see a once great realm fall


A said a few days ago in /as

The people in this game play it very much as they want to play it, be it farming in e-main, be it keeping our keeps in albs hands, be it item hunting in PvE.

The discussion emain vs frontiers is and endless one as you cannot change the people behind the keyboard.

Emain will have the same hardcore players just as much as the same players will continue to lead keep retakes. Both groups are needed eventually and it is not for any of us to try changing people's perspectives on their way of playing.




All ppl interested in keeping our fronteer clean POST ur nick.

get some working ppl out there.

not like today>>>> three groups, keepretake, boldiam taken, waited until all left>>>mids that was. 20 left in southern direction, we charged gates shortly afterwards around one eighth of first gate was gone, when one of the groups thaught it was suicide??????????????????????????? empty keep, swarm left for other keep prolly.

i was pissed, just left em and tried to solo the keep, lol

RP seemed to be more important then our fronteer.
PPL with RR really seem to be ppl without knowledge. So don't expect me to gratz someone with RR, i just call em a suicidal lucky freak.

so ppl willing to start the fronteer patrol, sign up, i would love to hear how many.

Herbal Remedy

rofl @ people organising and whining, if your going to do something get off your arses and come help, no need to post or promise, actions always speak louder than words

as fin said a small group of us has been defending our fronteers for months often till 4am with work the next day

as for ironheart u sir are and will always remain a twat i love how u post a bitchy thread like this after discovering how little support people get retaking our keeps when i have seen you 2 or mebe 3 times helping retake our keeps.

maybe we , albs that is , should put more efford in keeping our fronteer clean.

mebe you should get off your arse and help more often before you bitch about other peoples lack of effort. You have done no where near enough to be getting up on that high all mighty horse of yours

Ironheart i have 0 respect for you and your a fraction of the person that fin khalen kcini tiarta are in fact your not worthy of licking the crap off their boots



/edit summary ironhearts bitching albions not doing enough to defend there own fronteer when
1) he does sod all himself

2) he has no idea of the huge effort that a certain group of people put in

3) basically hes a grand standing tosser trying to get attention to himself and make himself popular when infact deeds speak louder than words and the only words comming from ironheart smell of bullshit


Ello Herbal :) Not seen you since UO and SPG
Me and a few RL friends run NightHawks within the Hells Angels Alliance. hope to cya on the battlefield some time :)


I'm sorry Ironheart but I have to partly agree with Herb here, you did show interest in not just aiding but organising an attempt to retake the keeps today which was nice but that you then after a while just get pissed and leave because some other people felt we should use a safer approach really undermines your credibility in these issues.

Alot of people came and went but in the end all 3 keeps were retaken without a single wipeout to mids which is more than you can say normally. Kudos to the people who stayed through the many hours of retaking.


Helping Alb isn't about just attending raids, organising stuff and all that, it's also about helping the lower level chars when you can. Seems you can't even do this...

[19:34:46] @@Ironheart yells, "high level cleric needed"
[19:34:51] @@Ironheart yells, "high level cleric needed"
[19:34:52] @@You yell, "we heard ya first time"
[19:35:37] @@Sneakey says, "iron"
[19:35:39] @@Sneakey says, "eb me pls"
[19:36:03] @@Sneakey says, "eb me pls - ironheat"
[19:36:05] @@Ironheart says, "no maty, sorry"
[19:36:25] @@Sneakey says, "please"
[19:36:46] @@Sneakey says, "why not L*"
[19:36:50] @@Sneakey says, ":("
[19:37:24] @@Sneakey says, "eb pls"
[19:37:37] @@You say, "It won't kill ya Ironheart :)"
[19:37:55] @@Ironheart yells, "one full group need cleric"
[19:38:11] @@Sneakey says, "iron why wont u eb me>"
[19:38:30] @@Ironheart says, "cause i'm sick and tired of beeing looked at as a fecking buffbott maty"
[19:38:40] @@Ironheart says, "i'm a nuke bot"
[19:38:44] @@Sneakey says, "never asked u before"
[19:38:48] @@You say, "In the time you typed that, you could have buffed him!"
[19:38:52] @@Asaiah says, "givz him eb :-D"
[19:39:00] @@Sneakey says, "u only have to press 1 button to make em happy ive got fire wiz as well u know "
[19:39:27] @@Ironheart says, "thats not the problem dude, sit with ur wizard at PK or here for a couple of minuts"

I know it's a pain, but it's only pressing one key.


Look in defense of him, it seems awfully easy to do for you and yes it is but people take L50 Wiz/Theurgs buffing them so for granted and it isn't 1 request every time you pass Prydwen Bridge or Cotswold it's 5.. and for every one you stop to oblige be sure 2 more spot you buffing and quickly gather around to get it too. People stop saying please, people start not asking but demanding. Sorry but it's a case of charity unappreciated that I very much understand turns casters off.

