Kali and Kyla say



Because of the `Father of the Monsters´Mistake the dead Slave gave binth and fled in the frozen Lands of ´Wolwheat´
by the displeasuer of the írons´, he who liveg benonet the Ýawning Rock´ must take ot back and, once again lock in my d.

som off you got an ide what it meens????

then plz say it or msg me ingame whit tuner or gluwen


Some say she is a part of a Sorc quest. But I know gluwen is a gimped cleric, so how the fook did he hear her say that ?

Well Kyla isnt unique, there are several new NPC's around Albion (and the other realms prob).

Might be our last 2-3 epics (43-45-50) ??

Nvm... nuttin we can do atm


Zag Barr

These NPC'S are not part of an epic, but an event.

As GOA stated in their official anouncement, they have put those event NPC'S into the game while they did their weekly server resets. Those NPC's will give you hints about the upcomming event.

More NPC's and more mobs will be implented thrughout the next weeks and I believe we will see many, many tuff mobs in places, where there weren't any before.

As far as I can see it now, there will be some kind of mob invasion into all three realms, that can only be stopped, if you kill the Uber-mob.

So better start to collect info about it now ...


This is how I interpret it:

The Father Of monsters made a mistake and gave birth to the dead slave, who have fled into the frozen lands (midgaard or Wolheat).
By the displeasure of the cuffs, he who lives beneath the Yawning Rock ( Barrows), must take it back and lock in my death.

As I see it there are 4 parties i this:

1. The father of monsters
2. The dead slave
3. The one(s) who live in barrows
4. Kyla, Kali, Kold

So I think that no.4 are some kinda ghosts who wants to return to the land of the dead, but can only come back if something is done about no.3.
I may be wrong about the midgaard thing, and no.2 and no.3 could be the same mob/person/npc.

If we could decifer what Wolheat means or where it may be, that would probably help a lot.


By the ones in Barrows, do you men the Templar Avenger and his two bitches? Or are there more new mobs in there now?


The yawning rock doesn't refer to the barrows. It refers to something in the frontier areas, and is thus accessible to characters from all realms.


Because the new Hibernian NPCs say exactly the same thing.

Check out the new giant that yawns in Odin's Gate .. the "frozen land" .. there's your yawning rock.


The Yawning rock

I went to the Glacier giant in Odin´s gate and found another messenger, uhm.....dammit forgot the name.
This one looked like an armsman with an xbow. And is located just before the giant on your left, by a little rock. Naturally I was unable to get it to speak to me.
I have been to the mid forum and someone wrote that only Bards can speak to them, so that would make it Minstrells in our realm.

And by the way the Glacier Giant isn´t new.


Because of the `Father of the Monsters´Mistake the dead Slave gave binth and fled in the frozen Lands of ´Wolwheat´
by the displeasuer of the írons´, he who liveg benonet the Ýawning Rock´ must take ot back and, once again lock in my d.

The Father Of monsters made a mistake and gave birth to the dead slave, who have fled into the frozen lands (midgaard or Wolheat).
By the displeasure of the cuffs, he who lives beneath the Yawning Rock ( Barrows), must take it back and lock in my death.

Which mob did Gluwen get the quote from and how?

I read it more as...

"Because of the Father of Monsters' mistake, a slave (now deceased) gave birth to a child (or more than one?) and fled the kingdom (to Wolheat).

The guy beneath the yawning rock (possibly Barrows, but could be Darkness Falls?) has to allow the dead slave to return in order to allow Kyla and company to rest in peace (they could be the children of the slave?), this will in turn trigger general rejoicing and the announcement of a bank holiday. Hurrah."

That's my reading of it anyhow.

The questions become...

Who or what are the "irons"?
Where is Wolheat?
Does anyone think they have found our dead slave?

Oh, and btw, the Templar Avengers are not event related, they are ordinary mobs; which also happen to become part of the Church epic track after 1.49.

Arindra Ramas <Shadowlord's Society> (Cardinal of the Church of Albion)


Just found this on the Hib board...

"Due to a mistake by the 'Father of the Monsters' the dead slave gave live and fled into the frozen lands of Wolfwheat. By the anger if the 'iron', he who lives beyond the yawning rock has to bring it again and recapture it in that area ( that sentence didn't really make sense in the german version). By the pleasures of the hanging iron, should she fail the 'Father of Forseti' will be free again. The slave and his brethren build a horrible world from the skin of the giant, who paid with his blood for 3 times 9 years and gives them shelter. The remaining time is brief in which you can send him back to his sisters of the fatal fate of the one-armed Iron."

It's a translation of the german equivalent of our message (or at least it's parallel in Hib).

It would seem to lose a little in translation but basically, failing to have the slave brought back appears to bring on the the freeing of some kind of 'father of the forest' (although it was a hib message, so the Alb 'downside' migt well be different).

The tone this is written in suggests that it would be a bad thing.


as they say on the homepage:

About this summer multi-realm Campaign, here is a little message from the Story Team:

"During the first days, do not search for a massive invasion of the demonic princes, insane special effects everywhere or massive explosions of violence. These things take time, and the demonic princes know that they will need a good organisation before forcing one or more of the three realms of DAoC to kneel before them.

Some stories start as the sun burns, as the harvests grow slowly under a nice blue sky, as the peasants are busy preparing the summer solstice celebrations and as the Kings prepare their future battle plans…

During the last three weeks, using the weekly maintenance, we already added many elements in the game. While some are or will be linked directly to the campaign, some are more "DAoC background" oriented Already some of these NPCs are wandering the realms, ready to give their messages to the ones willing to listen to them... and understand them.

Some other hints have been hidden across the three realms and the plot will unfold slowly in the weeks to come.

Be sure that the quests you will face will not be simple "go kill this monster there and you will be rewarded" also know that all the keywords will not always be the ones [under brackets]…

Do not worry if you think that the current encounters are rare and often innocent, the tension will grow slowly, all over summer and, around the beginning of new school year, you should not be able to avoid being involved in it. Or maybe you should think about it a bit earlier…"

In any case, the first European DAoC Campaign has now officially started…

Happy week end and happy hunting everyone!

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