Just do not seem to have the heart....



I have been playing DAoC since its UK release on and off. I have loved and hated the game. This is going to be a bit of a bleet and wine but i am sure that some of you long term players will find things here that you have felt yourself at some point, so here goes.

Latly i just dont seem to have the heart to play anymore, infact rather than skip work because i have been playing all night, i find myself thinking i might as well goto bed.

Its not Mythic or GOA that have caused me to loose my love for playing this game but the game its self. WHen i first heard about the game i was still playing D2 and was getting a bit fed up with that, i needed more from a game. One of the features that DAoC boasted was houseing and advanced guild management. OK so the houseing is not important to those that want to hack and slash at other players for 5-20 secs then spend 5-15 mins getting/finding someone else to kill you be killed by. Its just an example of how incomplete the game has been.

If you have only ever played one realm then you really have only played 28% of what you payed for, the missing 5.333333% is the add on bits and bobs to try and keep you there, ie Darkness Falls. Maybe the game was released before it was finished. Yeah its good and very needed to add to a game to keep things intresting but surely there has to be a large enough game to start with.

Now most of you long standing players and new comers will thing that DAoC is massive. Its not, its just very spread out. How many players know they can be dropped almost any place in their realm and know exactly which way to run back to a town?

I have been beta testing another MMOLRPG latey and it has features the DAoC must have or get. Simple things like being able to see what other guild members are online without the need to /who <guild name>. How many people still use DOS command lines, its the same thing almost, i mean its dated and people dont want to learn all that. Not the adverage user of home PCs these days do, we all want nice simple easy to use and understand.

One other grip is the lack of information within the game its self or even the offical web site. Instead to learn about your character you either have to read some web site that a player has created or try it out your self only to find out that at level 25 you are gimped and wont stand much of a chance in RvR. Will not go on about bots and RvR that well to covered in these forums.

There is a distinct lack of playable areas for all 3 realms. Most good XP spots are camped during the hours most of the players get time to play and those that are not camped are not worth killing at due to poor xp, loot, spawn rates or just to far from anywhere. Those Albs reading this will know the issues with Lynn Barfog, not even a horse route there bring many unless doing a Cabby or infil quest.

So now i have had a wine about it then suely i should now come up with some answers. Here goes:

How about being able to to set up guild run portals like the one from Goth to Savauge? We know it can be done. Allow one per guild and no copies, ie 2 or more from the same place A to same place B. Got to be better than wasting 24 mins to ride a horse from Snow fort to west cornwall in Alb.

Make the guild management easy for GMs, Officers and guildies with an easy to use and understandable interface. Stick it all in one handy window. You know it can be done. Oh btw what did happen to the banking system, being able to add and withdraw funds. We have all seen it in the rank permissions but its still not in place.

Could we move the yanks to our servers as there seems to be more people that play in Europe then in the US these days anyway. If not then why does being a Europe player feel like being 2nd class.

Could make PvE a bit more intresting by having the different mob factions win new lands/areas to spawn in. Make to logging in what you think is safe a bit more fun. So atm who cares that you loose favour to one or another, does not seem to have that greater impact on how you play.

Give more information on characters within the game. How many people have started a thrust type char only to find out that you really do need some ST as well being as your damage is 50/50 st/dex? I mean where in the game is that? I know that in some up coming patch there will be more detail on what the spells do, little to late imo.

Create a new trade like Map making. Have the maps set at different details with a fade duration, akin the durability of armor. Make it based or exploration if need be with a min amount of time needed to spend in the one visable area, as is having to draw the lands. These then can be sold to players to aid them get about. Make them level based so there is still a need to explore the lands yourself at least once. Maybe be able to apend notes: "Here be a big Dragon!".

OK what i think all crafters would like is being able to sell your wares if you are offline/online, RvR, PvE or crafting without the need to run about dropping it off or wait for some one to come collect it. Why not have a central maket in the major cites where for a small fee you can have a merchant sell it for a price you set. Let everyone see whats for sale. You can set a max number of items for sale by each char to something like 10, that would give each real life person 80 items to sell. Even rare drops could be sold on the open market. You could even break it down to the item types per merchant, one for armor, one for weapons, one for SC jewels/gems etc.

With alot of people now on broad band these days why not have a feature where you can chat (use your voice with a mic) to group memebers. How many times have you been in mid reply to someone only to notice mid sentance that your group has agro? Is it any wonder peeps dont talk much, more users dont have a wpm rating. You only need 28.8k to play a game and 28.8k is all you need for a perfect voice call, i know as thats all BT have to give you on your phone line. Read the small print me :).

So there are just some things to think about, i could go on and on but your eyes probaly have dried up already. In closing the 1300s (rough time DAoC is set) were a dim, dull, damp and hard time for Europe. That is how the game feels to me these days.

I find myself anoyed at the hardcore players for being unhelpful and close minded, thats not all. But when an unexperanced goes to go RvR with there new lev 50 char with only 35k rp and is unsure of what to do and they make a mistake or just run about and get killed does not give anyone the right to abuse them in any way or form. Infact its the 24/7 RvR rp farmer that should take a reality check and look as to why they are getting all twisted up over a game. If it that improtant to you and your life then you dont have a life, trust me i have been there, its part of being a gamer i guess. Get help or take a break.

