Just started out in mid



Mainly a hib/excal player gonna play a little on mid as a zerker here to try it out so any advice on exping spots etc would be much appreciated. Thanks for any help in advance :)


The place I start xping is in Myrkwood near Galpen and then near GNA from level 10ish onwards. Both have a wealth of mobs for every level and can easily see you through to level 20 (then move into Skona Ravine behind Askheim if you don't want to go to Vendo Hell).

Basically... Myrkwood is a great place to xp those first 20 levels. In fact I can't think of too many reasons to go to the other areas before 20 (other than for quest mobs).


And also, the amount of crafters in Gna is nice, usually means free buffs :)


Yeah and when you're 20+ you must go to uppland and hunt them crabs .. well you know .. the place where you albs and hibs gank most of our greycon expers ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Whatever area you start til lvl5, then as said Myrkwood has lots of really good areas around it.

However, between 4-8 if you can get a group, the areas around the tomtes near Auditlen are really good. Also, at lvls 6-9 there are a few really good quests in Auditlen. Do the Morra quest if you are anything except a caster for some nice sleeves, and the 2 tomte quests for a nice weapon and a jewel. Actually these have a good story for once and aren't simply killing things. If you manage to get tomte bracers, don't sell them... there is an npc in Auditlen that collects them and will make you armour. Five I think it is you need to collect.

Huginfell is good for groups low teens if they are on the ball: lots of wandering agro so easy to get wiped out, but all the more fun because of it.

Vendo is good if you can get a decent group. If its alts that know what they are doing, you are laughing. Vendo can be done mid-teens to low 20s.

Around lvl23 or so, make sure to visit Hug to get the Njessie quest. There's a couple of preamble quests to kill local beasties but Njessie is the main event and gets you a very nice weapon. You can usually find lots of high level help too, since Njessie swims past Gna Faste every day.

Musphelheim is just plain fun from late teens to mid20s. Note also, that a named lard ass, Gokstorm, does a otd at lvl25 near the entrance of that area and its a good way to get a nice cloak (Firecloak). Brimstone Breastplate drops further in from a skeleton commander (I think).

At level 30, welcome to Spindelhalla. Its the Royston Vasey of Midgard. You'll never leave...

This is just off the top of my head but hopefully all this babble will help you find spots and get you tooled up :D


The Vale of Mularn is worth a visit imo till around lvl 9-10 then as stated down to Gna/galplen. myrkwood will c you well into the the early 20's. most of the peeps around the area are glad for another sword/hammer/ax is welcomed. Darkness Falls can be a good spot although getting in sometimes be impossable and there is the risk of invaders (pesky lot they are :) )
Varulvheim in skona ravine has been kinda quite for a while but with a good group makes for some fast Xp, althought it's along way to walk if there is no one there!!


another tip is vale of mularn for levels 15-20

Killtasks in Veldon, Haggerfell or in the nearby guard towers will all send u to kill the Vendos in the Vendocamps just east of Veldon. So its a lot of running back and forth but the killtasks will give you loads of fast leveling xp points...

And sure do not forget to kill all nice decent willows in the spawn camps N and S of Gna Faste from levels 12-16, nothing faster than that...



Thanks to all those who gave advice - now all I have to do is learn the geography of midguard :D


Originally posted by stormriderx
Thanks to all those who gave advice - now all I have to do is learn the geography of midguard :D

oi, ur not welcome in mid until u start writing Midgard and not Midguard :p


I just started out in Midgard aswell Storm :) Not sure what class to pick yet though, a zerker, skald or healer? Are there plenty of healers in the realm or are they as rare and wanted in groups as in exc/hib? Which class is better for solo'ing, skalds or zerkers? Which class is more wanted in groups, skalds or zerkers?

Lots of questions :D

See you all in the snow middies :D


Healers are always wanted in groups and with aug spec you'll find yourself soloing yellows with ease, but your Mezzes will suffer and thats a big reason people will want you in groups (but celerity almost makes up for this). Pac spec healers have fantastic CC but if there's noone around you'll find yourself soloing greens. Mend spec healers will have fantastic heals and resses and may have concentrated on one of the other 2 specs to such a level as they're fairly proficient. Shammies have some great buffs and in the next patch they bring end regen to the realm finally, they also get to do dd spells and poisons, but their CC is only root instead of mezz and their heals often suffer as a result of speccing into aug and cave magic.

As for the viking classes they're all nicely balanced, Zerkers are lovely for the high damage they do as long as you have a good healer, or a tank that knows which style is taunt. Skalds are extremely group friendly, with their speed song, their damage add and their rest song for less downtime between fights, + the DD pulls and the useful backup mezz they're great additions to any groups. Warriors are the true tanks of the realm, with shield, weapon and parry being their only real specs they can take aggro like nobody's business. Thanes (biased here) are the kings of PvE, with their bolt pulls, shield spec, chain armour and aggro getting AE shouts (perfect for pulling the 2 adds onto them instead of the casters) they make a great central person to a group, pullertanks, but they are a bit lacking when it comes to RvR, the only recastable spell not on a timer that they have is an AE mezz breaker with a fairly sharp damage drop off, AE shouts are good for destealthing but can only be used every 30 secs and they use a scary amount of mana for the pathetic damage they do. They're still a fun class and with high shield spec they're fairly succesful, but they'll never do the kind of melee damage warriors and zerkers do, and they currently have far less HP than the warriors in exchange for a spellline thats only really useful in keep defence.

