Just out of curiosity ?



just out of curiosity how many folks are making alts so they can have some fun in the upcoming battlegrounds in the next patch ?


hehe your alts will be lvl 50 by the time we get them >.<


I´d love to but I have used all my 4 chars, and according to goa and CoC I cant buy another account to get more chars in albion


me :cool: ganna make one 20, one 30 an a 40 just to see how much play i can get :p


Well, got a few alts now :p (where a few are 'try out' chars, like a full-smite cleric, which failed due to lack of groups, and a full enchance cleric, dunno how that one is gonna turn out :p)

The CoC doesn't prohibit the use of 2 accounts, it does prohibit the use of 2 accounts on the same server with 2 different races (e.g. play mids and albs on the same server)... This could give an unfair advantage... (And I even think that's allowed as long as you do not use it to your advantage, but that's hard to prove)

I've got a few alts lined up, for 1 I need respec though, kinda screwed my minstrel up with Slash / Thrust, went for Slash, but she has low str... So damage sucks (I can't solo yellows and sometimes have a hard time with blue's :( )... But at lvl 18, I'm not gonna build up a new char...


Got 3 alts now but gonna lvl 1 now first. Will play occassionally when there is need. Or maybe do some drophunting for my alts.


Absolutely, i just have probs sticking to levelling just one, keep changing my mind which one i wanna push highest


trying to get my ranger,bard,mentalist,skald,thane up to the lvl20 so i can get em to the lvl20-24 battlegrounds :)


Originally posted by Hatchet
Absolutely, i just have probs sticking to levelling just one, keep changing my mind which one i wanna push highest

know what you mean... got my eldritch to lvl 32 now but through time i've done a lvl 8 thane, lvl 10 armsman, lvl 10 enchanter, lvl 6 scout, lvl 12 nightshade, lvl 6 bard, lvl 7 ranger (active), lvl 6 skald, lvl 7 thurgist, lvl 8 healer...

i think that's all of them :(

just that there are all those classes to choose from and i like to try others everynow and then so i keep changing.

enjoying the ranger though... sure we dont need more rangers but who cares! i LIKE playing my ranger! leveling my shade was basically just work. but i'm enjoying this one.

but i'm quite sure that i'll still be trying new alts a couple of months from now... like to see what a hunter's like, the difference i noticed between my ranger and my scout is that the ranger fires a DAMN sight faster! it'd be nice to see how the pet works out with a hunter though... if it's similar to an ench then i dont understand why they're hard to lvl.

but yeah i'll be using my ranger in the battlegrounds too :)

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