New comers to the game will problay never see this post and most people do not even vist the official web page to read the news and find out if your server is up or not, or when you will get patched, if they know that there might be a patch. Some just dont care as it just a game. But for those that do and have read this far i will say this: Have fun, you will see lots of new things and meet some good people, some may even become Real Life (RL) friends. But do read up on your chars before you start one, the last thing you want is to spend 1-2 weeks playing only to learn that you char is not as good as it could be. There are sites out there with tons of player information for you, Oh and for gods sake down load some maps of the areas you may go to and learn how to use /loc.

Well those that know me by this name i will catch you about now and then but for now i am really looking else where to find fun and laughs.


Originally posted by dismay
I have been beta testing another MMOLRPG latey and it has features the DAoC must have or get. Simple things like being able to see what other guild members are online without the need to /who <guild name>. How many people still use DOS command lines, its the same thing almost, i mean its dated and people dont want to learn all that. Not the adverage user of home PCs these days do, we all want nice simple easy to use and understand.

/gc who

I prefer typing commands which take about 2 seconds instead of scrolling through pages and pages of commands or options. It IS simple and easy to understand imo.

Originally posted by dismay

There is a distinct lack of playable areas for all 3 realms. Most good XP spots are camped during the hours most of the players get time to play and those that are not camped are not worth killing at due to poor xp, loot, spawn rates or just to far from anywhere. Those Albs reading this will know the issues with Lynn Barfog, not even a horse route there bring many unless doing a Cabby or infil quest.

Yes better XP + loot in some places would be nice but there is a horse route to llyn barfog from snow station already.

Originally posted by dismay

So now i have had a wine about it then suely i should now come up with some answers. Here goes:

How about being able to to set up guild run portals like the one from Goth to Savauge? We know it can be done. Allow one per guild and no copies, ie 2 or more from the same place A to same place B. Got to be better than wasting 24 mins to ride a horse from Snow fort to west cornwall in Alb.

Would be handy.

Originally posted by dismay

Make the guild management easy for GMs, Officers and guildies with an easy to use and understandable interface. Stick it all in one handy window. You know it can be done. Oh btw what did happen to the banking system, being able to add and withdraw funds. We have all seen it in the rank permissions but its still not in place.

Guild management is pretty easy imo or they could have done a lot worse anyway, a GUI showing all members of guild with rank in game would be nice tho.

Originally posted by dismay

Could we move the yanks to our servers as there seems to be more people that play in Europe then in the US these days anyway. If not then why does being a Europe player feel like being 2nd class.

how? We can't force US players to come here and besides they pay for the American version of DAoC from Mythic, not from GOA. Mythic makes the game, not GOA and I think theres no chance in hell GOA can take over Mythic and make the game instead.

Originally posted by dismay

Could make PvE a bit more intresting by having the different mob factions win new lands/areas to spawn in. Make to logging in what you think is safe a bit more fun. So atm who cares that you loose favour to one or another, does not seem to have that greater impact on how you play.

Originally posted by dismay

Give more information on characters within the game. How many people have started a thrust type char only to find out that you really do need some ST as well being as your damage is 50/50 st/dex? I mean where in the game is that? I know that in some up coming patch there will be more detail on what the spells do, little to late imo.

Ask other players using /advice, they should know stuff like that - the info on most stuff about the game is on camelotherald.com anyway.

Originally posted by dismay

Create a new trade like Map making. Have the maps set at different details with a fade duration, akin the durability of armor. Make it based or exploration if need be with a min amount of time needed to spend in the one visable area, as is having to draw the lands. These then can be sold to players to aid them get about. Make them level based so there is still a need to explore the lands yourself at least once. Maybe be able to apend notes: "Here be a big Dragon!".

Why would I want a map when i can just open www.camelotherald.com/mapalot ? ;)

Originally posted by dismay

OK what i think all crafters would like is being able to sell your wares if you are offline/online, RvR, PvE or crafting without the need to run about dropping it off or wait for some one to come collect it. Why not have a central maket in the major cites where for a small fee you can have a merchant sell it for a price you set. Let everyone see whats for sale. You can set a max number of items for sale by each char to something like 10, that would give each real life person 80 items to sell. Even rare drops could be sold on the open market. You could even break it down to the item types per merchant, one for armor, one for weapons, one for SC jewels/gems etc.

You just pretty much described the Foundations expansion.

Originally posted by dismay

With alot of people now on broad band these days why not have a feature where you can chat (use your voice with a mic) to group memebers. How many times have you been in mid reply to someone only to notice mid sentance that your group has agro? Is it any wonder peeps dont talk much, more users dont have a wpm rating. You only need 28.8k to play a game and 28.8k is all you need for a perfect voice call, i know as thats all BT have to give you on your phone line. Read the small print me :).

If they did that it'd put more strain on GOA's network and connection and you need more than 28.8k for a perfect voice call - analog voice over telephone lines is not the same as digital voice over a modem.

