Bought DAoC today and started playing two hours ago. In that time I've had 6 LDs. I don't think its a router problem or even my own ISP because I can access both the Web and EverQuest no problem. I see from recent posts on this forum, and DAoC's European website, that lots of you are having similar issues. So are lag and LD problems fairly common with DAoC or have I just started playing on a bad day?
Been an EQ subscriber for the past 3 years but only had lag problems there recently (very few LDs though). Anyway my friends and I are getting bored of EQ (yawnsome ToV raids, tedious 55+/AA grinding, powergaming attitudes, lack of RPing, done almost everything) so I volunteered to try DAoC and see if a) it was more fun, b) we could get a better connection. I expected a great connection with DAoC because the servers are under 1000 miles away from me, rather than over 7000 miles away Where exactly are the Prydwen and Excalibur servers located? - are they in the UK or at GOA's French HQ? Wondering if the KPNQOuest router problem will have affected UK DAoC more than UK EQ players (who connect through London and across the Atlantic rather than the main European backbone).
Also can any of you tell me the address of Prydwen and Excalibur so I can ping and tracert them?
My system: Athlon 1200, GEForce2-32, Win98SE, SBlive, 512Mb
My connection: ISDN via GTonline.net (Channel Islands)
My servers: tried Prydwen/Alb and Excalibur/Mid so far
My patience: don't ask
Anyway I'm going to try it again and check back here later to see if any kind person has answered my questions. Hoping today is just a blip and that GOA/Mythic won't be as bad as Sony/Verant can be
Thanks in advance for any useful comments.
Been an EQ subscriber for the past 3 years but only had lag problems there recently (very few LDs though). Anyway my friends and I are getting bored of EQ (yawnsome ToV raids, tedious 55+/AA grinding, powergaming attitudes, lack of RPing, done almost everything) so I volunteered to try DAoC and see if a) it was more fun, b) we could get a better connection. I expected a great connection with DAoC because the servers are under 1000 miles away from me, rather than over 7000 miles away Where exactly are the Prydwen and Excalibur servers located? - are they in the UK or at GOA's French HQ? Wondering if the KPNQOuest router problem will have affected UK DAoC more than UK EQ players (who connect through London and across the Atlantic rather than the main European backbone).
Also can any of you tell me the address of Prydwen and Excalibur so I can ping and tracert them?
My system: Athlon 1200, GEForce2-32, Win98SE, SBlive, 512Mb
My connection: ISDN via GTonline.net (Channel Islands)
My servers: tried Prydwen/Alb and Excalibur/Mid so far
My patience: don't ask
Anyway I'm going to try it again and check back here later to see if any kind person has answered my questions. Hoping today is just a blip and that GOA/Mythic won't be as bad as Sony/Verant can be
Thanks in advance for any useful comments.