Just a warning, MSBlast might be back again



cleaning msblast and _NOT_ patching the server = daft

every kid can write a new exploit for the rpc hole


Microsoft has classed this VERY high :-


It uses a variation of the flaw MSBlast exploited, there is already one virus in the wild that uses these new flaws, so I would strongly advise all people without a firewall to upgrade (even those with)

We patched all our servers here at work yesterday which had some downtime for the users, maybe a little to paranoid ? but we'll see in a few days.


Biggest mistake I have seen ppl make (much to my loverly profit) is not to turn off the System Restore and rebooting before applying the fixes.

For all those of you who dont know how to, right click on "My Computer", then click the "System restore"Tab, then check the "Turn off System Restore" radio button. Apply this and reboot your PC and apply the fix from someone like Sophos.com or Symantec.

Then goto Microshat and get the patch.

If you want once youre system is clean, turn the system restore back on.

Ive been having a great time this week charging £30 a time to get rid of ppls MSBlast :)

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