just a little 1 for old times sake



ok theres a lot of shit on the boards from mids n hibs about necros + los bug.

but i thought id raise the issues presented by these realms new classes (thats whine to you, dook/xtro/pudzy)

first off ill say in advance

i g0t teh pWned !!!

ok lets begin...

Bonedancers, healing pets... jeezus christ they cast while they run they heal for shitloads more than they should theres 2-3 of em !

wtf can you do.

you attack a bonedancer break his bt, get 1 hit in hes at full health again,
you hit again, oh he insta tapped me for 200 dmg now hes smacking me with his staff

and while this is going on and hes spamming his 1 button and his pets r healing him you have a blue con skeletor styling on you with a 2h hammer.

Bonedancers working as intended.

Savages, they sprint over to the nearest caster, hammer off all those fancy insta buffs and bang the casters dead then bang another casters dead

/g wtf he hit me 8 times in a second

Savages working as intended.

Animists talk about necro los abuse i port into a keep to meet 100 mushrooms casting root debuff nukes etc hammering every1 for 2 minutes. you cant possibly kill them all <shrug>
you die los abuse no1 says a word

Animists working as intended.

Fortunatly i have been spared the emberassment of being owned by a tree wrapped in cloth swinging a scythe, who knows maybe there plate absorb buff and insta lifetaps will lead to them winning
<shrugs again>

Valewalkers working as intended.

Necros, necros have powertaps in open rvr there insta gibbed the only time they can be of much use (apart from that nice abs buff) is when they get in a keep and abuse a bug that hibs have been abusing since the begining of this game

Necromancers not working as intended, nerf coming soon.

Reavers, ok so they may be shadowblade proof but aside from that what do they have ?
an insta lifetap ! excellent only.... 30 sec recast unlike bonedancers 4 sec recast and it returns nowhere near as much health as the overpowered mystics.
Surge, the surge line is very very nice but 30 seconds of effective dmg every 3 minutes is nowhere near as big a boost as the other classes.

i hope somebody can reply constructivly and maybe for once we can have a decent discussion on these boards
without the mid life crisis forum trolls screaming there buzz words



i like stafford, he makes me laugh \o/

(i agree with a lot of that, but i wont go into any details)


Bonedancers - A guide to killing

1) Put disease on your first weapon.
2) PA the bone commander.
3) Put disease on your 2nd weapon.
4) Put disease on your off-hand weapon.
5) Get the lead pet down asap.
6) Have snare on another weapon, as the BD likes to run at this point.
7) Kill the %$^*er.
8) Put disease on his corpse just to make sure.
9) Jump up and down on it too.


That's a little complicated don't you think?

I can just about cope with spamming the dd/debuff then nuke button, lol :/


Stafford....Valewalker dont have insta lifetap :rolleyes:

3 sec castable one,only insta they get is weak dot and haste buff


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Bonedancers - A guide to killing

1) Put disease on your first weapon.
2) PA the bone commander.
3) Put disease on your 2nd weapon.
4) Put disease on your off-hand weapon.
5) Get the lead pet down asap.
6) Have snare on another weapon, as the BD likes to run at this point.
7) Kill the %$^*er.
8) Put disease on his corpse just to make sure.
9) Jump up and down on it too.

OMG someones coming up with tactics to take out BDs - i think the worlds going to end.

Can I just point out you seem to have the procedure completely wrong - common knowledge dictates it goes like this:-

1) Stealth
2) /stick BD
3) PA BD
4) Die
5) Whine on BW forums


Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by dozigden
OMG someones coming up with tactics to take out BDs - i think the worlds going to end.

Can I just point out you seem to have the procedure completely wrong - common knowledge dictates it goes like this:-

1) Stealth
2) /stick BD
3) PA BD
4) Die
5) Whine on BW forums


lmao :clap:


as a thane gimp everybody is better than me so nerf you all i say :)

end of the day some classes is stronger than others , about the only thing that every really upset me was the necro farming that went on in mid frontier by the necros from inside our keeps . they stop me spamming my hammers on the retake gawd dam it :p

change will come to all classes over time it always does !!


Originally posted by dozigden
OMG someones coming up with tactics to take out BDs - i think the worlds going to end.

Can I just point out you seem to have the procedure completely wrong - common knowledge dictates it goes like this:-

1) Stealth
2) /stick BD
3) PA BD
4) Die
5) Whine on BW forums


i just 1 shot all bonedancers in bg, apart from troll 1s and buffed to the bollocks skill-less monkeys :p


spam disolve skeleton spell while your pets heal you
keep spamming
go on just 30000 more presses
you can do it go on
finger getting tired ?
play a skillfull class
enemy dies
YAY another 900 meaningless realm points


He's almost as funny as Hemulen. Almost. :)

Hemu rox. :)

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