Well it's been about 20 minutes since Planetside crashed due to it's inability to run alongside FlashFTP and Photoshop, been to make a bacon, sausage & egg butty and now feel charged enough to tell you all the short tale of Jups catlike flying skills.
9 in the group, more outfitters online and Akua just taken again (no idea of the name really oO), Hiro is the next on the list and we see the lovely, immortal words "All in GAL for drop at Hiro" spoken no less by the squad leader at the time, Pointblanc.
Jup had been asking me a few times that night if i'd wanted a lift to various places in the new found Galaxy he was sporting, "nonoonnoononono, nonoonno, evil, leave me alone, nonono, i'll walk etc" crossed my mind, but being the nice puppy I politely declined with a nice "I'd rather die of exhaustion" (this isn't strictly true but sometimes, just sometimes it would probably be safer to wade through a crocodile infested swamp ).
So anyway, there we were having just captured Akua, all primed and ready to fly into Hito and hotdrop like the heroes of D-Day 60 years ago, to emulate their magnificant achievement and to generally beat the living shit out of an TR we found, all piling to the east entrance like lepers trying to do the 100 metre dash...fast at first then something dropped off and it became a crawl, Jup had made a succesful landing from what I gather, only a single "You've not landed properly" was uttered, but that didn't worry me, it's bloody hard enough as it is trying to land a Galaxy airbus at all in the bloody bases, or outside them with all the trees, you'd have thought we were in Hibernia with all this crap about. Nonetheless most were able to jump into the airbus witout much trouble and so it was opened to the empire to allow the non-squadded outfitters to chance to jump in.
- Ever see a skip placed outside someones house so they could get rid of all the rubbish lying in their attic?
- Ever notice how it mystically gets full before they've actually put anything in?
This in my very humble opinion is the real life equivalent of opening a Galaxy to the empire, people just start leaping in expecting a lift to the nearest hotspots, Jup was having a ball like a child in a fairground playing Mash the Mole, booting everyone out of the airbus only for the cheeky buggers to jump back in.
Having just re-certed from the wraith like...erm, Wraith into a Mosquito, there was no need for me to join the ranks of lemmings leaping off the cliff, i mean ehm, into the Galaxy. Sooooooo, doing the humming bird and hovering above, I pointed the beak at the parked airbus to watch it take off, which it was about to.
So to cut this increasingly long and boring story short, as Jup lifted off to go forth and kill (us ) the tail of the Galazy hit the archway of the base and flipped slightly, like so
Then it went into full 'on arse' mode
It then blew up
and left the poor occupants rolling around on the floor laughing really quite hard.
Moral of the Story, be afraid of Jup piloting a Gal, or anythign that doesn't have a child-lock on it
ps, This was started when the event happened, then I decided to go get something to eat, which is the twenty minutes later part, then um, started playing Civ3 until 5am, didn't actually notice the time and couldn't finish this before now
9 in the group, more outfitters online and Akua just taken again (no idea of the name really oO), Hiro is the next on the list and we see the lovely, immortal words "All in GAL for drop at Hiro" spoken no less by the squad leader at the time, Pointblanc.
Jup had been asking me a few times that night if i'd wanted a lift to various places in the new found Galaxy he was sporting, "nonoonnoononono, nonoonno, evil, leave me alone, nonono, i'll walk etc" crossed my mind, but being the nice puppy I politely declined with a nice "I'd rather die of exhaustion" (this isn't strictly true but sometimes, just sometimes it would probably be safer to wade through a crocodile infested swamp ).
So anyway, there we were having just captured Akua, all primed and ready to fly into Hito and hotdrop like the heroes of D-Day 60 years ago, to emulate their magnificant achievement and to generally beat the living shit out of an TR we found, all piling to the east entrance like lepers trying to do the 100 metre dash...fast at first then something dropped off and it became a crawl, Jup had made a succesful landing from what I gather, only a single "You've not landed properly" was uttered, but that didn't worry me, it's bloody hard enough as it is trying to land a Galaxy airbus at all in the bloody bases, or outside them with all the trees, you'd have thought we were in Hibernia with all this crap about. Nonetheless most were able to jump into the airbus witout much trouble and so it was opened to the empire to allow the non-squadded outfitters to chance to jump in.
- Ever see a skip placed outside someones house so they could get rid of all the rubbish lying in their attic?
- Ever notice how it mystically gets full before they've actually put anything in?
This in my very humble opinion is the real life equivalent of opening a Galaxy to the empire, people just start leaping in expecting a lift to the nearest hotspots, Jup was having a ball like a child in a fairground playing Mash the Mole, booting everyone out of the airbus only for the cheeky buggers to jump back in.
Having just re-certed from the wraith like...erm, Wraith into a Mosquito, there was no need for me to join the ranks of lemmings leaping off the cliff, i mean ehm, into the Galaxy. Sooooooo, doing the humming bird and hovering above, I pointed the beak at the parked airbus to watch it take off, which it was about to.
So to cut this increasingly long and boring story short, as Jup lifted off to go forth and kill (us ) the tail of the Galazy hit the archway of the base and flipped slightly, like so
Then it went into full 'on arse' mode
It then blew up
and left the poor occupants rolling around on the floor laughing really quite hard.
Moral of the Story, be afraid of Jup piloting a Gal, or anythign that doesn't have a child-lock on it
ps, This was started when the event happened, then I decided to go get something to eat, which is the twenty minutes later part, then um, started playing Civ3 until 5am, didn't actually notice the time and couldn't finish this before now