Just me whining again ;P



Alright, today my lvl 12 Armsman(3 bubs left for 13) asked a lvl 15 group leader; "Hiya need a lvl 12 armsman? Soon 13..." He responded; "Sorry to low". Now that really pisses me off. I remember when in Midgard. Me and 6 other lvl 17's had whit us a lvl 11 Healer in Askheim. I did not get capped and I that was 6 lvl's diff. This time it was 2(3). I did respond pretty noobish saying "Yeah friggin right. I'll remember this f00khead". But today I had a REALLY bad day both in RL(That thing better then Windows(not Linux)) and in DAoC.

So people: 2-3 lvls wont capp you!


I think as long as there's no greater range than 5 lvl's, you won't get capped.
And I THOUGHT that only the low lvl guy would get capped anyway.


I find at earlier levels people like to group with people within 1 or 2 levels of themselves, and only at later levels does the level variance increase. A 3 level difference at low levels means the higher level cons purple, and you grey/green (i think)


The exp penalty kicks in around 25% of level I guess. So L15 can group with L13 without penalty. However, maybe the group felt that they need a bigger punch and that you'd be rather a decrease in the group effiency than increase.

Look mate, it's their group, and if they don't want you, they're not forced to take you.

Live with it.


Xp 'penalties' only apply to higher members of the group.
As long as the target is of a challenge to the higher levels in the group, everyone will receive appropiate xp.

Simple example - if you are level 45, and group with a level 5, and you solo an orange, the level 5 will gain the same xp as he would normally gain for killing an orange.

Also, where it is acceptable for a lower level support class to join higher level groups, there is little point in letting a lower level damage dealer, or tank, join, since they cannot heal, buff etc, which a support class can do, regardless of level.


Aye`I guess that's all true.. Just had to post it hehe... Feels su unfair and stuff but hey. People are bastards ;)


It won't hurt your or their xp (except cutting it by one more part)

however a tank 3 levels down ain't gonna be much use other than a druid-mana-leech or for biting the dust :)

At level 30 it'll not be much difference.. but the difference between 12 and 15 is really quite big.


"Simple example - if you are level 45, and group with a level 5, and you solo an orange, the level 5 will gain the same xp as he would normally gain for killing an orange."

but divided by two of course, and the other X million that another 45 grouping would have got disappears into the void :(

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