keep raids



Today i was on a keep raid with many other albs to take boldiam - as it happened mids were in the keep but we carried on. we got the ram up and started hitting it and then came the aoe spells.... how many there were was stupid, now i assume this happens on all keep raids with many defenders but the amount of aoe spells really was a joke - id walk near the door have no less than 6 aoe spells cast on me 1 after the other then an aoe dot to finish - taking me to below half health, eventually albs got pushed back and then i released.
My point is that wheres the tactics in all this? - to defend a keep all u do is spam aoe spells? seems quite lame to me, i thought keep raids were about tactics and team play but obviously i was wrong.

Was just wondering what everyone else thought about it and is it common?


so rather than just baning the door, you have to cast spells ( aoe?) on the people on the wall to stop them from casting their spells.

if you have a ran at its GTAoE ( walls are clear by uour still getting nuked) get out the way, let clerics save ther mana for the ram opperator so he stays alive, then u can just stay bcak and stay alive.



Happened yesterday during our Midgard raiding...

Noone moaned then, I'm not moaning now.


Originally posted by glorien_
Today i was on a keep raid with many other albs to take boldiam - as it happened mids were in the keep but we carried on. we got the ram up and started hitting it and then came the aoe spells.... how many there were was stupid, now i assume this happens on all keep raids with many defenders but the amount of aoe spells really was a joke - id walk near the door have no less than 6 aoe spells cast on me 1 after the other then an aoe dot to finish - taking me to below half health, eventually albs got pushed back and then i released.
My point is that wheres the tactics in all this? - to defend a keep all u do is spam aoe spells? seems quite lame to me, i thought keep raids were about tactics and team play but obviously i was wrong.

Was just wondering what everyone else thought about it and is it common?

Common? Yes. They want to hurt you, and the most efficient form of damage, when crowd control is pointless, is area of effect nukes. Those classes that specced primarily for point blank AEDDs live to wipe out door-bashers with them.
My question to you is basically, what tactics would you rather use? I mean, to take Nottmoor earlier as an example. About 2 full groups of albs inside defending, shadowblades picking out the rezz-capable classes and then retreating back to the mid forces outside. Alb reinforcements arrive, and we find we suddenly have the number + ranged firepower to fight back. After a time of casters and archers on both sides trading shots, we all charge out and beat them off the doors, primarily with tanks. Forced back down the hill and with a much diminished advantage of numbers, they basically get whittled away until the albs gather courage, charge on several sides and scatter the middies all over Jamtland.
That to me is a fun keep raid. However, it COULD easily have been summarised: albs spam AE, albs zerg mids, the end.
What had you expected?


All the albs had (have) to do is put up 5-10 trebuchets at the base of Boldiam, constant fireing from these will either kill or cripple the enemy...

This has been suggested several times in the CG, yet, as of now, I've only seen mids do this at sieges... But hey, perhaps we'll learn after we lose our relics again tonight...

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