Kalista + Zorewin



Thought I would start up the first DF whine thread :)

Which pair of wankers own these alts?

Isude was low on power and picked on a few blue/greens to get the last couple of seals needed for my next purchase and allow my power to rebuild :) and suddenly got spammed but these 2 arseholes......

There was no shortage of mobs and no reason for it, so don't do it next time.... :)

Meanwhile, I am rather enjoying DF, hope to see you all in there at some point :)

Oh, and *cough* if you *cough* ever have *cough* some spare *cough* seals *cough* you know where to drop them off :)


well im one of those wankers and i was pissed of at all 30+ (purp to me) killing the heck out of greens and you werent out of power you killed green also like fly's i can understand you wanted seals but damn get them out of mobs out of your own level. and yes i might have been damn rude but its was the only way since being nice didnt help much eh.

All i wanted is to xp there killing yellows and oranges but its very sad ive there are purples there picking on greens 3 at the same time so nothing left to kill for me. and there wasnt much left to kill there where about 4 or 5 purps killing greens before we could pull them.

ok ok you say go to keltoi wow but in keltoi i cant get any seals
and i want seals and xp only place to get that is df.
so i think its a little sad that such high lvls are picking on greens.

and normally im a nice guys but its really sad ive you pick on those i have an enchanter lvl 36 on pryd my main he can solo reds you are a cabalist you can solo reds so your pet should be able to solo bleu's yellows for you without you helping the pet why dont yah go do that to get mana and seals then where all happy.

I apoligize ive ive been very rude but that was just to cool my anger. Ill try asking nicer next time. but please for gods sake take some mobs for your own lvl.


matters resolved i appoligized to isula and the rest i insulted wont happen again ill smack my drum on my head 20 times next time :D


:D :D

Cheers Zorewin, apologies for insulting you aswell :) and if u need a hand anytime, just yell :)

:clap: :clap:


People people, really now. This is sad as hell. DF has been open for 2 days, it's over camped and over crowded. we all must a) learn to get along b) learn to share or c) get out.

untill DF calms down a bit you all have to learn to live with muiltiple people/grps camping mobs that don't usually support so many people.

We are realm mates here people, and unless we learn to act like that and give each other a bit of space AND share then this realm will fall apart.

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