Just for a laugh



Last week i sent Goa 2 emails asking why i could not get into the subs page

in these emails i did say i have all the id names and passy i just wanted some news on whats going on with the page

Goa in the wisdom sent me my account details .

well thats goa right now for u they cant even read email

and yes im still trying to register my account for nealy a week now .

chins up and grass is greener on the other side and all that crap

i will get in it has become a quest

lvl 50 subs pager


Sending them multiple e-mails isn't going to help you, it's just going to make it harder for them to deal with all the people with problems, so be patient. GOA may have it's problems but people like you aren't helping the situation, there's a lot of people in your situation, too, so just wait and keep on trying the subs page.

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