My Cleric has similar experiences with L10 people asking for buffs, getting them then zoning or getting themselves killed no 2 mins later. You might argue with me here but to me that's a sign of not appreciating what you have been granted, of assuming that there will always be someone else to ask when you've released.


Takes what 3-4 seconds to cast a buff, gives them 10 minutes of good xping, ok i dont like it when ppl demand a buff from me but il always stop to buff lower lvls when im playing my wizzy, seems pretty mean to me to deny ppl help when it doesnt cost you anything!

On to the original subject, yes it is always the same ppl retaking keeps, i will always join in if ppl are attempting to retake our keeps, just want to say to all those who do care not to give up, can have a lot of fun with good ppl leading us in sauvage/pennines!

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by CrimsonHaze
Ello Herbal :) Not seen you since UO and SPG
Me and a few RL friends run NightHawks within the Hells Angels Alliance. hope to cya on the battlefield some time :)

different herbal i did play a bit of uo but different name and it was a mate of mines account

babaluna VII

i have a Fire wizz also , have to agree with ironheart, after 1h of playing with my wizz , i need to shut down my computer to relax a bit.
when i was a lowbie i never asked a buff:p they gave me one


Each to their own, but what I'm saying is if someone's gonna come on and tell me to keep my back yard clean (which I try to do incidentally anyway), then they'd better be doing all the other good stuff too. Maybe then I'll respect them.


5 pm cet today

i did an attempt got three groups together, a group of my guild two other groups. All went fine, i was even in command of the chatgroup, nice.

herbal, u just wanted another go at me here in another suggestion thread. I think ur stalking me. Do u want my butt??
Do wanne nail me good, cuty..

or are u just frustrated that i gave it another go in trying something, like u say i never do. I do it with friends that i learned to play with, not ppl allways harassing others in here.

After i left, cause i had to eat etc... i think those groups were even responsible for the retakes of beno and eras and other keeps. They got the middies out of our fronteer this afternoon, so i did start something up maty.

Now pls leave me alone. Cause most of the time i help ppl getting items in our own realm, help them try to get a better character, help them get in to groups, help them sort out tactics vs mobs etc...

the rest of the time i have left, i spend with my guild, we're not numerous in our guild so we help each other.

dont call me names, don't try to start another flame thread on my name. JUST DON't.

now something else, buffing, as i recall rules state, that normally we are not alowed to uberbuff someone esle., correct me if i'm wrong tho. And it i s so fecking anoying , even whe i go afk for a while at some places, i get a full screen spammed wit
i do like to help ppl, but i cant stand on one spot and continuosly. I was trying to form a party in DF at merhants , yelling an shouting for a cleric, finally got one, we moved on

i did not feel like buffing the whole area at merchants, sorry for that


Playing theurg a lot lately.
A lot of ppl ask me for 'eb+haste plz'.
Its grown to be a reflex that i simply push those two buttons and give the dude 10 happy minutes.
I get a thx (and perhaps a future customer) in return.
No biggie.


last msg to herbal

i wanted to post it privately,

did not work, no admin rights here

well mate, now i wanne have this little thing of my chest., or whatever u call it in ur ignorant head.

if u wanne stalk ppl, do it, pls, i don't mind it. Bit by Bit i am regaining what u helped to destroy in a former thread.
Its a pitty u cant hear all the reactions in PM i get , i would love to post em straight to u. some ppl will allways back u up as will they back me up. Why should u proceed in childish reactions? nothing can be achieved by it. U won't gain anything, u wont lose anything. All u'll get is high blood pressure. And maybe some typing skills. Gaming skills still are to discoverred in ur tiny brain.
Do u wanne destroy the rep. of ur guild? Do u wanne let other fellow players suffer cause u allways want to open ur big mouth every time someone make a suggestion? Do u wanne be important? Do u wanne get acknowledgement? Do u want to make urselfe important by flaming other ppl?
Pls proceed. I hope u succeed. I hope u can obtain what is so preasushe to u.
I posted this private msg to u just cause i am sick and tired of u giving me a hard time. Most threads start with positive responces or even other suggestions, until U put ur finger in it. I haven't seen one single suggestion made by ur hand. Even one comment that had some form of constructive thaughts, only destructive.
Well my friend Destoy what u want. I don't mind, i won't even move. I won't even notice it anymore.

