Just decided to try DAOC


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2007
Hi all, I am an avid on line gamer and have played UO, Eve, WOW, COD, and of course have been getting burn outs now quite frequently. I new about DAOC but never got round to trying the game out.

Just recently I went back to UO from WOW would you believe, and am enjoying the old classic UO, but now of course need something totally new for me to get interested in(while waiting for Warhammer :)) and DAOC seems to be one that may grab my attention. So, right now I am downloading the client updates from the EU 14day trial, lol only another 2000mb or so to go at a 302.6kb/Sec download.

But, after reading this forum I am starting to have second thought's, I know this game is quite a few years old, albeit, is totaly new to me. The negative threads with regards to the European servers is a tad worrying. I am based in London. So, is it worth me having a try or should I not bother, or go to the US site and try it there? Strangely enough I just recently bought the 9th anniversary box of UO via Amazon UK and in it is a cd for the US trial version for DAOC, so technichally I could load both versions on my machine and give both a try, US and UK :)

What do you think guys, and if you have any positive feedback on the EU servers, which one do you think I should try, if any :) Thanks for any info as it will be most appreciated.



Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
I'd personally suggest the US as a new player; otherwise I'd say the german servers but I could see how that'd be a problem if it's your first time in game :)

It's said that the US connection from over here is actually very good but in terms of the english servers here, it's really not worth it. By the time you level up (which would be on your own with how few people are around) the cluster will have even fewer people.

Very very good game if you're into realm vs realm, probably the most challenging out of the lot, just a shame it died for england really :(


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2007
Thanks for the quick response guys, think I will take your advice, and hopefully try the US servers, but will let the UK client finish downloading then fire up the US version, that download will be a bit longer, as I initially started with that and the download was a lot slower, so will let it download while I sleep :) Just pray that it will allow me to go through the registration and billing process to start a US account, as the flyer that is in the box states US only. But thanks again for thew advice.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Tbh I'd never suggest anyone new try Dyvet (the english cluster of DAoC) now - its all but dead sadly :( Personally I've left my favourite chars behind from there and am playing on one of the German clusters but its definitley not recommended for the new player unless ofc you can read german easily. Best bet as suggested above is to get the American freebie trial downloaded and join one of the busiest clusters over there.

Manisch posted a copy of all the files you need on a super fast mirror he has - details in his post in this thread about 7 posts down or so:


Wherever you play tho hopefully you will have fun - DAoC is a superb game (when played on busy servers/clusters) :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
As above as a new player i'd 100% recommend US classic.

You can be out enjoying the best bits of the game, RvR combat, in the battlegrounds within a few hours of starting.
There's also plenty of new players over there so you won't be stuck with only people that have done everything already..

The game has plenty of people on during EU time so don't worry about the timezone difference either, it just means if you do want to stay up late some nights you won't find everyone else rushing to bed. :drink:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
End game on any enlgish goa server is being flushed down the toliet, go US and do it in WAR.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Also the advantage of playing classic is, that you can live well with just one account. Ok, addicted junks like me play with 2 on classic aswell, but that's another story =))

Classic will get you a finished char a bit faster, even though the ToA expansion (which is not active on classic servers) was made much easier during the last patches.


Feb 17, 2007
DAoC is still the best RvR, 1v1 based mmo there is, by far. If I where in your shoes I'd probably go play on the American servers, as someone mentioned. Its gonna be hard for u to get into the basics of the game on a german server where many ppl won't reply to you just b/c they cba to speak english/speak it poorly and therefore dont bother.

As a long term player, started at launch week iirc, even I found it annoying to start from scratch on the German servers due to language barrier, so Id recommend the American servers, even though I found Germans are quite much more friendly then the Americans.

Anyway, my adivce is to try the Game out, I think you can download almost all but the last expansion for free and you should try out one of the Maerican clusters ( a bundle of 3-4 servers due to population drops over the years ) and make an Char/class that is overpowered. That means a class the by the general population is seen as overperforming in many areas, DAoC beeing in based around a rock>scissor>bag>rock system that ofcourse makes for an obvoius advantage in 1v1 encounters wich is a big part of the game.

I strongly dissadvice you from making a stealther if your not an enthusiast ( had 5 stealther classes over the year and it got obvious that the Dev team wanna shit on you :eek: ).

