Just love this



It's late and i want to have a little fun in Emain so i can die and come back to hibbie land.

Meeting up with 2 nice middies and get em both mezzed so i can kill em one by one (One blue, and one yellow)
Then a group of nice blue and yellow con albs show's up from behind, and i think all in that group tried to mezz me, before all was on me ganking the last 50% of my health to zero :)

But still wonders :confused: Ok i kill some now and then, but u guys ganked me like i was the fecking Dragon :rolleyes:

But ok now i know, that there is some albs who fears Hib casters ;)


If u think thats lame, how about this?

I was on my way to the Alb TK last night to suicide when was attacked by an orange mob. Realising quickley that I had no chance to kill it I performed a slam on it to stun it and run away. After I stunned it, I noticed Alpha appear a bit away from me. I thought he might of either killed me regardless or let me go to save me from an xp death. He did worse. He cast a mez, root or a stun on me so that the mob could catch me, then stood and watched for a bit. I tried another stun to get away again, so he started hitting me. When he got me to half health, he stopped attacking me, stepped back and let the mob carry on. Eventually the mob wore me down and killed me and then he finnished it off.

Now in my opinion, to xp kill someone is bad, but I accept it happens and if he'd killed me straight away, I'd have accepted it. But to deliberately stun me on my getaway from the mob, and then attack me for a bit to make sure I had no way of beating it is as low as it gets in my opinion.

The best thing was, I didn't get an xp death coz the fool did too much damage to me. If he had just mezzed the once, I'd have never got away without loosing xp, coz the thing was doing too much damage and I'd used all my end from performing the 2 stuns and trying to sprint away.


Yeah, I hate the griefing lame minstrels too. Hello Jimjum.


LMAO...not fair but fun alpha...
If u found orange mobs at our pk that means u were gray to alpha...maybe thats why he tried to mezz u instead of kill with just shouts..


LoL!!! You haven't been out much, have you? there sure as hell is L50ish mobs around the alb tk in emain. Try to take a few steps outside the guardrange and you might spot one...


uhm.. I've seen some logherty man ( or something like that ) and gorbosh ( never learn there names ) quite close to alb pk
mostly red and purp to me at 42


Lol Aeiedil you have to reply to every thread dont ya? its called goborchends btw :p


and the grannies :p haven't checked since i hit 40 but they were purple at 39 definitely.
Anyhow, good on ya alpha :clap:
It's war, you set foot in emain and any rights you seem to think you have, become forfeit.
I'd like to think i would have tried to kill you rather than helping the mob to kill you, but then again... would have depended on my mood :D


Hmmm call me mad but i got a really dumb idea whuile reading this :D

Lets pull an army of wraith drakes on the alb tk guards *g*

nah ok forget that. Well there are some really scary mobs near alb tk(grannys, etc.) so it can easily happen to get killed by a mob there.

Well i wouldnt kill anyone with that tactic but u cant really call it lame. ITS WAR! (random quote: go to frontier - expect to be expkilled)

edit: grrr the shark striked first :p


Xp killing can be described with two words LAME and STOOPID.
Still wonders what the fun is getting a player to loose XP :confused:

I play for the fun and the Rp's, and im having a really hard time to see what the fun is in waiting for a player to fight a monster, and then stun him :rolleyes: But ok maybe it's just me ;)


Well the ganking by albs that's the old "everyone wants some RP" syndrome. They didn;t need that many to kill you most likely but as soon as someone spots an enemy alone the whole army will rush cos everyone wants their 5 RP. :p

As for XP killing, it happens, deal with it, whining here solves nothing.


Originally posted by Dannyn

As for XP killing, it happens, deal with it, whining here solves nothing.

Maybe not, but it's still lame ;)


i dont do xp killing i think its wrong but doesnt mean it wont happen by ppl who have less of a conscious after all its war :) nothin can be done about and all flaming here will do is make u sound like a whiner


my first experience of RvR was out in snowdonia when i got exp killed by a mid ;)

so tbh its a frontier .. it has dangers .. deal with it.

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