Keep taking



There have been lots of talk about albs slacking with the keep taking and just rps farming in emain instead..

Well they are rigth.. but so have hibs and mids .. i have been in on keep takings against both realms and no1 showed up to defend for several hours.. then we went to sleep and next morning the keeps was taken back..

As i see it there is 3 points where you loose ppl on a keep taking

1. The gathering of the rams .. ppl are boored, they wanna go kill something in emain or the boordom makes them realise they should do the laundry or something..

For that we need more ppl taking part of the ram gathering. Ask your self do i know what is needed for a ram ? can i be the guy who allways have the 300 ironwood ? or the guy who allways have a spare ram in vault ?

2. When we are hitting on the upgraded door whitout rams becuase ppl logged got LD or the rams got lost some other strange way

For that we need more ppl with rams and maps .. if you get lost/ld can you find Dun Bolg ? or Faste Fensalir ? Are you 1 of those who do a stick then goes watch TV or what the hell you do and then come back 5 min after and say "OMG my stick broke" "where are you?" "at some trees"
if you are that kind of person ... NEVER carry a ram part plz...

3. Keep is taken all are happy.. now boordom hits again..
ppl do 3 things after a while ..
A) suicdes and loggs ..
B) Start to roam with the possibleity to get killed
C) Raid leaders realises they gonna loose ppl so they suggest we take another keep... (with no spare rams jump up in text and repeat)

The option C some times has to be taken when no enemies turn up ... but i have allso a lot of times taken another keep just to realise that the evil hib/mids now are taking the orginal keep

sry for the rant.. but this is some of the things that often made me go to emain instead.. becuase there you can get group at least :eek:)

if this is to improve we have to be better on the siege part..

more ppl who know about rams.... (and maps)


Well, when you see over AS channel that someone needs help reclaiming the keeps in our back yard if you're in emain you might want to consider helping.

When asking for backup at a defended keep earlier yesterday we told "Ignore them and they will get bored and go away" . Way to keep your relics Albion.

We FULLY deserved to lose relics...end of story. I would have been disapointed if we had managed to defend it successfully. We simply didn't deserve them after hours of alliance channles being flooded with reports of an impending relic attempt.

thing were said, we were warned. We knew they were comming. Can't coun't the times "They are NOT RP farming they are defending. This will be a relic attempt sooner or later" flashed across my screen.

So, the point is: If you like your relics, keep your backyard clean.


IMO. our keeps has first priority at any time.
I hope some people has learned their lesson now and will turn up next time someone call out for helpers to retake albion keeps.


Well ya in some ways ... i dont wanna throw my rps freely just becuase some mids or hibs sit in there ...
if they take 1 keep .. and sit tigth in there im ok that with .. if they take 2 keeps they cant defend both keeps and we could take the other..


If we'd known that Excalibur was being attacked earlier - we only heard when the relic door was at 40% - there was no way they'd have got in.

So the question is - should guilds take it in turn to garrison our relic keeps.

Boring I know - but it could be done on a roster basis.

Answers inscribed on some AF98 plate arms please (mine are at 11%)

Anthony de Brentforde
aka "The Black Knight"
Armsman of the the 44th season & Defender of Albion


Just an idea Kiarra, but how about you crafting in excal a bit more often? All you'll need then is a list of a few names to tell if the guards are being pulled. That way you get to keep your independance while serving albion.


she cant craft in excal unless she's a tailor T_T


If more Albions spent their time in our own frontier then any enemy realm that wanted to take one of our keeps would have to bring more people, making our frontier a fun place to RvR (and evening out the numbers in the 3 frontier arena's.)

RvR is supposed to be people taking defending keeps, but the gather-hundreds-of-people and camp wall for hours desperately reaching to every last realm point that can be got from the enemy.

RvR is about defending you realm attacking other realms and NOT just a tool to gain realm points. What are all you realm point farmers going to do with your new realm rank when you spent your whole time in Emain while our relics and keeps are taken from us.



Ill keep Kerry there for a while, she is an 800+ tailor, and can stand watch while crafting. :D

Who are the contact points if a raid occurs ?