Hope that helps :)

PS forgot to add, for soloing zerkers now they have a means for pulling (throwing axes) can fairly proficiently solo yellows and oranges. Skalds tend to be lower specced in weapons because of the importance of battlesongs to groups but with their speedsong they can killtask their way to 20 quicker than anyone.


That's great info - thanks :)

Btw, when you're new to a realm killtasks aren't exactely fast :D



The NPC may well say "Go kill a xxxx to the North" when in fact regular players know there's one 10 feet away in the other direction (rather than the 10 minute run suggested by the NPC).


Exactely what I mean Cadire :)

I don't mind exploring the land a bit, but only have DAoC access two hours a day (pleasures of having a dad :p), so I rather get some exp and have some fun :)


Come rather back to hib Vodka :)

And dont make zerkers,they only class what are imbossible to win on duels ;)


I've seen enough in Hibernia for now, want a change. I can't get VF to level 50 so I'm making a bg char here.

You start playing on midgard instead :D


Personally I do the same routes with all my chars - PL myself 1-5 the xp at haunts and spooks in myrkwood till 8, then i goto tiaga cats, lizards and wisps till 10. The i goto gna tower and xp on grey worgs, trolls, shadows and ww pups.

from 11 or 12 ill do weeping willows till 14 or 15 then start on mora dancers, after they go orange moving to mora riders (this is grouped of course).

15 - 18 i do ww fort and shrieking willows

18 - 26 vendo caverns, where i try to make groups and drag them into frontiers getting wicked xp, but eventualy killed by albs/hibs ;) - Df can also be a great place to go at this lvl *cough* krieg :p

30+ - spindelhalla

40+ - malmo

50 + emain/odins/hw :p

for zerker would suggest u keep LA at lvl btw, its an amazing combat spec :)


Heya pudz :D

Want to transfer some money soon, can you help me with that? Or do you want to donate some? :p

Seeya in the snow :p

Btw, would 21 la 21 axe rest parry be a good bg spec or is 24 la 23 axe better?


keep laxe at your lvl, next leftover to axe, and rest to parry.
simply :)
my bers was allready old when these bg:s come, but you deal damage, and only damage.

btw remember windcallers near rauma entrance! from 18 to ~22 maybe? great for caster and great for tank, but these bastards nuke too so keep pulling so long mob come to melee, usually 2 throwing is enough.
~14 is those vendo bone mobs near svasud, left side on road, between df entrance and svasud entrance, caster but cast only root :)

have 3 other chars in different lvl:s, under 20, over 20 and one near 40, if need help to find xp spot? send pm to me, mostly find playing whit Ibin.


You cant go wrong with either a Berk or a Skald. There used to be *loads* of Skalds around but it's dropped off recently (probably all rolled Shadowblade alts), so you'll be well wanted in a RvR group for speed/dmg add.


Ello fellow hibbies! Welcome to winter wonderland ;) So far I have found mid to be really quick for xp. I created a shammie to compliment my friends warrior and we rock! taking out reds & even purples has been known. Highly speccing in Aug & Mend helps too! You gotta love Frigg!

We hit Cursed Tomb from about lvl 20 and have stayed in there much of the time but at lvl 25 it's time we came out for some fresh air ;)

Don't forget to check on OTD's & quests for Mid as they have some nice ones with resist items for the BG later on.

Happy hunting! :)


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
I just started out in Midgard aswell Storm :) Not sure what class to pick yet though, a zerker, skald or healer? Are there plenty of healers in the realm or are they as rare and wanted in groups as in exc/hib? Which class is better for solo'ing, skalds or zerkers? Which class is more wanted in groups, skalds or zerkers?

Lots of questions :D

See you all in the snow middies :D

As always, it depends on your playstyle. If you like to group alot, then healer is definately the character to go for. My /play time on my healer is currently six days to lvl 38. I don't think that's too bad considering I've not had to solo once :)

It's also virtually impossible to spec a healer badly (unless you go full aug imo ;)). A healer isn't for everyone though. Don't expect to do much damage, but do expect to play one of the most important roles in any group you go in (keeping 1-7 other players alie is a heck of a responsibility and so very rewarding when it all goes right).

I've not had much experience with a zerker as studded armour puts me right off them :) Skalds on the other hand can be quite fun to play, and are extremely group friendly :)

My vote is definately for a healer though... it's the most fun class I've had the pleasure to play. Crowd Control is strangely satisfying to say you rarely directly kill anyone yourself, and healing a group beyond all odds and keeping them alive to kill is also a great feeling :D

My final spec will be Pac 45 (for PoM), Aug 16 (for 2nd speed song) and Mend 25 (for 3rd from last major heal). I loose the final ae stun/ mez by going to Pac 48 in favour of slightly higher mend and that 2nd run buff, but I think it's a fair trade off :). I'll only have 1 unspent point from this spec too :)


Healers definitely have it all, don't they?

-AE Mez
-Insta mez
-Insta AE mez
-AE Stun
-Insta stun
-Insta AE stun

I mean.. that's just crazy :) Maybe I'll make one someday, my zerker is level 12 now and I'm enjoying it really.


That list is the possible Healer abilities, but any one Healer won't have them all to a high level due to the spec points required.

Would be nice tho :)

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