Just Cause


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Anyone got this or heard good things about it ? Thinking of getting it tomorrow but not sure.



I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
The game is very good if you like this genre, I wasn't into the demo at all first but now I really enjoy it so I will be getting hold of the game myself.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I suppose am just bored of sand-box games for now after Saints Row, I might pick up Enchanted Arms once it becomes cheaper.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
im gonna get the student version when its available. anyone have comments on the pc version?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
i had boiling point and found that rather boring I am guessing this is just another re invention of that type of game


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Moriath said:
i had boiling point and found that rather boring I am guessing this is just another re invention of that type of game

It is more like an advanced version of 'Mercenaries' to be honest, more fun in some ways though with a much bigger land mass and more variation.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Had it for 2 days now the game is great the missions do get tedious but even Saints Row missions were like that but it was still a great game and this isn't any different really except its much more bigger and you can fly jets and stuff :)

gets a 8/10 for me.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yes but you like everygame you are paid to tell us about.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Ch3tan said:
Yes but you like everygame you are paid to tell us about.

Yes ofc you fucking fool:wanker:

I have the God Father as well and it gets a 10/10


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
You are doing a good job of making yourself look silly. Ch3t was clealy have a laugh based on the recend general thread. But here you are again, defending everything 360 with your life.

Microsoft didn't make the console specifically for you.
They wouldn't care if you never bought one.
They wouldn't care if you ceased to exist.

So why do you insist on vehemently defending a mere games console?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
leggy said:
You are doing a good job of making yourself look silly. Ch3t was clealy have a laugh based on the recend general thread. But here you are again, defending everything 360 with your life.

Microsoft didn't make the console specifically for you.
They wouldn't care if you never bought one.
They wouldn't care if you ceased to exist.

So why do you insist on vehemently defending a mere games console?

I get your point but all he was doing was giving his little review of the game to help others decide so lay off.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
cHodAX said:
I get your point but all he was doing was giving his little review of the game to help others decide so lay off.

It's not just this game though. It's everything 360 related.

As soon as someone posts a less than positive review about the 360 or its software in comes Aada to call them a tard or something similar.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
leggy said:
It's not just this game though. It's everything 360 related.

As soon as someone posts a less than positive review about the 360 or its software in comes Aada to call them a tard or something similar.

Regardless of that he was flamed for answering the original post which was asking what the game 'Just Cause' is like. He helpfully posted a mini review of his opinion and got flamed for it. Now if you want to give the guy a hard time that is fine but please do it in threads where he deserves it, not in a thread where someone was asking for opinions. He helpfully replied and didn't deserve the shit he was given. Carrying on like this amounts to trolling threads and harrasment, it just isn't on.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
leggy said:
It's not just this game though. It's everything 360 related.

As soon as someone posts a less than positive review about the 360 or its software in comes Aada to call them a tard or something similar.

Leggy you're a complete arse and all this started with that thread about you moaning about 360 downloads then you took pot shots at me in the films forum which i ignored and then when you insult me and i give it back you run off to the forum mods to give me a warning :D

I'm happy to bash crappy games but Just Cause is not a shit game i mean most review sites are moaning because its not realistic i mean WTF?!!!!!!!! It's not even meant to be realistic it doesn't state in any way its a realistic game.

I didn't start anything in here and in comes Che33t3 whatever the fuck he's called and makes a snide comment i make one back and i'm meant to look the bad guy? could you get anymore up his arse ?

And you call me a troll? LOL fucking hypocrite :D

Just look at the last warning i got.. the entire thread Leggy is insulting me i retaliate and he runs off to his mod friends to give me a warning. You're nothing but a little kid in the playground who runs off to tell mommy when someone answers you back.

Get some spine.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
For the record (and your education):

1) I have never reported a bad post. Ever.

2) I have never asked anyone to fight my battles. I am more than capable of calling you a spaz myself.

3) I only slag you off because you insist on being right 100% of the time. Sometimes it's good to accept that other posters have a valid opionion.

4) You actually are a bit of a nonce.


5) I'm only up ch3t's arse because it's so nice in there.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Aada said:
Just look at the last warning i got.

I can't see the warnings you get surprisingly. And if you were warned it had nothing to do with me. It's a forum. I don't give a fuck if you call me names. I'll just close the browser and make a cup of tea. I'll then proceed to forget that you actually exist.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
oh, please grow up guys. This isn't exactly helping Moriath.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
For the record. THe comment was just a joke based on the recent thread in the gen forum, well done to the only person capable of spotting that.

I fail to see how Aada's reviews are helpful, I find it very difficult to recall a 360 game that aada has not given a glowing review and told people to go buy.

If Moriath is upset about his thread going off topic he can complain to the mods and get the posts deleted. But if threads never went off topic there wouldn't be much written on these forums.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Heh i was munching on the popcorn and enjoying the Show

Decided to skip Just cause for now

PES coming out next month with NWN2 as well .. till them Dead Rising will keep me entertained and TDU


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Ch3tan said:
For the record. THe comment was just a joke based on the recent thread in the gen forum, well done to the only person capable of spotting that.

I fail to see how Aada's reviews are helpful, I find it very difficult to recall a 360 game that aada has not given a glowing review and told people to go buy.

If Moriath is upset about his thread going off topic he can complain to the mods and get the posts deleted. But if threads never went off topic there wouldn't be much written on these forums.

Well ofc games that i buy and i have tried demos and enjoyed are going to get a 'go buy' i'm not going to buy a game i hate am i?

Comon dude make some sense, i won't bash a game i haven't played even if it's crap, i only buy games i know i am going to like and if i have enjoyed it then i will tell people it is a decent game.

Just Cause is not perfect by any means and i did not say that..but i do think it is worth a buy if you have the spare money and like free roam games.

Actually i can tell you a shit game i have rented and that was X men the movie i had all the games they had at Blockbuster so i rented that biggest load of shite on the 360.. yes its even worse then King fucking Kong :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Changed enchanted arms for just cause, about 3hours in and it's pretty fun

harsh to bash aada for reviewing games, i atleast find them a usefull opinion but not ultimately one to make me buy the game

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