

One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
with what do u get your toa bonuses capped if u use no artis? :D
(was wondering when trying to make a new arms temps with the ml6 heal proc hauberk)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
Rub said:
with what do u get your toa bonuses capped if u use no artis? :D
(was wondering when trying to make a new arms temps with the ml6 heal proc hauberk)

An old quote from Kagato:

Kagato said:
So what if you do lose them? I have 0 melee/style bonus and still hit like a damn truck, just check the screen shot in sig.

Damage has never been a problem for polearmers, fix your weaknesses first then worry about other bonuses.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeesh that damn video's going to haunt me forever. I've had about 5 templates since then.

Though my principles have stayed pretty much the same. Its easier to cap normal toa bonuses with good ML drops then it is with artifacts, all that you might miss is style/melee bonus and even that can be found on certain normal drops.

And epic armour for that matter now.

Personally I like to use the corrupty tincture of terkari, epic legs, smoldering vambracers and ml drop breastplates.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
Kagato said:
Yeesh that damn video's going to haunt me forever. I've had about 5 templates since then.

Though my principles have stayed pretty much the same. Its easier to cap normal toa bonuses with good ML drops then it is with artifacts, all that you might miss is style/melee bonus and even that can be found on certain normal drops.

And epic armour for that matter now.

Personally I like to use the corrupty tincture of terkari, epic legs, smoldering vambracers and ml drop breastplates.
alot of drops r pve bonuses(like 2% melee damage on animals) tho

and i ment capping melee/style dmg bonuses, the max style dmg bonus is 10% so your gr of dr raises from 1.20 to 1.32(if it works like that ofc? :p)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
There are some drops which have 2% melee damage to all, such as the ml10 pole (which is shit) and some rings etc.

The items with bonuses to animals etc I disregard completely.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Kagato said:
There are some drops which have 2% melee damage to all, such as the ml10 pole (which is shit) and some rings etc.

The items with bonuses to animals etc I disregard completely.

Which rings out of interest cos i've never heard of them!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
Golena said:
Which rings out of interest cos i've never heard of them!
yeh i would like to know that too :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The pole is called astral something, its proc is so utterly pointless that I never even bothered putting it in my SC calculator so I cannot check its name or stats properly,
The rings and other jewellery are for your melee combat speed toa bonus, like leviathans, cyclone and naxos but those will probably cost you a fair bit.

Personally though I can't say that I use any of those in my current template, I tend to get my toa bonuses from armour, cloak and belt slots and then go for normal very high utility jewellery to reach those caps.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
oh i thought u ment rings with +melee/style dmg


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
You asked about ToA bonuses, not one cap, if you tell me exactly what your wanting i'll tell you what I use for it.

In general though I use a combination of epic/ml armour, eerie stone, antalya shawl, corrupt terkari belt and various highest utility jewellery including some Summoner hall ones.

Something will always have to give though in a 2H template, theres to many things to cap with 1 slot lost. You'll never get it perfect, and if you can, then you don't need any advice from me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Kagato said:
You asked about ToA bonuses, not one cap, if you tell me exactly what your wanting i'll tell you what I use for it.

In general though I use a combination of epic/ml armour, eerie stone, antalya shawl, corrupt terkari belt and various highest utility jewellery including some Summoner hall ones.

Something will always have to give though in a 2H template, theres to many things to cap with 1 slot lost. You'll never get it perfect, and if you can, then you don't need any advice from me.

ive spent hours looking at my template, looking at my vault to find that extra bit of bonus.

the dilema i have is:

for shield i need dex and for attck speed i need qui. to get these to cap i need to use belt of the clouds.

cos atm i use demon bone belt...so to get stats capped i lose 6% on most resists and 44 hits.

so its either 150 dex or 24% on resists... atm i carry both wear one and other in BP depending on what im doing ( roaming have more resist, grp'd more dex)

templates are a pain. have been running around with epic, smoldering vambraces mainly but recently added eirenes...looks nice and gives those melee bonus's u look for..

think mine are 7/9/6 which will do for me


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Personally i'd put caps on belt and go for high utility rings, Zahur and demon blood or some of the summoner hall rings have better utility then the demon bone belt.

If your really that worried though, just switch your gem with the free belial gem and get a haste charge then switch back.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Kagato said:
Personally i'd put caps on belt and go for high utility rings, Zahur and demon blood or some of the summoner hall rings have better utility then the demon bone belt.

If your really that worried though, just switch your gem with the free belial gem and get a haste charge then switch back.

ok heres a summary of what i got.

str: 215 con:216 dex: 114 or with belt of cloud 150 hits 2322

armour : all arms epic except Eirene's Chestpiece, Smoldering vambraces and Lightning Etched Boots.

Items: Charred Pentagraph, SoM, Eerie's, Demon Bone Belt or Belt of the clouds, Ring of Champion, Ring of Thunder, Ceremonial Bracer (con) Cyclone Bracer.

Weapons: ML10 Malice Mace, Battler mace on Back, Bruiser in BP, Magma Infused Defender Shield

Melee resists capped, others all 22+ mostly 25, but with Belt of Clouds some drop to 17/19.

as you see i have no crafted items at all, personally i dont think i need it, only tofine tune and im not that bothered about that.

But most of these items are easy to get.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
To say theres no crafted in it, its pretty good and servicable.

Personally i'd use ancient copper necklace and put caps elsewhere instead rather then use the charred. 80 utility necky is alot to ignore. Same with eerie darkness stone etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Kagato said:
To say theres no crafted in it, its pretty good and servicable.

Personally i'd use ancient copper necklace and put caps elsewhere instead rather then use the charred. 80 utility necky is alot to ignore. Same with eerie darkness stone etc.

so you are hinting at dropping eeries? for a drop (gem of moirai, harpy feather charm?) gimme a clue here...lol

using ACN will help as can drop either ring of thunder or cyclone bracer.

bracer can be replace with ebon hide or if i find one cheap a naxos abalone...

ill have a looksie tonight....

pm me some ideas as i know you dont like posting your template but you could pm me some idea of wat to kill to get items... :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
No I meant using Eerie is good. For the same reason as ACN, highest utility items in the game, so its worth using those and putting your caps in other places, such as belt or cloak slots.

I tend to use corrupt cincture of terkari as thats got a nice boost to str/con caps.

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