Keep taking and its fun



This post is nothing important really. Just wanted to tell you all my experience and fun I had last night.

Me and the other leaders of DP thought, Mids must be punished a bit so we started to take keep. So we take a keep (just for practise) in Pennines. After that we thought it would be fun to travel to Odins for another keep. But not only to take a keep but to defend it for hours :)

So we put rams on and took that keep quite fast. After showing patience for the merchant respawn we repaired and upgraded the doors.

We waited and waited for some Mid action. And suddenly we saw some death messages and then taking Mid a keep. Now we just needed to wait that they will come to our keep. And they did......

So we quickly built up a catapult and defended our keep. We werent much only one FG but hell, that was amazing.

Defending a keep is really solid fun and it is nice to do something else than following a big boring zerg.

So back to the keep defending, we saw that Mids coming in, I thought they were two Full Groups. Having some nukers on the wall we surprised them, seeing big trolls running around like mad chickens :) And all trolls said:" hrm, wat is dsat? te heavenn is fallin on to our hedss. Dis hurrt, me not happy".

I really can't express the fun we had now, but after defending the keep for about two hours we finally won :clap: :clap:

So guys, try it out. Take a keep in Odin, having a nice chat the time, do some crafting, take screenies of your guildies and things like that. And have an outstanding fun while defending your keep.
You will be surprised how funny that can be.

Enough said now :cool:


hmm, same suggestion again, take 4-5 keeps with 1-2 fgps and defend them all, and yes its fun


FC used to take and defend Mid Keeps on a regular basis, usually Fensalir....

But then the Mids changed tactics.... They either didn't bother coming to play, so we got bored and went to have some fun elsewhere, or they brought out half of Midgard to Zerg us out of the keep! :(

Probably the most fun I've had in a Mid keep was actually defending it from Hibs!... They had the door down and we managed to beat them back from the Lord Room. Insane fun! ;)


Originally posted by alithiel50
Probably the most fun I've had in a Mid keep was actually defending it from Hibs!... They had the door down and we managed to beat them back from the Lord Room. Insane fun! ;)
My best fun in Mid was at Bledmeer (see my two chronicles about Bloody Bledmeer), but SS also had a blast at Fensalir with HB a few months. :)
"the indefatigable mercenary Alithiel Brightblade" - Belomar Fleetfoot
Hehe, I am being quoted in someone's sig... Cool. :)


Keeps also give your guild bps which are cool for the stats ;)


Defending DC from hibs is fun cos they cant just send their healers up to insta the first person they see... (nerf all AE instas btw) instead it can come down to an almighty AE DD battle at the lord, which might not be so fun for others but I love it :D

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