Originally posted by dismay

So there are just some things to think about, i could go on and on but your eyes probaly have dried up already. In closing the 1300s (rough time DAoC is set) were a dim, dull, damp and hard time for Europe. That is how the game feels to me these days.

I find myself anoyed at the hardcore players for being unhelpful and close minded, thats not all. But when an unexperanced goes to go RvR with there new lev 50 char with only 35k rp and is unsure of what to do and they make a mistake or just run about and get killed does not give anyone the right to abuse them in any way or form. Infact its the 24/7 RvR rp farmer that should take a reality check and look as to why they are getting all twisted up over a game. If it that improtant to you and your life then you dont have a life, trust me i have been there, its part of being a gamer i guess. Get help or take a break.

If somebody starts harrasing u in game report them to rightnow. If its a member of an enemy realm killin u then u cant do anything about that :p


Bleri McThrust


Now they could have been implemented better. Apart from Clifton and Little Haven (in Albion) what does faction really matter? and those 2 places are so out off the way that they have no real bearing. In fact gaining faction to those 2 places require killing the same mobs even :(

In fact the only reason to have good faction there is for selling and its so easy to achieve :(

Factions could open up or close certain parts of the game in so much better way I feel.


factions do exist properly in midgard

kill werewolves, and the svartalfs let you play in their woods

kill svartalfs though, and the buggers hunt you down in packs!
and the werewolves still hate you.

apart from that, factions are terrible :)


Your not alone Dismay mate try and keep ya chin up tho mate lots of changes in the works


Originally posted by dismay
INow most of you long standing players and new comers will thing that DAoC is massive. Its not, its just very spread out. How many players know they can be dropped almost any place in their realm and know exactly which way to run back to a town?

Funnily enough i was thinking about that last night, and i came to the conculsion that part of the reason the games lost some of its 'magic' is simply because i know too much.

I.e - When i first started my soul reason for choosing a healer was because the idea of being able to heal myself seemed cool (i was blissfully unaware that i wouldn't be able to solo for shit at that time)....

Then i learned i had to rely on a group, and i still had fun because i didn't see the need for doing anything other than heal. Which gave me plenty of time to chat...

Then i learned that it helped my group if i used CC to stop mobs, and so i had more to do. And subsiquently less time to chat....

And then finally you get to today, i realised that if you slapped me into more or less any lvl50 character i feel i'd be able to play said character to a compitent level. Simply because i've watched how other people play them, and i've got a fairly good grip of what their capabilities are. I'm not saying i'd be able to do an out-standing job and be the best of whatever, but i reckon i'd atleast be able to hold my own if i were given... say a Skald.

Probably the only 2 classes i wouldn't be able to do that with are Stealthers, and thats simply because i rarely get a chance to see what their capable of.

And i suppose at the end of the day thats what gets me, i know too much for my own good. I don't know all the stupid little formulas for whatever, i don't know what spec is the most uber for every class. I don't much care either, but my little pocket of the game is without anything new and exciting. I've been to most of the dungeons, i've killed (by that i mean, been in a group while tanks kill :rolleyes:) at one point or another all the major boss mobs (Kula, Tuscar, Legion, Gjal (Dragon), Princes, Noesd...whatever (the Worm in TH), the assorted twats in Illarn, Ond (when was the last time you saw him?), Nisse, that white spider they added to Nisses. The list goes on for longer than i care to.

TBH i don't find RvR too challenging, for me its just a general cast of wonder out. Get in a group, follow them arround, do my thing while they do theirs. We win, we lose. Whatever.

The adventure has been removed from the game, its more an issue of 'Same old, same old' as oppose to 'wow guys, lets go check out that new area in X'

Probably the reason i've told myself i'm definatly not going to read any of the ToA spoiler shit thats being spammed arround the VN boards, and if possible i'm gonna try and do the ML's with people who think the same way.

But it happens with all games i think, you get to a stage where the old stuff just does excit you anymore (i still remember being scared shitless in Nisses dungeon when 'the Haunt' was roaming arround the spider area, and every time he came arround the corner people would have a little panic, and often end up getting 3-4 spiders on themselves in a bid to get out :D). And the only thing keeping you in a game is the friends (and i use that word lightly) you've made.

And then you finally get to the depressing all-time low when all your friends have left the game and your all alone with nothing to do, and you finally decide its time to jump ship.

Hell, its the Product Life Cycle they tech in business studies really.

Devolpment, Promotion/Advetisement, Maturity/Saturation, Extension, Decline.

DAoC is probably in between Saturation and Extension. Eventually it'l go into decline and then nobody will be in Emain, and nobody will care that X was the first person to reach RR11, or that person X was the first person to lvl50.

....God i'm all depressed now :(

Roo Stercogburn

Re: Re: Just do not seem to have the heart....

The map idea is interesting, I quite like it. Would need a few refinements or changes to make it workable but the general principle is sound.

Originally posted by Archeon
Then i learned that it helped my group if i used CC to stop mobs, and so i had more to do. And subsiquently less time to chat....

Understatement of the year :D

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