Just an idea (maby a bad one)



Ok, i am not sure what wepon i wanna choose, and i guess there are ppl like me in other realms. i think i want a wep that looks cool over all other things, so i was wondering if all you high lvl ppl (from all realms) could post screens of what the high lvl weps with fire etc on them look like. plz put what realm u are at the top of your post, so my small mind is not confused :)


first of all it depends on your realm =)

i can say for midgard: a good choice is axes... specc high to 50 that you get havoc and the follow up move and get the Fate Stealer +9 Axe... Ownage !

Hammer is a good choice too as Eos said it b4 the Provoke (Taunt Move) does about same damage as Ruiner (and even Crumble) and uses laughable endurance... the best hammer you can get is The Soul Forge with +6 Hammer

Well if you wanna play a hunter choose spears... =)

And me personally dont like swords... im always thinkin of uo noobz then
sword / kite shield = victim *g and the styles arent that good compared to axes/hammers

But if you wanna play against midgard (whut?) choose Thrust... the Bonus against chain is pretty nice i think .

But always remember... at the end everyone got his 20+ % on slash/crush/thrust resist so it doesnt make that big difference for what you choose


Yea...they might rock an all, but do they look cool? 8) i dont wanna be uber, just look ace.



then get a golden alloy sword and you look soooo coool :clap:


its about to own and not to own not which weapon looks best =P


Hehe, must mention here, i am a dwarf....do they look ok? my experience tells me that dwarfs with swords look like children with cricket bats


the best hammer you can get is The Soul Forge with +6 Hammer

best hammer you can get damage wise is Hammer of Black Ice, lvl 44 quest reward starting with drunken dorf in jord.

maybe it is outdamaged lvl 48+ by Great Ice Breaker, dropped by Wretch of Winter, but as testing showed, Soul Forge does less dam.

Back on Topic, Hammer of Black Ice is black, Great Ice Breaker is blue, no special anims.

I have seen no anims on 2h axes yet, commonly used 1h axes have nice fire.

With swords, the Twilight 2h Sword (lv 38-46 usable) and Golden Alloy 2h (high end) have cool flames and a lot of 1h burn.

Sword Styles are indeed very good and IMHO better than Axe or Hammer Styles, but as there is no 100% qua otd, sword users are somewhat gimped. And then, you are slasher and suffer huge malus against chain and some malus gainst plate.


there are 3 main top end spears , and spears have a choice of max bonus with level 34 anytime style which takes about 20% end, or Taunt which takes 5-10% and give a bit less.

the 3 top spears are:
-spectral impaler, 5.7 spd, 16.1, 90%, no proc
-wyvern spear or light, 4.9 spd, 16.2, 91%, proc
-glimmer geist spear, 3.5 spd, 16.2, 91%, proc

I just got the wyvern spear and my max dmg is down by about 70, so im not hitting as hard per shot, but i think the proc and +2 spear over impaler make it worth it.

no top end spears have an effect :(:(:(

but the nicest effects in 2H weaps in hib are with swords. the azure avenger has a very cool blue fire effect, and the Shadow Crystal Great Sword has pink fire on black sword.

there is also a 2H hammer which has fire on the end and looks cool. Glimmer spirit great wrath hammer or sth

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