Well hope this helps abit. If you get fed upw ith DAoC you can always try out World in Conflict, awasome RTS with FPS influence ( in 3d ) and awsome online features, with ladders, rankings, inbuild clan/guild challenge system with daily tours etc etc :)


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Go with all of the above posters. Last year, I would have urged you to stay on Dyvet due to it needed new population to stay "alive" etc.

But definately try out US Classic servers, the pace of the game is slower there than on the TOA servers :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Tbh I'd never suggest anyone new try Dyvet (the english cluster of DAoC) now - its all but dead sadly :( Personally I've left my favourite chars behind from there and am playing on one of the German clusters but its definitley not recommended for the new player unless ofc you can read german easily.

back on limors, blue? don't be shy to ask if you need a bard, druid or BM anytime :)


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
back on limors, blue? don't be shy to ask if you need a bard, druid or BM anytime :)

An elf BM?

Also if you want to play Bard for TC you have to pass a test which requires you to mumble all instructions incoherently during fights! ;)


Loyal Freddie
Jun 28, 2006
Ay, as above, go US clasic servers. That way you get, 1 a healthy population rather than a hamster named Kev. 2 Clasic means no atlantis to have to be bothered with so no endless must have arti/ML runs, also not having to have a buffbot account to stay competative with the best. I never had a BB but then again I did tend to get my ass kicked in RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
back on limors, blue? don't be shy to ask if you need a bard, druid or BM anytime :)

Aye TC is back on Limors again Nata - last Monday was kinda the last straw for us on Dyvet tbh so back we are in the green land again :)

Currently we're finishing off pve on the new chars in our new tank grp then out into RvR and as our bard probably can't play full time I may will give you a shout :)

Also if you want to play Bard for TC you have to pass a test which requires you to mumble all instructions incoherently during fights! ;)
That was Nate's speciality that NOBODY can equal hehe As gimped and savvan as he is I gotta say he is sadly missed atm


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
it says quiet a lot about the state of the english cluster, when no GOA rep will post on saying stay join the EU cluster. Obviously even they know its in dire straits and that nothing is going to be done.

Am still pissed off with Requiel when he stated months ago that GOA where having meetings doing something. Hope he is a bit more honest with WAR.



Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
it says quiet a lot about the state of the english cluster, when no GOA rep will post on saying stay join the EU cluster. Obviously even they know its in dire straits and that nothing is going to be done.

Am still pissed off with Requiel when he stated months ago that GOA where having meetings doing something. Hope he is a bit more honest with WAR.



A bit more honest?

I thought the truth is white and universal!



Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
An elf BM?

best darn BM there is!

Aye TC is back on Limors again Nata - last Monday was kinda the last straw for us on Dyvet tbh so back we are in the green land again :)

Currently we're finishing off pve on the new chars in our new tank grp then out into RvR and as our bard probably can't play full time I may will give you a shout :)



Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Please dont give any more money to these total fuckheads..

Go US...US...US...US.

And if u wanna try out WAR ... guess what... dont trouble yourself with the mofos...Go US...US....US.
Better patches, faster, no mofo weird french lag, a company that works (even if not that well, but since GOA doesnt even work...not sure it really qualifies as a company).

PS: In case this gets deleted. QQ, u r sad !


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 13, 2004
Its a shame the english cluster is like it is atm...

Normally wouldve told you to come to Hibernia, gotten you into a friendly guild and try to help you get on your way...

Its sad :( from my experience there always were alot of friendly ppl there willing to help the newcomers out...


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
An elf BM?

Also if you want to play Bard for TC you have to pass a test which requires you to mumble all instructions incoherently during fights! ;)

lol Field :D You talking about me mumbling? You went on for hours! I remember it clear as day "Ok guys, I'm having a cup of tea, I'm sipping it, shit ok..we've got inc, my teas all over my trousers, it's 8, there albs, ouch it burns, I'm mezzing, I'm mezzed, purged, healing, dead, kissing the ground, your all dead, releasing, putting some dry trousers on" :D

and blue shame on you for not remembering what he was like, ows tut coalmines?


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
lol Field :D You talking about me mumbling? You went on for hours! I remember it clear as day "Ok guys, I'm having a cup of tea, I'm sipping it, shit ok..we've got inc, my teas all over my trousers, it's 8, there albs, ouch it burns, I'm mezzing, I'm mezzed, purged, healing, dead, kissing the ground, your all dead, releasing, putting some dry trousers on" :D

and blue shame on you for not remembering what he was like, ows tut coalmines?

Providing the group with too much information is completely different from mumbling.