Cya, hope u get ur act together. and maybee cable connection.
i love a funny closing statement, don't u?

have fun maty, cya in there, prolly won't but , i won't avoid u. I feel sorry for u maty. ;-)



Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Playing theurg a lot lately.
A lot of ppl ask me for 'eb+haste plz'.
Its grown to be a reflex that i simply push those two buttons and give the dude 10 happy minutes.
I get a thx (and perhaps a future customer) in return.
No biggie.

i understand completely, there have been times i came at PK, had nothing much to do, and i buffed the whole gang there. When i'm trying to get something done, like going on a guild hunt , i have that priority, sorry if ppl feel offended by it. My appolegies.

sorry for the typos , i do not speak nor write english fluid


Well for working my ass off the entire vacation in defending my realm, killing as much invaders as possible and retaking keeps each time I think I earn a well deserved break. I've did my share now I want others to do their part...

At the end I'm thinking why I did even go on with it... I wanna thank Fin for being one of my best trusted friend in helping :) and ofcourse Tiarta who has a spirit that lives on forever I think :)

Good luck in defending, you'll need it...



Originally posted by Khalen
Well for working my ass off the entire vacation in defending my realm, killing as much invaders as possible and retaking keeps each time I think I earn a well deserved break. I've did my share now I want others to do their part...

At the end I'm thinking why I did even go on with it... I wanna thank Fin for being one of my best trusted friend in helping :) and ofcourse Tiarta who has a spirit that lives on forever I think :)

Good luck in defending, you'll need it...

k, nice job, have a tee friend, hehe



Originally posted by ironheart

RP seemed to be more important then our fronteer.
PPL with RR really seem to be ppl without knowledge. So don't expect me to gratz someone with RR, i just call em a suicidal lucky freak.


Originally posted by ironheart

so ppl willing to start the fronteer patrol, sign up, i would love to hear how many.

hahaaha i'd love to hear if u actually DID something ^^.. organise bla bla bla is different to actually taking a keep u know? (u have seen a keep b4 no? u know big castle with doors and lord?)
i have been at loadsa keep takes and even ended up 5 peeps takin a keep during early hours of teh morning Oo and tbh i dont recall seeing u in any of the 3and a half billion retakes ive been on.

Originally posted by ironheart

i am regaining what u helped to destroy in a former thread.
regain what? lol

Originally posted by ironheart

Its a pitty u cant hear all the reactions in PM i get , i would love to post em straight to u. some ppl will allways back u up as will they back me up.

xxx says, "Buff me plz"
Ironheart says, "only if u do a send saying u support me and taht i am kewl ok?"
xxx sends, "i support u and u r kewl"
abc says, "give eb must to kill evul middie peeps ok thx"
Ironheart says, "only if u do a send saying u support me and taht i am kewl ok?"
abc sends, "i support u and u r kewl"
Screenshot taken!


Originally posted by ironheart

and maybee cable connection.

Originally posted by ironheart

Cause most of the time i help ppl getting items in our own realm, help them try to get a better character, help them get in to groups, help them sort out tactics vs mobs etc...
awwww how sweet... want a cookie? :)

p.s how can u help some1 get a better char? out of curiosity

anyway u bore me now so i leave u til u post another amusing msg oki

pps will u still be here for 1.54? (just askin)

bye bye
:m00: :m00:

Herbal Remedy

Re: last msg to herbal

Originally posted by ironheart

i wanted to post it privately,

did not work, no admin rights here

Its not hard press the little pm button at the bottom of any herbal post :p

Originally posted by ironheart

well mate, now i wanne have this little thing of my chest., or whatever u call it in ur ignorant head.

Ahhh did i hurt your feelings?

Originally posted by ironheart

if u wanne stalk ppl, do it, pls, i don't mind it. Bit by Bit i am regaining what u helped to destroy in a former thread.
Its a pitty u cant hear all the reactions in PM i get , i would love to post em straight to u. some ppl will allways back u up as will they back me up. Why should u proceed in childish reactions? nothing can be achieved by it. U won't gain anything, u wont lose anything. All u'll get is high blood pressure. And maybe some typing skills. Gaming skills still are to discoverred in ur tiny brain.
Do u wanne destroy the rep. of ur guild? Do u wanne let other fellow players suffer cause u allways want to open ur big mouth every time someone make a suggestion? Do u wanne be important? Do u wanne get acknowledgement? Do u want to make urselfe important by flaming other ppl?

Rofl lmao stalking you? Ive replied to two of your ridiculously retarded suggestions, which also at the same time flame some of the people who have helped this realm the most, alot of them in game friends, people i respect.

Orginally posted by ironheart

Pls proceed. I hope u succeed. I hope u can obtain what is so preasushe to u.

Not trying to obtain anything just speaking my mind, some people dont like it but i speak my mind, i dont butter up to anyone if i dont like how you act or behave or an idea you've had i will tell u what i think.

