Just started playing DAoC - going LD a lot



Bought DAoC today and started playing two hours ago. In that time I've had 6 LDs. I don't think its a router problem or even my own ISP because I can access both the Web and EverQuest no problem. I see from recent posts on this forum, and DAoC's European website, that lots of you are having similar issues. So are lag and LD problems fairly common with DAoC or have I just started playing on a bad day?

Been an EQ subscriber for the past 3 years but only had lag problems there recently (very few LDs though). Anyway my friends and I are getting bored of EQ (yawnsome ToV raids, tedious 55+/AA grinding, powergaming attitudes, lack of RPing, done almost everything) so I volunteered to try DAoC and see if a) it was more fun, b) we could get a better connection. I expected a great connection with DAoC because the servers are under 1000 miles away from me, rather than over 7000 miles away ;) Where exactly are the Prydwen and Excalibur servers located? - are they in the UK or at GOA's French HQ? Wondering if the KPNQOuest router problem will have affected UK DAoC more than UK EQ players (who connect through London and across the Atlantic rather than the main European backbone).

Also can any of you tell me the address of Prydwen and Excalibur so I can ping and tracert them?

My system: Athlon 1200, GEForce2-32, Win98SE, SBlive, 512Mb
My connection: ISDN via GTonline.net (Channel Islands)
My servers: tried Prydwen/Alb and Excalibur/Mid so far
My patience: don't ask :)

Anyway I'm going to try it again and check back here later to see if any kind person has answered my questions. Hoping today is just a blip and that GOA/Mythic won't be as bad as Sony/Verant can be ;)

Thanks in advance for any useful comments.


It's a known problem at the moment, you're not alone, check in the general discussion forum. Wanadoo (GOA's ISP) or somewhere up from them is FUBAR at the moment.

Despite what other forum members say, this is not a regular occurance, just ignore them.


hmm yes everyone lies apart from Israfael....


I think all of the servers are situated in France. So yes, you do have the expectation that the ping to the GOA servers will be very quick if you live in Europe.

The problems at the moment seemed to start when we got the new patch a few weeks ago - although they were sporadic. Since then, the lags have got worse and at the moment we have an almost unplayable game.

Hopefully we'll shortly get back to a playable game and then it'll be worth getting your mates over from Everquest. At the moment, i'd wait for the problems to be sorted out before starting a subscription.


Originally posted by old.marteeny
hmm yes everyone lies apart from Israfael....

Indeed they do, even you.

It's NOT that regular an occurance, to be plain. I'm just WELL fed up of people flaming Goa when it's not even their fault.


Originally posted by IsrafaelCF

It's NOT that regular an occurance, to be plain. I'm just WELL fed up of people flaming Goa when it's not even their fault.

I fully agree to Is. Normally i have no probs with playing. Sometimes something is breaking (routes (which i cant shove responsibility to GOA), patches (which i am used to from other programs as well)) but all in all the game plays smooth and well.
And yes i would consider me to play a lot on DAoC


well hello there and welcome to DAoC

This Game IMHO is better than EQ (2 years veteran of EQ)
as it stands at the moment
KPNQwest went bankrupt (all of Europe backbone went screwy due to the fact that all the other networks then had to re-route themselves we are still overcoming this problem)

The second thing to happen was a router failure at wannadooo (ISP provider to GOA this seems to be a sporadic problem and does not seem to happen very often)

the main point to this post is that I have been playing DAoC since it was released and have had no real problems apart from recently which was caused by the two above problems
for the last week I have had no problems (one thing I might suggest is that you update all your drivers everything from windows to the motherboard drivers everything)

I will however draw your attention to the following news


Thanks guys

Thanks for the comments guys. I figured the Worldcom thing was to blame for my EQ lag - apparently over half the San Diego area was covered by Worldcom and that's where all of EQ's servers are except Ant. Bayle (UK) and Kane Bayle (Netherlands). Anyway I'm glad to hear the current poor connectivity on DAoC isn't a regular thing. Guess I'll ride it out cos I really don't feel like playing EQ, and I've just had five enjoyable hours on Mid/Excal with no LDs.

Its fun and strange playing DAoC after so long on EQ. I'd say the most noticeable difference atm is the slower pace (both run speed and in combat). I can see the slower combat being an advantage when you have more combat styles to choose from (love those btw - playing a berserker to learn the game) - adds an element of strategy that the predictable EQ melee lacked once you knew how to control your aggro (EQ melee = equipment + rhythm).

I think it will be a while til the novelty wears off, so not sure I can make any judgements yet - guess I'll have to play DAoC for a couple of years before I can make a fair comparison :) Both games seem to have good and bad points - theres things from EQ I miss (SoW/SoE /cry - gonna have to play a Skald for my speed fix) and you can't really gimp your character there, but DAoC has tons of stuff to compensate (RvR, dyeable armour, no corpse runs, tradeskills that are useful from level 1 etc.). I like the graphics too - player models are less detailed and not as well animated as Luclin-era EQ, but the terrain is much smoother and more realistic in DAoC - still seems to rain too much though (DAoC Svealand = EQ Karanas) hehe.

With EQ I've "been there, done that, got the T-shirt" - its nice to have another high-quality mmorpg to migrate to - I may be here to stay :)


2 of my mates have/had the same problem, the first one had BT internet and i told him to switch to freeserve but still keep LDing then he got a new computer and it worked fine with freeserve, my 2nd mate just started and he keeps getting LD and he has a new computer.

Please can someone tell me whats going on coz its putting him off the game and i want him to get into it.


getting problems here too , was fine until around patch time now takes me a lot of trys to actually log-on , and when i do go LD within about 5 -15 mins . very frustrating :(


hmm i m not sure, if this is a backbone/provider problem.
they got problems for the whole last month and longer.
hey we got economy depression atm. internet boom is over for the moment. :rolleyes:

but i realized this massive ld's and lags since patch 1.49 came out wednesday. :(
my first thought was, they must be still many ppl downloading patch, but now it seems to me, the patch is not really good.
or something goes wrong with the server... :confused:

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