junglemap + predator skin




was playing at the server this morning wadada :)
will have to get that skin again i lost it during the format :O(
be really nice to play on BW i hope soon,my poor machine
is going crackers acting as a server!hehe:O)
that game theatre is really good both EF and Jedi sound
lovely on it.
speak to you later mate right

Disco PhoolCat

Hey M80's!

Good to see you last night, Legs/Kirks, but you left before I got chance to say that although you're right, ppl probably see Jungle as more of a holiday destination than a frag arena, that doesn't make it useless for fragging - far from it! I think that once the novelty has worn a little, ppl will settle down for some great flagfragfests.

This map has lots to offer a serious ctfer, multiple routes home; sniper hides(hidehi, campers!); huge pits of lava; etc etc; PLUS it's a huge break from the normal "Federation Outpost" under a lowering Forge sky. If you want to talk about being true to the ST:V universe then this is just the kind of thing the crew of Voyager would have been using the Holodeck for, not to mention Tuvok could have trained the Hazard Team in Jungle Warfare here.

The addition of the club gives an ideal space for those of us who fancy a chill-out for a bit, away from the hurly-burly etc.

Please don't give up! Or at least don't bin mapping just because of this, you have a unique talent for the unique & it'd be a shame for us all to not benifit from it vicariously.

As you young people say these days, j00 0wN! j00 r0x0rs! j00 l33t g0dZ!!!!!!!!1111111221¦¦¬

PS Sorry Wada, that crate of rum didn't last very long, it nearly made it all the way into the club storeroom, but not quite...

Aparently the Barman has now Barred me...:(


thanks disco

hi disco well ive just recovered,my beloved computer is on its last legs!,so the guy who made this one for me is going to give me
quite a good deal on this
before Eliteforce came out i had never mapped for anything
never even used anytype of software EF is one of the best
multiplayer games ive ever used,when i started mapping
i remeber telling the guys at (NAZ)i didnt want to make maps
that just involded a slab of textures running back n forth.
i told wadada the other days theres still so much i dont know about mapping i think ive d/l nearly everything tutotial i can find now and am learning about everything i can,
ive been working on this bajoran city map since coming home again from london i will be finishing this one,please dont get me wrong critism i can take and do want cos i know my maps are not perfect and i would be an arrogant sod if i thought that.
its just when you get some smart arses really going for you're throat it does really make you :(
what i have thought of doing this bajoran map im doing now i already twice the size of junlge,heheh kai wyns office is huge!!!:O)but ive thought of making a special "CTF" area of the map soley for CTF games,i would love feedback on that idea.
but thank you i really am glad you like the map
now anyone want to give last rites to my poor machine!!hehehe

Disco PhoolCat

Old crates never die...

They just get ASSIMILATED by the new ones!

RIP out the HD & slap it in the new one, or network it up after scrubbing it down... oh the posibilities! I'm sure there's a site out on the web somewhere... 101 uses for a dead lump dot com?

Disco PhoolCat

Have to say I'm more that just a "lil" disappointed, m8...

Please can we have jungle on BW (7) rotation NOW?


I have requested it. But the server admins have been very busy lately.


can u read my threads and try and request some of that?

EF can be supported more better by BW than it is now, and we count on u! :)


im way ahead of you, expect some big changes in the next few weeks.


starman, u DA MAN !!!

(eveyrthing will be taken back unless u prove to be right :D)

thx m8 for at least tryin :p


Hello peeps

I have to say this map you 2 made is sound as fuck, I hope some bw servers get it up at some point.

Jigga Jigga

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