Katou's Weapon Prices By Quality



Below are my prices for all arcanium weapons based on quality.
Pricing products in this way removes the randomness factor from the customer, placing the risk solely in the wallet of the crafter.

To be as transparent as possible, the prices are based on 3.5*cost_of_materials for a 99%, which works out as if you payed for 5.5 retries on a pay-per-retry basis.
And 2.25*cost_of_materials for a 98%, which works out as if you payed for 2 retries on a pay-per-retry basis.

These are the only qualities I'm offering at this method. 97 and below will be sold back to merchants, masterpieces will occasionally come out while I'm making stock and for the time being, these will be made available via auction.

Prices are in gold.
LH = usable in left hand
Adv = top level advanced weapons, for arcanium these are level 51. For full effectiveness you need to be level 50 and RR5.
                            dps  spd    98%    99%
Dagger (LH)                15.0  2.4    107    166
Short Sword (LH)           15.0  2.8    130    202
Hand Axe (LH)              15.3  2.7    159    247
Broadsword                 15.3  3.0    239    373
Scimitar                   15.6  3.2    262    408
Long Sword                 15.8  3.5    325    505
Bastard Sword              16.2  3.9    389    605
Jambiya (Adv) (LH)         16.5  2.6    469    730
Sabre (Adv)                16.5  3.6    469    730

Dirk (LH)                  15.0  2.2    107    166
Stilletto (LH)             15.3  2.5    153    237
Main Gauche (LH)           15.5  2.8    239    373
Rapier                     15.8  3.2    285    444
Gladius                    16.1  3.7    366    569
Guarded Rapier (Adv)       16.4  3.5    446    694

Hammer (LH)                15.0  3.0    130    202
Mace (LH)                  15.2  3.3    198    309
Flanged Mace               15.6  3.4    238    370
Spiked Mace                15.9  3.7    284    441
War Hammer                 16.2  4.2    369    574
War Mace (Adv) (LH)        16.5  3.0    443    689

2 Handed  
War Mattock (Th)           15.0  3.8    194    301
Two Handed Sword (SL)      15.2  4.3    239    373
War Axe (SL)               15.5  4.4    285    444
Great Hammer (Cr)          15.5  4.8    303    472
Battle Axe (SL)            15.8  4.5    372    579
Great Sword (SL)           15.8  5.1    417    648
Great Axe (SL)             16.2  5.1    453    704
Great Scimitar (Adv) (SL)  16.4  4.8    548    852
War Pick (Adv) (Th)        16.5  5.0    548    852
Archmace (Adv) (Cr)        16.5  5.0    546    850

Pike (Th)                  15.0  4.4    172    268
Lochaber Axe (SL)          15.2  4.8    220    342
Bill (Th)                  15.5  5.2    259    403
Lucerne Hammer (Cr)        15.8  5.6    392    610
Halberd                    16.1  6.0    438    681
Spiked Hammer (Adv) (Cr)   16.5  5.9    523    814
Bardiche (Adv) (SL)        16.5  5.5    523    814
Poleaxe (Adv) (SL)         16.5  5.8    523    814
Partisan (Adv) (Th)        16.5  5.5    523    814

Kite Shield (M)                          54     84
Tower Shield (L)                         66    102
Round Shield (S)                         44     69
Heater Shield (L)                        77    120

I will now only be taking pay-by-retry orders from friends and guild-members.
I will still take pay-by-retry orders from people specifically wanting a masterpiece. The price will be strictly pay for number of attempts it took, a discount will be applied based on the number of 99% weapons I make in the process as these will go directly into my stock. Obviously, people lacking the ability to trust the crafter's ethics need not apply.

Edit: For some items I might have the desired quality in stock, but for now expect 1 day for delivery. For orders, either PM me here on BarrysWorld, or PM Katou in game.


Updated prices for 98% quality.

Currently have in stock:

Partisans at 98 and 99,
Poleaxes at 98 and 99,
Bardiche at 98 and 99,

Bastard Swords at 98,
Jambiyas at 98 and 99,
Sabres at 98 and 99,

Guarded Rapiers at 98 and 99.

All these weapons are available as soon as you see me in game, others will be made to order.

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