Any1 from Red Devils, First Cohort or Herfølge Boldklub, we are in alliance and will pass the word further..

or else just some of the old folks :eek:) ppl you know have been lvl 50 a long time most ppl i hope will pass the info to other alliances

a small question kiarre, if we got a pow relic is there something you can craft there ?


Originally posted by old.Filip
a small question kiarre, if we got a pow relic is there something you can craft there ?

I dont think so, unless I am mistaken. Any Power Relics should help all caster classes and healers, as their powerwil be enhanced. As casters seem to do better in RvR, would it not be more useful, to try to get these rather than the Strength Relics ?

Wouldnt it be great if we could get all 6 relics ? LOL :D


yell at anyone high level in Humberton Guard if need be :) we're in that other alliance (The Fellowship) that isn't dead... did a relic raid last night.. didn't go very well (thankyou mr lag death)...

just not sure how many of them read here :)


I read BW forums, im in KotL who are part of The Fellowship.

If you want me to pass on any messages, just say i will inform people in our alliance.


Need to get more people posting on the alliance forums though :)

It's fairly dead on them... so noone reads so noone posts therefore its dead... circular :)


Any Power Relics should help all caster classes and healers, as their powerwil be enhanced.

As I understand it, 'Power Relic' is a misnomer.

Power relics boost magic damage, rather than power.

afaik they do jack for helaers.

They still sound more useful in RvR than STR relics mind you :)


RvR is supposed to be people taking defending keeps, but the gather-hundreds-of-people and camp wall for hours desperately reaching to every last realm point that can be got from the enemy.

Maybe this is the problem - the game mechanics actually work the other way around.

You suggest that killing hibbies/middies (and scoring rps), is merely the method by which we achieve an overall objective (capturing relics).

However, the game rewards you and maintains your "score" against the number of rps you farm. Holding the relic, merely improves your ability to score points by farming.

So in game mechanic terms, the objective is farming, getting the relic is merely a means to get the bonus for more farming.

Given this you can hardly blame people for seeing rp farming as their personal objective, and acting accordingly.


Personally I find keep raids much more engaging than open field RvR. Shame I get bugger all rps/xp/any-damn-thing for it :(


That's mythics fault :( they put the carrot in the wrong place...


Originally posted by old.Ramas

Maybe this is the problem - the game mechanics actually work the other way around.

You suggest that killing hibbies/middies (and scoring rps), is merely the method by which we achieve an overall objective (capturing relics).

! long post (for me anyway) !

If you every played a online fps you'll have come across capture and hold missions (tribes 1 and 2, rtcw, tfc, Battlefield 1914, list goes on), well rvr is capture and hold with keeps.
Relics are a prize you can claim once you've captured all (at least most) of an opposing realms keeps, making the whole keep capturing have an overall goal.

Realm points are an added bonus that gives us a return for all the hours of RvR that we play, people seem to confuse this with xping, personally I think its stupid that people moan about the boring xp side and then once they’re at level 50(or whenever they go RvR) they go about farming realm points the same way.

You don’t need a great number of people to claim a keep, the game engine can’t handle great numbers of people well and as we’ve seen the server crashes if too many people gather in a zone. People complain at the engine’s inability to handle very large groups, but still they flock together like a huge sheep herd every time they get to emain.
You can have about 40 people on the screen at once and still have a good frame rate, that's a good number imo.

I can see why people don’t like defending keeps though; they are poorly designed from a defenders point of view. There is a lot you can do once the doors have come down though.

The 3 realms are at war so why does everyone go to emain, mainly because that’s where the most people are so they can gain the most realm points. But wait wasn’t RvR a large scale capture and hold field and not a twisted replacement for xping that we apparently hated so much?

The most fun I’ve had in RvR is with my guild, usually less than a half a group, we go around a frontier and look for people to kill. 8 people in a group attacking another group is more fun than 100 running at 100 and the unplayable fps that come from it. With a fewer people you get to use team play, its why were playing a mmorpg is it not? Or are we just in it to gain the most so we become the top of a leader board. That’s what killed counter-strike, and many other team based games.

Our way of life has turned us into such a greedy race; it’s a shame this is evident in the games we play too. Greed is not fun

Thats my opinion on RvR anyway :)


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