Also you lie, I never died to just 8 albs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
lol Field :D You talking about me mumbling? You went on for hours! I remember it clear as day "Ok guys, I'm having a cup of tea, I'm sipping it, shit ok..we've got inc, my teas all over my trousers, it's 8, there albs, ouch it burns, I'm mezzing, I'm mezzed, purged, healing, dead, kissing the ground, your all dead, releasing, putting some dry trousers on"
LOL n8iboi you're so wasted on FH and NOT ingame - get your bloody shifts changed and come play bard again :)

and blue shame on you for not remembering what he was like, ows tut coalmines?
Aye laddie bin dawn t'mines for 200 hars straight tha knaws eatin coal f'ma dinna ;).

Oh and I did remember Field's... erm... information overloads but i was being nice... you're a farkin savvanah so you wouldn't understand tho. Also there a lot of worse qualities you know... like talking utter bollox on vent (that Manowar convo anyone? lol) and everyone pissing themselves laughing (or in my case having a clutcher and almost choking to death lol) followed by the group eating grass quickly.... but thats your speciality :p

Providing the group with too much information is completely different from mumbling.

Also you lie, I never died to just 8 albs.
Yeah you tell him Cadelin and aye, thats not even a FG lol


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 8, 2005
lol Field You talking about me mumbling? You went on for hours! I remember it clear as day "Ok guys, I'm having a cup of tea, I'm sipping it, shit ok..we've got inc, my teas all over my trousers, it's 8, there albs, ouch it burns, I'm mezzing, I'm mezzed, purged, healing, dead, kissing the ground, your all dead, releasing, putting some dry trousers on"

and blue shame on you for not remembering what he was like, ows tut coalmines?

make fondue or latte next time w that swiss chocolate field imo

:drink: :drink: :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Nate said:
You went on for hours! I remember it clear as day "Ok guys, I'm having a cup of tea, I'm sipping it, shit ok..we've got inc, my teas all over my trousers, it's 8, there albs, ouch it burns, I'm mezzing, I'm mezzed, purged, healing, dead, kissing the ground, your all dead, releasing, putting some dry trousers on" :D

Please, please, please tell me he did all that in a really posh English accent or it just isn't as funny.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2007
Thanks guys for all the input, seems like US classic it is then, only one question about Latency. Is there a problem with latency and ping on EU and Us servers. The reason I ask, is that I have now played on the US servers for a few days and on the EU srvers too, since last Thursday. Each time I enter Camelot city, does not happen anywhere else, on both servers after a few minutes my latency goes into red then ping then disconnects. I have no probs with WOW or with UO, still run them both too :)

Of course it could be down to my ISP at the mo being a bit unstable, BT :puke:But thought I would ask anyhow



FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Please, please, please tell me he did all that in a really posh English accent or it just isn't as funny.

ofcourse he did, he's Field and ok field, it was 9 albs ;)

I'd say that was more to do with your computer fox, theres a lot more detail compared to the classic areas in the cities. Are you able to run around while your on red latency/ping?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Thanks guys for all the input, seems like US classic it is then, only one question about Latency. Is there a problem with latency and ping on EU and Us servers. The reason I ask, is that I have now played on the US servers for a few days and on the EU srvers too, since last Thursday. Each time I enter Camelot city, does not happen anywhere else, on both servers after a few minutes my latency goes into red then ping then disconnects. I have no probs with WOW or with UO, still run them both too :)

Of course it could be down to my ISP at the mo being a bit unstable, BT :puke:But thought I would ask anyhow

could be your network card try this:

Check the properties of your network card and make sure "hardware checksum" is switched off.

and run adware or any anti-spyware application and remove any crap.

Dont bother using Rightnow to solve your problems with GOA, you would get better success and clarity by talking to a one armed monkey called Ned, while wearing a tutu and saying "mama"



Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Please dont give any more money to these total fuckheads..

Go US...US...US...US.

And if u wanna try out WAR ... guess what... dont trouble yourself with the mofos...Go US...US....US.
Better patches, faster, no mofo weird french lag, a company that works (even if not that well, but since GOA doesnt even work...not sure it really qualifies as a company).

PS: In case this gets deleted. QQ, u r sad !

Was going to delete it, but didnt want to be sad. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Dont bother using Rightnow to solve your problems with GOA, you would get better success and clarity by talking to a one armed monkey called Ned, while wearing a tutu and saying "mama"

There speaks a man of experience.

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