Originally posted by ironheart

I posted this private msg to u just cause i am sick and tired of u giving me a hard time. Most threads start with positive responces or even other suggestions, until U put ur finger in it. I haven't seen one single suggestion made by ur hand. Even one comment that had some form of constructive thaughts, only destructive.
Well my friend Destoy what u want. I don't mind, i won't even move. I won't even notice it anymore.

Keep flaming people i respect and trust and i'll keep calling it as i see it, keep posting crap and i'll keep telling you its crap.

Originally posted by ironheart

Cya, hope u get ur act together. and maybee cable connection.
i love a funny closing statement, don't u?

have fun maty, cya in there, prolly won't but , i won't avoid u. I feel sorry for u maty. ;-)

Cable connection has what do with anything? In your feeble mind having a good connection makes a good player mebe? We probably wont meet seeing as u do jack shit for the relm even tho u claim to:sleeping: so i doubt ill see u in our fronteers

Pls ironheart i beg you before you look like an even bigger tosser than you already are don't flame other peoples efforts when they have done a hell of alot more than you have for the realm , dont flame the shit out of someone when u have never once tried to organise something seen it through and gained peoples respect for it.

Which khalen kcini tiarta/teleri and a certain drunken pally have done more times than you have looked down at your trousers and thought hopefully it will get bigger when i go into puberty.


Ironheart still being a wanker.................



sorry for another , what seems to be ,worthless suggestion.

since ppl seem to know better then me, i will withdraw my suggestion and let them make it better.
No more suggestions from my side.
I don't want mentally ill ppl like herbal, to have a reason react frustrated cause they do something usefull for a change.

Btw herbal i loved ur last sentence, ...

i hope it wil get bigger when i in puberty, lol

sorry mate i did not know u had that type of problem, ROFL


Originally posted by Khalen
Well for working my ass off the entire vacation in defending my realm, killing as much invaders as possible and retaking keeps each time I think I earn a well deserved break. I've did my share now I want others to do their part...

At the end I'm thinking why I did even go on with it... I wanna thank Fin for being one of my best trusted friend in helping :) and ofcourse Tiarta who has a spirit that lives on forever I think :)

Good luck in defending, you'll need it...

Same for me really, after last time, I realised it was no use, most albs will do what they want anyway. So I'm taking a break too, not only from keeptaking but daoc in a total.

So good luck guys, hope there will be some relics left when I'm back...


Probably not my place to say anything here but since my name is shit elsewhere I thought I might play away from home for once ;)

It may or may not surprise you guys to know that everything related to above happens exactly the same in Midgard as it does in Albion. When the MGC was formed it was a small group of select guilds who wanted to work as a team both offensively and defensively. The vast majority of those involved from the initial guilds werent "Emain doctrinated" but preferred to play in Middie or Albion frontiers and avoid the zerg. We chose to expand hoping that the "workload" (for want of a better word) would be shared out over a wider number of people with the additional guilds and thus give everyone involved more time to be flexible in what they chose to do.

To be fair, some of the new members have played their part. The problem came in with the issue that while the original guilds were united and focussed in their belief of the way they wanted to play to a man, a lot of those that joined afterwards didn't have the slightest inkling of what they were committing to but just saw from our early results that they were joining "the winning team."

Failure on the part of myself and others during the selection process of addititional guilds by not rigorously enough briefing new members on what they were committing to is partly to blame. Failure on the part of those guilds who joined for not discussing within before signing up the protocol of what they wanted to be involved in was another.

The end result? At the moment we have a lot of members from the original "Five" wanting to withdraw from the MGC as they see themselves carrying the brunt of responsibility for home defence while others gambol in Emain. What I see above written by the likes of Khalen, Kcini and Herbal saddens me, but it saddens me no more than similar reflections of Middies via PM day in and day out. The MGC is now but a shadow of the alliance it was in the beginning.

The only conclusion I can draw from my own experience is that there are guys who like to give their all and maybe care too much about their own frontier's security. There are others who have little or no interest in realm defence and find it boring, and chase RP and a more action per minute environment instead. Neither party should critisise the other for the way they wish to play the game. You pay your subscription and it entitles you to do what you want. The secret, I guess, is to get all the guys who want to play together as a team united - and because so many guilds of all realms have totally different agendas this may be impossible to achieve. I tried and failed twice and am pretty much resigned now to just having some fun with my own crew as we count down to PvP and am looking forward immensely to a scenario where the "Realm" is your guild with everyone pulling in one directon united.


That said, if you dare leave your frontier wide open for us, I or someone else may muster the enthusiasm to relieve you of one or two rare artifacts you might possess between now and PvP kick off. ;)


the situation you have described in your post is almost a mirror image of what happened to the old AU. An alliance of about 20 was actually an alliance of 5, as only 5 turned up to defend the realm while the other 15 did their own thing. :-(

In the end though, AU split up into various alliances, each with their own purpose - I think it's better this way no? :)

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